Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 663: life and death, Shinto

   Chapter 663 Life and Death, Shinto

   saw the death of two old people.

  First, Xu Guangling only saw the scene after his death.

Second, Xu Guangling witnessed the process from birth to death, and saw the halo of his life, from bleak to shattered, and then, at the moment of shattering, "returning light and shining back", just like the sun is about to set before it sets. At the same time, Xia Can spreads over Xishan.

   However, this last splendor will eventually dissipate, so only darkness remains.

   Pure darkness.

   This is also the final destination of all life?

  Thousands of years ago, believers piled up the "mani piles". This tradition has continued to this day. There are many wild ones, abandoned and ruined, but more are rising in settlements.

  The people engraved stones, one for you, one for me, and then thousands or even tens of millions of stones were piled together to form a pile of stones that gathered many beliefs or beliefs.

   If you don’t consider the solemnity or something, purely in terms of nature, it is similar to the “Wish Tree”, “Wish Pool”, “Wish Peak” and so on in many tourist attractions.

  Many young men and women go out to travel, write each other's names together, hang them on a tree, or get a concentric lock or something, and lock it on the mountain peak.

  Many, many tourists do this, so the slightly hotter attractions, as long as there are such facilities, are generally quite spectacular.

   is not purely young men and women, unmarried men and women, there are married people in their 30s and 40s, and there are those with children.

In the past, Xu Guangling had not yet set foot on this road. When he was wandering around, he once saw an elderly couple with silver hair. They looked very cultured and cultivated. They also learned the names of the two of them and hung them on the tree, then looked at each other and smiled.

   The old man smiled like a child.

   The old lady smiled shyly.

It seems that decades of reversal, decades of stumbling and stumbling, decades of experience and sophistication, and decades of old age were all erased at that moment. Back when they were originally, it may be the first. The first time we met, held hands for the first time?

   Therefore, from this point of view, whether it is a wishing tree or a mani heap, it is not a superstition, and for many people, it has not risen to belief.

   is a real "sustenance".

   Put some wishes, some yearnings, or simple thoughts in your heart on trees and stones.

  Whether it is a tree, a stone, or other things, the carrier is not important, these can be attributed to "nature", or "heaven".

  The world is too complicated, but the sustenance can be very simple.

  Many people live in a daze, or live day after day like firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, and tea, or they don’t live a noble life because of their hard work and intrigue.

   and so on.

   But these do not prevent them from making a wish at some point in their lifetime.

   Even if it’s just for fun, for fun.

   But when you make a wish, your mind and thoughts must be different from usual.

   Extract simplicity from complexity, beauty from ordinary, and those that are not yet despicable from filth.

that moment.

  There is nothing earth-shattering, nothing to sing about.

   But in terms of life itself, it is really worth remembering.

  Perhaps, when their lives really "return to the light", they may focus on that scene in their lives.

  Xu Guangling stood for a long time beside the crumbling mani heap and pondered for a long time.

   Maybe he just witnessed life and death. At this moment, after becoming a great master, Xu Guangling thought systematically about life and death for the first time.

   Look at life from Xu Guangling's current height.

   Every new life is born, as if a piece of wood was thrown on the boundless sea, and then corroded by the sea all the time, until the final disintegration. - and this is inevitable.

  This block of wood may also be hit by an accident, and it has disintegrated before it is corroded and disintegrated.

  Everything that has life must have consciousness.

   But the consciousness of the vast majority of people in the world is in the "life". They work hard to eat and live, work hard for the burden of life, work for fame or fortune, and they don't have a lot of spare time and spare thoughts to think about life itself.

   Of course, it is also possible, because it is useless to think about it. It is better to think about some real things.

   But what if, for some reason, consciousness is freed from the toils of life?

   Then this question inevitably settles in consciousness.

   Then, out of the instinct of life, it is possible to think, how can this wooden block not be corroded?

   Is there a mountain on this sea?

  If the wood blocks can come to the mountains from the boundless sea, maybe they will not be corroded. Although there may be other corrosion, the situation is definitely much better, ten times, one hundred times, one thousand times ten thousand times.

   And that, for ordinary life, is undoubtedly "immortal".

   So, "it is said that there are immortal mountains in the sea, and the mountains are in the misty space."

   Finding mountains at sea is a way.

   Another way is to search for mountains and alchemy at the same time. ——Even if the same is soaked in the sea and corroded by sea water, if the texture is different, the degree and speed of corrosion by sea water must be different, right?

   This is the "Tao".

   And since ancient times, Shinto has been combined.

  Where there is Tao, there must be God.

Qin Shihuang looked for mountains, and Ge Hong made alchemy. Many people who had neither the conditions to look for mountains nor alchemy, or those who did not know the concept of mountain alchemy but had thoughts or fears about life and death, hoped that there might be a great power to save them. Or redemption.

   All religions and religions have the most fundamental foothold here.

   can also be said to be based on life itself.

   Therefore, no matter how much the so-called "science" develops, as long as the problem of life, life and death is not broken and solved for one day, the religious religion will stand tall and unbreakable, or even if it is broken, it will definitely rise again as time changes.

   Li Liyuan on the grass, one year old and one flourishing. Wild fire, in spring.

   because they have "roots".

  The more prosperous the science and the more advanced the society, the less there will be room for religion and religion to survive?

   Not so.

   Not only that, but the exact opposite!

  The more prosperous the science and the more advanced the society will be, the higher the degree of human exploitation and utilization of natural resources will be, and the less pressure is required for survival and life, and then many people may have spare consciousness and time.

   Then learn.

   Then work and career.

   Then fall in love.

   Then have fun.

   In addition to these and so on, many, many people, because of the lack of consciousness and time, will "forced" to think about and come into contact with questions about life and life and death.

   So then...

  Religious Dachang.

   God taught Dachang.

   And the life activities and hot spots of attention in the whole society should also be completely different from today.

   Of course, at that time, most of the so-called religions and religions have also evolved and changed, and it is likely to be a different look from today.

   "In that lifetime, I turned mountains, waters and pagodas, not to cultivate in the next life, but to meet you on the way."

   At this moment, Xu Guangling remembered such a sentence in a poem.

  I really want to live for 10,000 years.

   is not for longevity.

   Just want to see what the real "prosperity" looks like.

   (This should be what I wrote, the scene of the third world experienced by the protagonist, please advertise in advance, please look forward to something, haha.)


  Thanks for the support of the recommendation ticket of "Chasing the Time".

  Thanks to "Dongjing Boss" for his monthly ticket.

   (end of this chapter)