Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 568: Pharmaceutical research and development

   Chapter 568 Drug Development

   Makeup and maintenance are the matter of Ito Zhentong and Zheng Qin, not Xu Guangling.

  Xu Guangling is to lead the way, to be a lead, to do a needle threading and attracting money. Of course, the most important raw materials also depend on him, but this is negligible. In general, after two days, this matter has basically nothing to do with him.

  Xu Guangling was researching medicine and made some revisions to the original plan.

   Xu Guangling's original plan was to develop corresponding medicines for the "third and ninth levels" at the front end of the road to the great master.

  Although he can no longer use it, the two old people can use it.

   And, more importantly, based on this level of drug research, build the entire drug system bit by bit, and then move from the basics to the high-end, truly to the realm of "pharmacists".

But some time ago, after a conversation with the boss at Sangxia, after learning some of the teacher's past and the ambition in the teacher's heart, Xu Guangling adjusted the original plan quickly or on the spot. Guy finalized the cooperation on traditional Chinese medicine.

   And dandelion was selected by him as the first medicinal material for research and research.

  Why choose this herb?

The reason    is actually very simple, but what I really want to say is more complicated, because it is due to more than one aspect.

   The first consideration is actually related to artemisinin.

  If Ms. Tu Youyou won China's first Nobel Prize in medicine for this, few people in China might have heard of artemisinin, and even if they did occasionally, they regarded it as a very rare thing.

   But it is, in fact, not uncommon.

   "You yo deer, eat the wormwood of the wild." This is a sentence in the Book of Songs. From this sentence, we can know that as early as the Spring and Autumn Period, things like "Artemisia" entered the vision of the ancestors.

   "Laughing in the sky and going out, how can I be a Penghao people?" This sentence is much more famous than the previous sentence, a sentence of Li Taibai in the Tang Dynasty.

   In terms of medicinal use, China's first pharmacopoeia, "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", has recorded it in it, "Artemisia annua, bitter and cold in taste, is mainly responsible for scabies, scabs and itching, malignant wounds, and insecticides."

   But even if there are many medical books in later generations, for ordinary people, this thing is still a bit biased.


   For one reason, in the domestic environment, there are not many opportunities to use this herb.

   So why did artemisinin win the Nobel Prize? Because it is widely used in Africa, saving millions of lives.

   "Great use".

   This is probably the greatest wish of the great doctor.

  Cure one or two cases of strange diseases, even cancer, for ordinary doctors, you can blow it for a lifetime, and even treat it directly as something to eat. But to someone like Mr. Zhang, it means nothing.

   At present, Xu Guangling knows two things about the teacher:

   First, he has cultivated five disciples and five academician-level disciples.

Regardless of their respective positions, just look at this point and you can know that although Mr. Zhang retired early, his department still plays a considerable role in the country, or in other words, occupies with a significant weight.

  Second, I also learned from the boss that when Chinese medicine was in a state of peril, the old man used his own strength to build the best shelter for Chinese medicine.

  What is the rise of Chinese medicine?

   Rely on people?

   Relying on a lot of Chinese medicine practitioners?

   Not really.

   Those who understand the operation of the system will know that it depends on the system.

   A piece of paper is prosperous, and a piece of paper is wasted. If the system does not support it, no matter how many Chinese medicine practitioners, they will be scattered, displaced, and then scattered, and then 20 to 30 years later, after the older generation is gone, Chinese medicine will completely become history.

  On the basis of this, Xu Guangling can say, and without the slightest reputation, that the teacher can be worthy of the evaluation of "great doctor".

   Well, regardless of his medical skills.

   He doesn't even know how to heal at all!

   After knowing the ambition in the teacher's heart, Xu Guangling no longer revolved around the two cores of "Ying" and "Qing", but completely focused his attention on ordinary people.

   For ordinary people, what is the most common disease?

   is a cold.

  Think about teachers from teachers. For teachers, what is the biggest problem in terms of physical health?

   is a respiratory disease.

   Including colds, including sore throat, including tracheobronchitis, asthma, including pneumonia and lung cancer.

As the urban pollution in major and medium-sized cities in China is getting heavier and heavier, diseases of the respiratory system are gradually affecting almost all people, ranging from the lightest cold to the most serious lung cancer. are getting higher and higher.

   So Xu Guangling didn't think much about it, so he set his sights on this.

   Medicine for illness.

  The scope of the disease is locked, so what about the medicine?

  This medicine must meet two points. The first point is that it should target the respiratory system. Well, this is nonsense. The second point is that this medicine must be very common or easy to cultivate.

  Only common can it be provided in large quantities; only common can it be promoted.

   Combining these two points, dandelion came into Xu Guangling's field of vision.

   So in the first step, Xu Guangling planted dandelions at the foot of the mountain, east, west, north, south, and four sides of the mountain, and investigated the difference in medicinal properties under different growth environments, such as yin and yang.

   In the second step, Xu Guangling began to do research on dandelion.

   Xu Guangling already knew the medicinal properties of dandelion. When he was in Changbai Mountain, it was one of the medicinal herbs he focused on observing and researching, but now all he has to do is to separate and extract it.

   This is difficult for ordinary medical researchers.

   Yes, it’s hard.

  Because the whole process is "blind man touching the elephant".

   For Xu Guangling, he did not need any liquid or gas chromatograph, nor any spectrophotometer. He himself was a comprehensive observation and analysis instrument, and it was a super-excellent one.

   Therefore, the pharmaceutical laboratory under construction at the foot of the mountain, after Mr. Zhang Lao’s explanation and listing, Xu Guangling made a big cut, and only gave a small list to the boss.

   There is only one kind of observation instrument, or it can be said that there are many kinds.

   microscopes, magnification microscopes of different magnifications, from the lowest one hundred times to five hundred times, one thousand times, two thousand times, three thousand times.

   Then there are commonly used extraction and separation instruments, such as rotary evaporators, vacuum freezers, etc. In addition, some commonly used extractants, distilled water, ethanol, etc.

   is commonly used.

  So, it only took about a week to build the laboratory, and then it took about a week to ventilate and dry, and after that, it only took one day, all kinds of equipment and items were all in place.

   Mr. Zhang accompanied Xu Guangling for half a day in the laboratory, teaching him the use of various instruments.

   After getting started, Xu Guangling immediately started various manipulation experiments on dandelion.

Through Shennong's tactic, through the tactic of simple women's concentricity, and through the physical perception of the great master level, Xu Guangling already had a very in-depth understanding of all aspects of dandelion, and at this time, what he did was only based on a comprehensive understanding. Just separate its individual units.


   does not exist, 0%.

   One day is used to do separation experiments; three days are used to do proportioning experiments, between the components of pure dandelion, and between dandelion and several other herbs.

   A week later, Xu Guangling took out four kinds of medicines.

  Dandelion No. 1 medicine, for colds.

  Dandelion No. 2, for chronic rhinitis and pharyngitis.

   Dandelion No. 3, for chronic trachea and bronchitis.

  Dandelion No. 4 medicine is aimed at the conditioning of the entire respiratory tract and lung system. This medicine is divided into two types, one light and one heavy, light for routine care, and heavy for adjuvant treatment of diseases.

   After the four kinds of medicines were handed over to the boss, the boss entered the routine drug properties, toxicity measurement, etc., as well as clinical experiments.

   All follow-ups are high-speed passages.

   It does not mean that which process has not been taken, but that all redundant links have been saved.

  Under the barrier-free green light all the way and the high efficiency of the red light all the way, Ito Mayu and Zheng Qin’s cosmetic care products were still under research, and the four medicinals of Dandelion had already been introduced to the market.


  Thanks for the support of the recommendation ticket of "Kid Real Cow".

  Thanks to the monthly ticket of "Yun Yu Xue" for joining us.

   (end of this chapter)