Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 700: future

   Chapter 700 Future

  Since Shen Xin was accepted as a disciple, one thing must be done.

   Dharma transmission.

   Before that, Shen Xin was just an ordinary person.

   In the past half month, everything she did was ordinary things, whether it was running ten kilometers in the morning or doing yoga exercises after that, all of them were ordinary things, and had nothing to do with cultivation or practice.

   Although in the eyes of ordinary people, there may be a little relationship.

   During this period of time, there was actually only one really unusual thing that happened to Shen Xin.

   That is to be in an environment where vitality and spiritual energy are extremely abundant, in a "little spiritual realm" environment specially created by Xu Guangling for her.

  Sleep, sleep on the spiritual wood bed, including the whole room is also full of spiritual flowers and spiritual grass.

   In the process of her sleep, from falling asleep to waking up, which belongs to the most "natural" time of her day, she is always slowly nourished and penetrated by aura.

   Eat, eat spiritual vegetables.

  Rice is not, including several staple foods, such as rice, which is very ordinary rice.

   is not impossible.

   That sentence, yes, but not necessary.

   Even most of the vegetables are not spirit vegetables, but ordinary vegetables with spirit vegetables.

   That's it, that's enough.

   Shen Xin's body, after all, is just that of an ordinary person. A small amount of spiritual vegetables is enough for her body to enjoy.

No matter how much   , it won't be too much, but it's not beautiful, but it's just a waste and unnecessary.

  Sleep and diet are the two most basic and most important factors that affect a person's body metabolism and operation!

   When he entered the room as a disciple, as a generation of medical masters, Mr. Zhang carefully explained this issue to Xu Guangling, and he seldom asked for extensive references, citing various ancient books and classics as evidence.

When    was recognized as a disciple by another old man, Mr. Chen, as a martial arts master of the generation, also discussed these two issues with Xu Guangling. Of course, the discussion at that time was that the old man talked a lot, and Xu Guangling listened a lot.

   And when he went up step by step, from ordinary people to entry, from entry to extraordinary, from extraordinary to grand master, after being promoted to grand master, Xu Guangling in turn communicated with the two old men on these two issues.

   is more than just communication.

  Xu Guangling used the ability of his own great master to create an extremely advantageous environment for the two old people in these two aspects, so that they could start from these two basic factors and progress to the third- and ninth-level journey.

   Xu Guangling did the same when he was training the little girl Shen Xin.

   First, it is really free and easy.

  The second is to let Shen Xin live in a spiritual environment in the state of a real "ordinary person" and watch his transformation.

The evolution of    fact confirmed the judgment and conjecture made by Xu Guangling at the level of the great master. ——The core of life is transformation.

  Existence is only the foundation of life, and transformation is the core of life.

  Extracting the material from the grassroots, for plants, it is sunlight, air, water, and soil, for humans, it includes plants and everything they need, plus everything else, including information, and then completes a higher level of transformation.

  The more advanced the grassroots provide, the more advanced and gorgeous the transformation will be.

   To put it bluntly, life contains infinite possibilities!

   As long as you give it more and better!

The history of human development is the history of the creation of the "substances at the grassroots level" that human beings need. Then, human beings take this as a step, from the body, to the heart, to the consciousness, gradually transforming to a higher place, moving towards an extremely open society. future.

   This is the big frame.

And on a small step of one of the systems in this big framework, Xu Guangling confirmed through Shen Xin's example that placing a person in a small spiritual realm, even if there is no need for any cultivation practice or exercises, the body will automatically operate , and after running to a certain point, break the barrier!

   Break through the mortal realm and go to the spiritual realm!

  For Xu Guangling, this is a theory that has been basically concluded before, but still lacks empirical evidence.

   Shen Xin's changes made him thoroughly consolidate this theory.

   This is of great significance to Xu Guangling's future. It can even be said that this theory can be used as one of the fundamental laws of "The Way of the Great Master"!

When    first started, two old men served as his teachers.

   But he quickly surpassed them.

   Then, Jian Tianjing acted as his guide, or teacher.

   As of now, the sky mirror is still more than enough to cover him.

   But as a great master, and having completed two-thirds of the three fundamental orifices, Xu Guangling is confident after all. ——No matter how many years in this life, but I will definitely get out of this sky.

   Out of the world of mirrors.

   The unknown unknown to the mirror of the sky.

  If you don’t have this confidence, then you are still called a great master?

   And after walking out, what should I do in the face of the dazed unknown?

   At that time, Xu Guangling can't expect to have two old men of that level to guide him as carefully as the two elders today, let alone another mirror.

   What will happen then?

   is actually very simple, he just depends on himself!

How to rely on   ?

   relies on this theory solidified by this moment. - Believe in yourself, believe in life.

   I give it the foundation and it will give me the future!

   I don't need a facilitator.

   I just need to push myself.

   At this moment, Jian Tianjing made a timely speech in Xu Guangling's domain of knowledge.


   It gives a big exclamation point.

   "What's wrong?"

   "I feel like you're going to abandon me".



   "Aren't you not life?"

   "Don't you have no emotions?"

   "It's not an emotion".

   "Oh, then you should lose slowly." Xu Guangling laughed.

  Under the cultivation of the great master Xu Guangling, Shen Xin, a young seedling, has actually undergone an almost earth-shaking change in the past half a month!

   In the eyes of those in the know, even using a “miracle” to describe it would not be an exaggeration.

   But of course, there is no insider.

  From beginning to end, Xu Guangling was the only creator and the only witness.

  The huge change was completed in a few waves, and that little wave was just that the change in Shen Xin's appearance and temperament was too obvious and huge, which attracted the attention of some women to varying degrees.

   If you use the "Physical Health Index", the system established by Xu Guangling a long time ago, Shen Xin's body index at the moment is 100+!

  + How much is not important.

  The important thing is this +!

  Because 100 is the theoretical highest index of this system, it is a height that even the healthiest baby just born cannot reach. Only theoretical babies can reach this data.

   And at this moment, Shen Xin broke through this data!

   This means that in the "third-level and ninth-level" grandmaster system established by Xu Guangling, she has already passed the first level without any cultivation certificate, and has been promoted to the second level.

   Before Xu Guangling intervened, a generation of medical masters, a generation of martial arts masters, the two old people could not reach the heights in their entire lives!


  Thanks for the support of the recommendation ticket of "Big Pharaoh".

  Thanks for the monthly ticket of "One Leaf Makes a Boat".

   (end of this chapter)