Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 706: The story of Dandelion

   Chapter 706 About Dandelion's Past

   For Master Mingkong, the previous experience was shocking.

   The effect of a single incense is enough for his one year of diligent cultivation, and even more!

   This is so shocking to him!

  If you can light this kind of incense every day when cleaning...

   What the result will be, Mage Mingkong can't even imagine.

   It's not that he lacks imagination.

   But the result was too beautiful for him to imagine.

   Heart is extremely hot.

   My heart quickly became calm again.

   In the mind of Master Mingkong, the transformation of the two emotions was only an instant.

   The incense of Chen Jushi was obviously obtained by accident, and through a short communication, it was also obvious that he obviously did not know the weight of this incense.

   But Mage Mingkong knows!

   As a practitioner.

   As a practitioner with a certain level of practice.

   In the time just now, he has already used his own experience to know the effect of this incense.

   And that effect can only be described by a word in the Buddhist scriptures.


   Before that, it was really impossible for him to believe that such a thing existed in the world.

   However, today, he saw it.


   My Buddha is merciful!


  Based on the principle of reciprocity in communication, Layman Chen took out the incense stick, and he took out the small tomato.

   This is actually not equal, the effect of fragrant is much more than that of small tomatoes. But the little tomato was already the best thing he could come up with.

   And his small tomatoes were also obtained by accident.

   Even before experiencing the incense, he also used the word "incredible" to evaluate the little tomato.

   And when these two incredibles merged together, the inexplicable familiarity that Mage Mingkong had in his heart suddenly magnified.

   is like a flash of lightning.

   These two…

  Could it be, could it be... Could it be from the same place?

   This guess is not groundless, nor is it that Master Mingkong is talking nonsense with his eyes open and making a blind judgment.


  The first reason is that the scents of the two have something strange in common that is difficult to describe in words.

  The second reason is that Master Mingkong has passed his sixtieth year, so he did not come here for nothing, and his experience is quite rich.

   At least, much richer than most.

   The descendants of Theravada School of Buddhism have a saying of "Three Ones", which means "one classics, two meditation, and three walking."

   Familiar with the classics, and know the sutras, laws and theories of the Theravada school well.

   Purity practice, in fact, this branch of his practice is of course the four meditations and eight meditations, but the four meditations and eight meditations are the big framework of Buddhist practice. To be honest, this branch has its own order.

   Every time you achieve a stage, you must end the retreat and walk once.

  This "walking" is actually a broad sense. It means to hold the temple and care about all aspects of the courtyard. It is walking. It is walking.

  From the time when he was a little novice to being accepted as a disciple by his teacher, for almost half a century, Master Mingkong strictly abides by the Trinity Law.

  To this day, his achievements, his vision, are no longer comparable to ordinary people, so much so that they are not comparable to ordinary practitioners.

   He has also seen many things that assist his practice.

   Not to mention other things, just say the incense sticks, the incense sticks he made by himself are going this way.

   It's not that Venerable Master Mingkong is boasting. Of course, he can't boast to anyone that the incense he makes really has the effect of purifying the mind and purifying the mind.


   Something like a small tomato completely shattered his previous imagination.

   That simply turned out!

   is useless.

  No reason.

  Like a mountain, it suddenly rises from the ground and reaches the sky, but let alone other surrounding mountains, even the base of this mountain cannot be found!

   This is another incredible thing.

   Master Mingkong has a wide range of contacts, many of whom are true cultivators, and similarly, there are also various people who are quite energetic in the secular world.

   But with both, Master Mingkong couldn't find where the little tomato came from, not even a single one! Later, he simply stopped looking for it, and only concentrated on climbing on the dandelion.

   According to him and some other true cultivators, if the other party really wants to do something, Dandelion is probably the only way to communicate.

   And since the other party erected the dandelion with great fanfare, it must be sooner or later, there must be a move!

   Otherwise, why bother?

   is like his own identity. When the teacher went west, all the world could know was that he was the abbot of Mingde Temple, and no one knew about his branch. In the future, if there is no accident, only his disciples will know.

How can    be preached?

   What is the reason to promote it?

   And behind the little tomato, behind the dandelion, the level of the other party is not that Mage Mingkong is belittling himself, but it is actually much higher than him.

   At such a level, if you don’t want to do something in this world, how could dandelion come out!

Among the benefits, dandelion tea, mulberry leaf tea, small tomato, and lotus leaf tea, in the eyes of Master Mingkong and some fellow practitioners, they are more like the age of the end of the Dharma. Some people" prepared the advance ladder.

  Dandelion Certification System.

  Level 0, Level 1 to Level 3, without any benefits.

   Level 4, dandelion tea, mulberry leaf tea, and small tomato appeared.

   Level 5, lotus leaf tea appeared.

   But Venerable Mingkong only tasted lotus leaf tea, and the only time was with a fellow practitioner who had a good relationship.

  Although he had also been exposed to some herbs and knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine because of making incense, but he did not specialize in this.

   So even if I re-directed my studies after knowing Dandelion, and worked hard all the way, I can only pass the third and fourth grades, and I can't pass it for the time being.

   The small amount of dandelion tea and small tomatoes he had on hand were distributed to him by fellow practitioners.

   Level 6, what benefits will there be?

   So far, among all his relationships, the one who has climbed the highest in the Dandelion certification system is that fellow practitioner, level 5, and there is no second place.

   And that fellow practitioner was also stuck at level 5.

   Levels 1 to 3 are beginners.

   Levels 4 to 6 are useful.

   In other words, at the level of “use”, benefits appear.

   So, what are the benefits of being at the "Proficient" level from Level 7 to Level 9?

   If the incense that Layman Chen brought before came from the same place, then, could it be a level 6 benefit, or a level 7 or above?

   However, above level 7 seems unlikely.

   Level 4 or above can join the "Dandelion Chinese Medicine Association". This is what Master Mingkong wants to achieve in the next stage. According to the fellow practitioners who have joined it, so far, it seems that there is no one above level 7.

   is the sixth level, and it is only known to exist, but never seen.

   "Lord Chen, have you heard of... Dandelion?"

  's mind was floating, and Master Mingkong also spoke slowly and said to Father Chen.


  Thanks for the support of the recommendation ticket of "Ming Mingzhong".

  Thanks to "3424642" for the monthly ticket.

   (end of this chapter)