Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 678: Pond Rain Dream

   Chapter 678 Pond Rain Dream

   It was a small pond, about the size of the small room she lived in.

  The water in the pond is very shallow, but not very clear, but because of the shallowness, the bottom of the pond can be clearly seen.

   At the bottom of the pond, some places are silt, and some places are scattered pebbles, like the banks of some tourist attractions, and some places, some water plants grow sparsely.

   That seems to be dogtail grass?

   swayed and swayed on the bottom of the pool, dragging the fluffy fringe like a puppy's tail.

   It's just weird, isn't the dog's tail grass growing on the ground? At least it is the shore, how can it be in the water.

   There are also grasses on the banks of this small pond. There are many kinds of grasses, all of which Shen Xin can't name but are common in the countryside or park roads. There seem to be a few mint plants in it? Just like the one she planted outside the window!

  Sometimes it rained on a sunny day.

   Light rain.


   A little bit of raindrops fell on the small pond, splashing a circle after a circle of ripples, and these ripples continued to spread, and soon, they became misty.

   Soon, the pond was invisible, and everything at the bottom of the pond and around the pond was also invisible.

   Only saw a misty drizzle, falling from above, making a little ticking sound.

   This is not heavy rain.

   It was just light rain, and it was very light.

   But Shen Xin felt very familiar and very reassured, more reassuring than the reassurance brought to her during the heavy rain.


   In her sleep, Shen Xin unknowingly "closed her eyes" and fell asleep peacefully in her sleep.

in reality.

  I don't know how long it will be.

   Shen Xin's eyelashes flickered, then woke up.

   Only then did she realize that when she was looking at the statue, she actually fell asleep beside the bed.

   Looking out the window again, the sky has darkened and the sun seems to have gone down. So, that's how she slept on her stomach all afternoon?

   Shen Xin stood up carefully.

  The reason for being careful is that she is afraid of numbness in her legs.

  Sometimes her legs would go numb after sitting for a while, and after lying on the bedside for so long with one leg bent and the other kneeling, her legs must be numb and sore!



   The situation was completely different from what Shen Xin had planned.

   When she stood up carefully, her legs, including her upper body, were not numb, sour, or astringent.

   But it’s not that I don’t feel anything.

   Just as she stood up, Shen Xin felt her scalp tighten slightly, like numbness but not numbness, and then, an obvious heat spread throughout her body from head to toe.

  Because of physiological reasons, girls feel more heat than boys, and it is much more obvious.

  Especially in winter.

   At this time, it was a kind of heat that Shen Xin had never felt in her life, warm, warm from her body to her belly and her heart.

   Yes, in the heart!

   Just when Shen Xin felt the warmth, another abnormality happened to her body.

   She was breathing.

   The instinct of the body, unconsciously.

   But at this time, with the breath, there is a circle of heat surrounded by circles, and concentrated towards the heart.

   Shen Xin knew where the heart of the human body was.

   But I only know a rough idea.

   At this time, it was not possible, she lowered her head slightly, she seemed to see the heart in her body, and at this time, the heart was beating quite violently.

   Anyway, it seems to be much faster than usual.

   In the past, I used to run in physical education class at school. No matter how hard I ran, my heart didn’t jump like this, and it didn’t bring this very obvious feeling.

   But, it’s not uncomfortable.

   There is no uncomfortable feeling at all.

   Not only that, in this violent beating of the heart, every few beats, it seemed that some "heat" was absorbed by it, and then, Shen Xin's feelings about it became clearer and clearer.

  Unconsciously, her heart beat faster and faster.

   On the contrary, her breathing became longer and longer, and later, only once or twice a minute.

  Just like that, standing beside the bed, Shen Xin inexplicably "falls asleep" again.

   When she woke up again, it was already dark.

   The sky in the southwest is relatively good compared to the country in general, and because of the heavy rain from last night to the early morning, the sky was washed a bit, so at this time, the starry sky was very clear.

   Right where Shen Xin was standing, through the window, she saw many stars twinkling in the sky.



  Like diamonds of different sizes.

   They convey brilliance, they convey depth, and they convey serenity at the same time.

  Inexplicably, Shen Xin even felt a smell called "Holy".

  Actually, the stars are always there, maybe you can’t see them at night, but here, you should be able to see them a lot of the time.

   But living here for half a year, Shen Xin has never seen it once!

   She never went out at night.

   She never looked out of the window at night. Early in the morning, before it was completely dark, she would draw the curtains, even the half-page glass window.

   From the door to the window, the small room is firmly "closed".

   In this way, she will feel at ease.

   Countless nights were spent like that.

   And this night, obviously different, completely different.

   Looking at the stars in the sky outside the window almost like intoxication, Shen Xin was simply moved. At this moment, the brilliance, depth and tranquility of the stars seemed to be passed on to her, and they shared with her, this vast and boundless starry sky.

   At some point, Shen Xin had already taken off her shoes, sat on the bed, leaned against the window, raised her head, and looked at the sky obsessively like a child.

   Looking at her, her eyebrows were flat, stretched, and even had some flying smell, as if they were "flowering".

   And the corners of her mouth twitched unconsciously, from stiff at the beginning, slowly to soft, and then slowly, a real smile rippled like ripples at the corners of her mouth.

   If Shen Xin looked in the mirror at this time, she would find that she was smiling shallowly, exactly like the statue she saw first!

   Take care of your own beauty!

   But let alone look in the mirror, she doesn't even know that she is smiling like this.

   Shen Xin only felt this moment, her mood was unusually relaxed, unusually peaceful, not only her mind, but her body as well.

   Just sit and watch.

  I don't know when, faint tiredness struck, and Shen Xin changed from sitting to lying.

She took off her coat, pulled the quilt, and carefully avoided the place where the statue was placed on the other half of the bed. Shen Xin leaned against the window, on the inner half of the bed, accompanied by the stars outside the window. In her own long and soothing breathing, she gradually fell asleep again.

   While sleeping, I do not know when, that small pond reappeared in my dream.

   The same silt, the same pebbles, the same grass on the bottom of the pool and the shore, and the same drizzle falling on it.

   But the water in that pool seemed to be a little clearer than the previous time.


  Thanks for the support of the recommendation ticket of "Starting Point Xunxian".

  Thanks to the monthly ticket of "Twilight Shinodao".

   (end of this chapter)