Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 80: Sanshou

   Chapter 80 Sanshou

   One question after another was asked by Zhang Lao one after another.

  Some of them are new problems, which are unique, while others are just extensions of the above problems, extensions of various aspects, and extensions of various levels. But these issues have one thing in common, that is, they are all new that Xu Guangling has never touched before. Basically, any question was unknown to him before.

   So his answers became less and less confident.

Because many times, he only answers a certain question by "intuition", but after that, Zhang Lao may sometimes make a series of extensions to this question, and then he must use the previous answer as a basis, a Continue vigorously, either all right and brilliant, or all wrong and forks.

  Unfortunately, Mr. Zhang was noncommittal to these answers.

   There was no praise, no dissatisfaction, no telling him that he was right, and no telling him that he was wrong, Zhang Lao just threw it one after another.

This made Xu Guangling a little suspicious. It might not matter at all whether he answered correctly or not. Zhang Lao may just want to get something from his answers, perhaps his way of thinking, or the breadth and depth of knowledge, etc. In short, the answer is that it doesn't matter.

   But this is just speculation.

   All he can do is still try his best to judge and answer, until he seems to be sweating a little.

   Then Zhang Lao stopped and said, "Okay, here we are."

  Xu Guangling was relieved for a while, and even let out a small sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Mr. Zhang smiled, and Mr. Chen also laughed. The two old gentlemen were very kind, which also filled the study with a rather warm atmosphere. Then Mr. Zhang said: "Humble words, how is it? , are you not interested in these things? Tell the truth."

"Elder Zhang, your teaching is too clever, it's really hard for the younger generation not to be interested." Xu Guangling said with a slightly wry smile, "To tell you the truth, when I go back tonight, I may sit in front of the computer for a long time, and I won't put it down. Check the questions you asked just now and find out the answers, the younger generation is lying in bed and sleeping, it is estimated that they will not be able to sleep."

  If Mr. Zhang knew that Xu Guangling was basically resting his head on the pillow and fell asleep in three seconds, he would know what kind of compliment Xu Guangling said.

   But even if he didn't know, he still laughed after hearing Xu Guangling's answer.

This is also the first time Xu Guangling has seen Mr. Zhang laugh so cheerfully since he met. Really, Mr. Zhang does look very happy, and he can even say "very happy", he laughed After a while, Mr. Zhang said, "Sitting for a long time? It's not good. In my humble opinion, even if you are a young and awesome guy, you should pay attention to your body."

But just after saying this, he shook his head as if he had something to say, he smiled bitterly like Xu Guangling just now, and then said: "But, it's up to you, it's okay, just pay a little attention normally, can't Too sloppy."

Xu Guangling could only nod his head. He didn't understand the reason why Zhang Lao shook his head and smiled bitterly. He just regarded it as a normal reaction of the old man out of concern for the younger generation's body and consideration for the young man's character. It was a matter of time to ask a question.

   The question he has been thinking about frequently in recent days.

"Elder Zhang, Mrs. Chen, as I said just now, after sitting in front of the computer for a long time, I often get up and exercise. In recent days, sometimes I also want to take out a few moves from Tai Chi as an activity move, but It doesn't always feel right, it doesn't look very suitable, Zhang Lao, Chen Lao, do you have any suggestions?" Xu Guangling brought Mr. Chen in at this time, and he couldn't let this old man stay here to accompany him in lectures. Well!

   He was right.

   Mr. Zhang stood up directly, raised his side and said, "Humble words, Old Chen is quite good at this, listen to what he has to say."

   Old man Chen secretly gave Mr. Zhang a look of "you know your looks".

  Xu Guangling stood up and watched Zhang Lao leave the study before turning to Mr. Chen Lao respectfully and saying, "Chen Lao, please advise!"

   Mr. Chen sat down on the Taishi chair, nodded slightly, and then said, "Xiao Xu, how do you understand this thing? Why do you want to get up and move?"

   "It's not good for the body to sit all the time. It should be due to poor blood circulation? Or is there a reason for the body posture?" Xu Guangling said.

Mr. Chen nodded again, and said quite coldly: "Three o'clock, one, qi and blood, two, bones, three, joints, but in the final analysis, it's still qi and blood, the latter two are minor details, or it can be said to be side-by-side. ."

Having said this, the old gentleman stood up, put one hand on his side and one hand behind his back, took a few steps slowly, then turned around and said to Xu Guangling: "Xiao Xu, your feeling is right, Tai Chi. The fist is used here, it is overkill, it is an axe to cut vegetables, it is not impossible to cut, nor is it necessarily bad, but it is not suitable after all."

  After a pause, the old gentleman said: "Is it suitable? It's very simple. It's just a few poses. You can do it alone or in combination. Xiao Xu, you can follow me."

   Under Mr. Zhang Lao's gesture, Xu Guangling walked over and stood beside Zhang Lao, a few steps away.

   Mr. Chen slowly raised one foot.

   Xu Guangling followed suit.

   "This pose, Xiao Xu, don't I need to say more?" Mr. Chen didn't turn his head, just said lightly.

  Xu Guangling nodded, then said, "Yes."

Needless to say, this posture is "independent of the golden rooster", not to mention that this posture is useful in Taijiquan, even before contacting Taijiquan, Xu Guangling was quite familiar with this posture, because he has seen it in many places and heard about it. Pass.

   "Standing on one foot is the basic requirement of this movement, and then on the basis of this movement, many other changes can be made."

Mr. Chen said slowly: "For example, put your heels on tiptoe slightly, pay attention, just tiptoe up slightly, the heels don't exert any force, but don't put the gravity only on the front half of the foot, let alone on the toes. The attention is very subtle, the heat is extremely heavy, and the slightest difference is beyond recognition. Xiao Xu, you can experience it carefully, and then tell me how you feel."

   Xu Guangling tried it.

   Then he realized that it is easy to stand on the heels, and it is also easy to not put all the weight of the body on the toes and let the toes bear it, but, "Don't put the weight on the front half of the foot?" This seems to be the only option, right?

   Fortunately, if the words are unclear and the theory cannot be understood for a while, you can try it through actions.

   And Mr. Chen also said that the emphasis here is very subtle.


  Thanks to "Flying Tiger 19740813" for the recommendation ticket support.

   (end of this chapter)