Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 726: Squeeze your heart

   Chapter 726

  My parents have never traveled in their entire lives.

   That is, when he entered the university, he was really worried to see his father alone, and he sent him to school from home all the way.

   Then he returned in a hurry, not to mention traveling, not even staying at the school for one night.

At this moment, standing in this "Seven-Rank Scenic Spot" that many people yearn for and even dream of, for a while, Wang Feng did not think about the "Six-Rank Scenic Spot" in the post, but confronted the "Six-Rank Scenic Spot" in the comments. Member of Dandelion", fell into a deeper silence.

   Dandelion cold medicine.

   For colds, as well as the entire lung and respiratory tract, dandelion can launch such a magic medicine.

   So, for arthritis…

  Wang Feng also knew that he was thinking blindly.

   Judging from the situation, Dandelion specializes in the study of the respiratory tract, not to mention whether it has any other research on diseases. In terms of stepping back 10,000 steps, even if it does, what does it have to do with him?

  If he is a powerful man, and he is very energetic, he can sprinkle a lot of money and let Dandelion free some researchers to specialize in human senile arthritis.

   But is he?

He is not.

   Forget about the big ones, not even the small ones.

   After thinking for a while, Wang Feng hesitated for a while, then opened his friend list and sent an in-site letter to "Purple Eyed Cat".

   If I remember correctly, she seems to be a Dandelion member too?

  Wang Feng wants to know more about Dandelion.

  There has been a lot of discussion about dandelion on the Internet in recent years, but most of it is actually about the cold medicine and some changes in medicine it has caused.

   At this time, Wang Feng discovered that there was very little information and information about Dandelion itself on the Internet.

   At least before that, he didn't know anything about it.

   "Dad, I'm hungry!"

The little angel frowned and rubbed her belly, indicating that she was hungry at the moment and could not walk, and then took Wang Feng's hand and swayed with the other hand, indicating that she needed to return to her father's shoulder bike superior.

   "Mom is hungry too, Dad is hungry too, come on, baby, come up!"

   Wang Feng said, and brought his daughter to him with a very familiar movement.

   "Big baby, you come too!"

   Then, Wang Feng said to his wife like this.

"screw you!"

   His wife hit him.

   The daughter giggled over her shoulder.

   "Good boy, sit tight!" Wang Feng said to his daughter, then bent over and forcibly lifted his wife to the princess.

   The wife laughed in surprise, but did not dare to struggle greatly, so he had to let him carry and hug, and with the two of them, strode towards the front left where there were buildings and a large number of people gathered.

   Eating area!

   In the years since its inception, the food and drink of the City of Dreams has been as sensational as its attractions.

  Many people's comments on the various diets here are also the same four words, "like a dream"!

In fact, I really want to say that almost all the dishes here are also available outside, and a large part of them are familiar to many people, such as "braised pork", "sauerkraut fish", "gongpao chicken", " "Cold and Vegetarian Sanxian" and so on.


   is not the same at all!

  Same name, totally different dish.

  Different taste, even different dining experience!

   Anyway, in the forum he posted just now, there is a long-term top post, "Check out the delicacies in Dream City that make you drool!"

   That is also the most popular and most replied post in this section and this forum.

   More than 30,000 replies!

   If anyone wants to read that post from beginning to end, it is not a waste of time, but suicide.

   About half an hour later, Wang Feng's family was already sitting in one of the restaurants.

   These restaurants have a unified architectural style, unified facade decoration, and even the large-character signboards hanging above the door, the fonts are exactly the same, um, except for the specific words.

   This point is also quite criticized.

  #Is the eating area of ​​Dream City designed by programmers? #

   "Even if it is designed by a programmer, there should be a UI, right?"

   "Don't slander programmers, I have three programmer friends, one likes to raise flowers, one likes to raise fish, and the other likes to look at beautiful women. They are all very artistic, right?"


   is the same as the eighth and ninth product areas, in the seventh product area, it is also a restaurant with the same dishes.

   If you want to learn from the big local tyrants here, ordering food until you want to fill the table, it is impossible, and you have to spend money.

   For someone like Wang Feng, even just a single dish is enough to make him speechless inwardly. He only worked hard for 500,000 a year, and he got here...

   Well, here, money is really no longer money.

   Not even paper!

With a   smack, no, it was a slight "ding", and the money evaporated from the card.

   In exchange for two big and one small three bowls of steaming steam...white rice!

   And, a large plate of squirrel fish.

  Daughter can still eat sticky fish, but squirrel fish is more convenient in the end.

Wang Feng looked around, the shop was full, and at first glance, the number of foreigners accounted for about one-third. It seems that for them, it is more convenient to eat squirrel fish without spines. .

   A plate of squirrel fish, 12,000.

   In comparison, white rice is very cheap, only 800 for a large bowl, and only 500 for a small bowl for my daughter.

Only! want! five hundred.

   That is, when I swiped the card and heard the ding, my heart was very distressed. After that, Wang Feng was no longer in the mood to think about money, but all his mind was seduced by the incredible fragrance.

   at this moment.

   Sit at a table with squirrel fish in the center and white rice at the side.

  Wang Feng lowered his head slightly and placed his face on top of the white rice.

In fact, many people in the store are doing this, including his daughter, his wife, and the two foreign friends who sat next to them at the same time. One of them looks like German, and the other looks a bit like British.


   Almost breathless.

   For a time, all of Wang Feng's mind fell into the white rice in front of him.

   He never thought that pure white rice could be so fragrant!

I don't know if    can hook people's souls.

   It can hook people's tongue, spleen and stomach, and stomach, but it's for sure!

   In less than a minute, a large amount of saliva was secreted from Wang Feng's mouth, and then, as if the entire internal organs were forcibly washed away by the fragrance, all the organs in the body were shouting:

hungry! hungry! hungry!

eat! eat! eat!

   So, follow the call of the body.

   In fact, he couldn't resist this call at all. Wang Feng picked up his chopsticks, and instead of reaching up to the squirrel fish in the center of the table, he directly took a few mouthfuls of white rice.

   First, have a few mouthfuls of big white rice to press your heart.


  Thanks for the support of the recommendation ticket of "Kabuda who loves to sleep".

  Thanks to the monthly ticket of "Cat Cat Demon Lord".

   (end of this chapter)