Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 743: Like holding a pipa and half covering yo

  Chapter 743 Half-covered face like holding a pipa

  Jade comes from stone.



   In a sense, China can also be said to be a jade China.

   Moreover, it is "since ancient times".

   This kind of thing seems to be far away from ordinary people, but in fact, it is not.

  The stones of houses, the railings of parks, and tombstones and all kinds of monuments are big ones; small ones, such as various pebbles by small rivers, seasides, smooth stones sold in many shops or attractions.

   Then half stone and half jade.

   Then, there is jade, ranging from low-grade jade of various cheap, defective and parallel imports, to mid-range, to high-end, to national treasures.

  It should be said that if you really want to be careful, any Chinese citizen, no matter what level you are in, has been exposed to a lot of things about "jade" in the course of your life.

   It’s just that many people usually do it or don’t realize it.

   But just like hypnosis in film and television dramas, once a "trigger point" is encountered, those memories and precipitations will appear in large quantities.

   Zhao Lan was so engraved.

   Also add Ji Yan and Qian Xiaoqin.

   Maybe it was because of the morning, or maybe it was because of the need for permission to enter here, and the reason for the lack of people. At this moment, in front of the third boundary monument they encountered along the way, there was no one else but only the three of them.

  The three-meter-high boundary monument and the half-meter-high base do not need to be far away, even if it is in front of you, you can see it clearly up and down.

   Translucent texture.

   Light and shadow seem to pass through, but it doesn’t seem to really pass through.

   Clear and bright, much clearer than normal stones.

   This is also the reason why Zhao Lan suspects that it may be jade instead of stone.

   But if it is jade, it seems a bit too amazing that such a large piece is jade.

  Unfortunately, none of the three of them understand jade.

   "Some jades don't seem to be very expensive, and the price in the place of origin is cheaper." The three of them gathered around the boundary monument, and after a long while in amazement, Ji Yan finally made such an opinion.

   This is the highest "expression of knowledge" of the trio.

   There is a guard box not far in front of the boundary monument, but there is no one in the guard box. For this reason, the three of them still looked around like thieves for a long time before carefully placing their hands on the boundary monument.


   Feels really good!

   Cool and cool, and warm and moist.

  Coolness is temperature, warmth is touch, and both of them give the three a wonderful feeling.

  So, after just rubbing it for a while, the three of them actually had some reluctance to part with this boundary monument.

   "I don't know what kind of jade this is. If only the City of Dreams could sell souvenirs of this kind of jade!" Zhao Lan said when he left the boundary monument.

   Ji Yan has already started searching with her mobile phone.

But when they came to the guard box and swiped their cards, the three clearly saw a very conspicuous instruction on the display screen, "Please put your mobile phone, camera and any other electronic products with you in the storage box, Come here to retrieve it when you leave."

  Can’t bring your phone in?

   The three looked at each other.

   did not test whether they could bring it in. The three of them honestly put the mobile phone in the basket under the card reader, and then stood in the passage.

   beep beep.

The    channel was released, and at the same time, the basket with three mobile phones was sent away.

   "That's it, entering the sixth-grade area?" After passing the passage and standing at the exit, the three of them were a little dazed for a while.

   But a few steps ahead of the three of them, there was a sign.

   Left: Liupin Lotus Pond, Liupin Pine Forest, Liupin Ancient Tea Garden.

   Right: Liupin Garden, Liupin Orchard, Liupin Grassland.

   Front: District Five.

   Looking at the first three "→" on the left and right and the Chinese characters marked on them, Ji Yan, Zhao Lan, Qian Xiaoqin, and the three of them were suddenly and inexplicably excited.

"Ah, there really is a sixth-grade scenic spot! The sixth-grade lotus pond, the sixth-grade pine forest, the sixth-grade ancient tea garden, the sixth-grade garden, the sixth-grade orchard, the sixth-grade... grassland, ahhh! I really want to see it!" Zhao Lan was emotional but said in a low voice.

   "We don't have the authority, right?" Ji Yan was equally excited, but calm.

   "The orchard of the sixth grade, oh my god, I don't know why, I think of Pan Taoyuan!" Zhao Lan continued to express her knowledge in an excited tone - she had seen "Journey to the West"!

   Well, maybe it's just a TV series.

  Are they inexplicably excited?

   Really not!

   About Liupin Scenic Spot, it has been discussed since the advent of the City of Dreams. In the past few years, it has been one of the hotspots for the long-lasting discussion of the City of Dreams, and it has always been in the clouds.

  Most tourists don't know if it exists or not.

   There are very few people who are said to have visited and are extremely vague, let alone photos that show the truth, and there are no travel notes that describe in detail!

  How can people believe!

   And at this moment, the signboard of the always mysterious sixth-grade scenic spot is clearly displayed in front of the three of them!

   Even if it's just a sign, the three of them can't walk a bit.

In front of   , there are three roads, the road ahead, the middle road to the left and right.

   Zhao Xiaoqin took a few long breaths and said, "Let's go!"

  The pedal-footed sightseeing car had been left behind by them, because the passage just now could only allow them to come by themselves. At this moment, Qian Xiaoqin took the lead and walked towards the front of the avenue.

   Ji Yan and Zhao Lan naturally had nothing to say.

   However, after walking, the three of them were surprised.

   It seems to be windy!

   But it doesn't seem to be wind.

   Because of the treetops and leaves on both sides of the avenue, it was almost motionless.

   But while they were walking, the feeling of coolness kept blowing towards them, like cool mist or small water droplets, as they walked, they kept crashing into their bodies.

  Face, neck, hands, ankles.

   These positions that are not covered by clothing or cover weak spots feel the most obvious

   Then, the top of the head.

   It seemed that there was a very fine but dense light rain falling from the sky and seeping into their scalps.

   Ji Yan, Zhao Lan, and Qian Xiaoqin all felt goosebumps, but they were not uncomfortable, but inexplicably and unconsciously, their footsteps began to speed up.

   From small steps to big steps.

   After a while, it's not just a big step, but a walk like the wind.

  Three women with the same wind!

   Their feet were striding, fast, and at the same time, their arms were swinging wildly, following the footsteps.

   And all of this happened almost unconsciously.

   The only thing they felt was that the more they walked, the lighter they were, and the more their mood was flying.

  I don't know how long it has been, and I don't know how long I have walked. It seems that I didn't meet a fourth person other than them along the way. Then, they didn't wake up like a dream until another boundary monument appeared in the middle of the avenue.


  Thanks for the support of the recommendation ticket of "No Condolence to √".

  Thanks to "Wei Ying" for the monthly ticket.

   (end of this chapter)