Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 637: last step

   Chapter 637 The Last Step

   For a great master, consciousness has no dust.

   Even what happened ten years ago is as if it just happened. There is no difference between the two.

And when Xu Guangling's consciousness materialized in a small world, from illusory to some kind of "real", since the beginning of his birth, all the bits and pieces that happened were clearly manifested in the world of consciousness without a trace. .

   There is no more "don't remember", no more "forgetting", and no more "negligence".

Looking back on the past ten years, it was like really stepping back in time. He and his parents lived the life of a family of three again. His parents' voices and smiles were the same as before, but he lost all the heights that belonged to the great master, and returned to being a teenager and returning to that place. Confused and naive.

   helped my father catch a pen instead of a knife, and wrote an essay. Although he tried to imitate it, his father shook his head and said, "No chicken legs tonight."

   helped my mother to compose music, and my mother shook her head after seeing it: "Xiaoling, do you want to compose two more songs? I will choose the best one from the three!"

   A girl called. After he answered, his parents smiled mysteriously, and he seemed calm but actually returned to the bedroom excitedly. He did not have a separate study, and the desk in the bedroom was where he learned to read.

  If nothing happened later, would he and that girl get together?

   Maybe, maybe not.

   But there are always possibilities.

   At that time, he was the No. 1 in the school, and she was No. 2 in the whole class. She was also the No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in the whole school, rarely falling out of the top ten. They are the deputy in many activities of the class and school.

   He also taught her dance.

   She is good at learning, but she is completely clueless in this regard.

   After teaching for the first time, his palms were sweating, and her forehead was sweating.

   Then they both laughed.


   Looking back on the past, this is a kind of happiness and also a kind of sadness for Xu Guangling.

   But sadness is much more, and gradually happiness begins to occupy more weight. Today, he can look back in such a way, which in itself is a kind of happiness, even those sorrows are also happiness.

   If he is not happy, he is just sinking.

  If he is not happy, he doesn't remember much, but only remembers the breakpoint at a certain moment.

   Then, as time goes on, time will spread forward, or one day, only scars will be left, and the cause of the scars will gradually be annihilated in the dusty memory, becoming a taboo, and will no longer be remembered.

   That is helplessness, that is real sadness.

   And now, to keep the past in such a way, what is not happiness?

  Xu Guangling's world of consciousness, the place he could enter was like a dream, and the whole was a lake.

   At the center of the lake is an island.

   The vegetation on this small island, including the soil, sand and gravel that make up the island itself, is his "great master" field. All the contents of consciousness about the Great Master, directly, are gathered here.

   In addition to this, the second and third islands separated by Xu Guangling are twin islands far from the center.

   Those two small islands side by side together carry the days before he embarked on the road of the great master, one carrying happiness and joy, the other carrying loneliness and sadness.

   And after that, Xu Guangling made the final reorganization of all the contents of consciousness.


   This is the first sub-core in a subordinate position outside of the Grandmaster's core.

  Life came to this world in a way of crying, and after that, the most crying time was asking for food.

   When you are hungry, you cry.

When    was young, he sought food from his parents, and when he grew up, he sought food in society.

   Regardless of age or status, it can be said that everyone, everyone, faces this problem every day.


   Because this is the foundation of the existence and continuation of life.

Then, from the basic diet, to the feast of feasting and drinking, and then to the food that is rich in nature and humanities, this series is combined to form a very important one in each person's life and even the entire human civilization. part.

   This is worldly food.

   And the food of a great master starts from the mundane first, and then, first, seeks enrichment, secondly seeks clarity, thirdly seeks...spirit?

   is very basic, but also very high-end.

   is the road of the great master, a very important support.


   This is the second sub-core besides the main core of "Grand Master" and the first sub-core of "Food".

  Medical Tao was included in this core by Xu Guangling.

  What is the way of medicine?

Taking Xu Guangling's learning from his teacher, acupuncture and medicine, acupuncture is the study of the human body, and medicine is the study of plants (natural creations). .


  Analyze the human body, analyze everything in nature, and even analyze the evolution of the human world.

   Applying the results of analysis to the way of the great master is the source of infinite development of this way. If you deviate from this purpose, the so-called Great Master's way will one day become water without a source and a tree without roots.


   The content of consciousness and the third sub-core of consciousness operation and interpretation.

  What is beauty?

  Beauty is to rely on direct perception and feeling to reach it from the time when the rational, logical, and research methods cannot reach the truth. This is a kind of innate skill or supernatural power that creatures endow with life.

  As beautiful as crops.

   is really the fruit of this crop.

   Plant crops, cultivate them carefully like an old farmer, and wait for the harvest.




   even includes that cosmetics, the study of "scent" that extends from cosmetics.

   and so on, all of which were included in this core by Xu Guangling.


   When you enter the township, follow the customs.

   In front of the two old men, he was a disciple with respect, obedience, mischief, and a little bit of a rogue.

   In front of the boss, he is a collaborator of equal position who is dignified and easygoing at the same time.

   in front of Zheng Qin.

   In front of Ito Masato and Ito Masari.

   In front of Master Dasha Jia.

   In front of Mr. Zhou, Mrs. Zhou, and Zhou Lanlan.

   In front of Mr. Xu’s station master Tan Laolin and others.


  Xu Guangling changed his identity and changed his image, but all these changes were him, and many aspects of his authenticity. These sides come together to make him.

   In the face of this world, how to deal with people, things and things?

   is just one word.


   If you live in the mountains, you will cut down your trees; if you live in the water, you will get your fish; if you live with a teacher, you will be respectful; if you live with friends, you will be faithful.

   With the word "and", it connects me with others, and with the world.

   "and" is also the fourth core of the content of consciousness.

   "Great Master".

   "food", "truth", "beauty", "harmony".

   So far, all the contents of Xu Guangling's consciousness have been extracted cleanly, and nothing is left out.

   And his consciousness construction, so far, is completely complete.

  From now on, all his thoughts, behaviors, and all the knowledge that entered him from the outside world, etc., should be deduced around this big four core.

   Just after Xu Guangling established the last core of consciousness, in the world of consciousness, the wind rose and the clouds surged.


  Thanks to "Hate Peanuts" for the recommendation ticket support.

  Thanks for the monthly ticket of "Coke and".

   (end of this chapter)