Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 817: throbbing

   Chapter 817 Thrilling

"From home to family study, it takes 100 steps to walk. Xiao Ming is rather naughty and likes to jump with one foot on the ground. Today he jumped a total of forty times. If the steps are the same size regardless of walking and jumping, then Xiao Ming How many steps did you take today?"

   Discount one leg directly, and then you can just jump on one foot!

Do not! All legs are discounted! In the future, you will sit on the ground and be dragged away!

"Xiao Ming has a habit of drinking water, that is, he has to fill the water glass halfway before continuing to drink. Today, Xiao Ming added water a total of 18 times, and he didn't add any more until he finished drinking, so how many glasses did he drink today? water?"

  Why didn't you die?

ah? Why didn't I kill you!

   This question is simple, but simplicity does not reduce Chang Yansong's anger.

   "Because Xiao Ming was too naughty, he couldn't settle down and was ordered by his father to squat in the corner."

it is good!

   Chang Yansong praised in his heart, and had a deep respect for the unknown father.

   "I think it's too boring to squat in the corner, so Xiao Ming is counting the grains."

"On the first day, he counted one, on the second day, he counted two, on three days, he counted four, on the fourth day, he counted eight, and on the fifth day, sixteen grain……"

   "If you keep counting like this for a month, how many grains did Xiao Ming count on the last day of the month? How many grains did he count this month?"

   This is also very simple.

  The sixth day is thirty-two, the seventh day is sixty-four, the eighth day is one hundred and twenty-eight...

   Counting silently in his heart, and counting, Chang Yansong opened his mouth wide.


how could this be?

   Chang Yansong raised his head dully.

  The direction he was sitting was the direction the sun set.

   At this time, it was getting late, and the sun could no longer be seen, but the western sky was a glowing red, the most brilliant red in the day.

   Such a time is very short, and soon, the entire sky will be dimmed.

  Chang Yansong stared blankly at the splendor in the west. For a while, he was a little dazed, and he felt as if he was not in the world.

  Really, this question is very real.

   But it was so real that it made him feel fake!

   "Xiao Ming likes to eat fruit..."

   "Xiao Ming..."

   This "number" in the second part is also ten questions.

   And the storybook also said it, there are a total of 100 questions, and the storybook also only selected the first ten questions.

   Chang Yansong was already powerless to be angry.

   Even though that **** Xiao Ming has been beaten to death a hundred times in his heart.

   But at this time, he was like a melon seedling hit by frost, each leaf drooped down, and he searched the whole melon seedling, but he couldn't find a single leaf with his head held high. ——This is Chang Yansong's current heart.

   The sky was getting darker, but the words were still barely legible.

  Chang Yansong has long since had no intention to compare his family's family history with that of the Ye family's family in this book. There are two kinds of existence at all!

   He has long been unable to compare himself with those little broken children in the Ye family. They are also two kinds of existence, and there is no comparison at all!

   This is a painful realization.

   But after reading the "Wen" in the first part and the "Numbers" in the second part, he was completely numb.

The    assessment has not been finished yet, there is still the third part.

  Chang Yansong had been beaten to the point of dying, but he still couldn't bear the words in his hand, so he sighed and continued to look down.

The third part of    is the selection and preparation of Taoist poems.

first question.


   One minnow, one lid, one flat boat, and one inch of fishing line and one inch hook.

   A leisurely song, a bowl of wine, and a single sandbar for one person.

  The second

   A piece of two pieces, three or four pieces, five pieces, six pieces, seven or eight pieces.

  Ten pieces, hundreds of pieces, thousands of pieces, even if they fly into the reeds, they will not be seen.

  Choose the one you like from the two and write a similar one based on your own life.

  Chang Yansong, whose heart was ashes, saw this, but his eyes suddenly lit up.

   That grey heart also began to beat briskly.

  These two, he likes the first one!

   This is just like he used to stay in this pavilion alone, looking at the front, back, left and right of the Juxing Building, the distance and height, what a resemblance!

   Putting down the storybook, Chang Yansong stood up and walked around the pavilion.

  The sky was completely dark, and the Juxing Building was also quiet. Inside and outside some buildings, lamps were still lit. From a distance, they looked like stars in the sky.

   One person has a piece of the sky.

  Chang Yansong instinctively jumped into such a sentence in his mind, but he turned around for a long time without completing the other three sentences.

  Chang Yansong is not depressed, but only novel and excited.

  So...this is Taoism?

  Chang Yansong often spends the night in Juxing Building, where he also has his own small room.

   couldn't bear to release the scroll, and there was no way to release it, he would definitely read this script tonight, no matter how late he saw it. However, just after reading this few parts, he was already worried about what to do after reading it.

   With extreme novelty and excitement, Chang Yansong brought the lamps, returned to the pavilion, and continued to read.

  Because he was worried that it would take a long time to finish reading, Chang Yansong read it even more slowly at this time. Not only that, he turned over these "Dao poems" over and over again.

   Ten questions.

   A total of twenty poems.

   After reading them slowly, Chang Yansong's heart throbbed.

   These Taoist poems are different from each other, not only the words are different, but the meanings expressed by the words are also different.

Chang Yansong couldn't say much, but when he read these Taoist poems, some Taoist poems reminded him of his grandfather, and he felt that his grandfather would like this one; some Taoist poems reminded him a few times. ancestors and fathers.

   Reading these poems, he couldn't help thinking about those different elders.

And when he finished reading these twenty Daoist poems, Chang Yansong had an indescribable feeling, indescribable, but very strong, so strong that he, a person who was only allowed to drink a small bowl of wine during family sacrifices, At this time, I wanted to pick up the big bowl, raised my head, and drank a big meal.

   Then slam the bowl on the table again!

   Not so, not enough to vent the excitement in my heart!

  Grandfathers, grandparents, fathers, fathers, are usually tall and mysterious in his eyes, not to mention those grandfathers.

But at this time, after reading the twenty "Daoist poems", Chang Yansong felt inexplicably, he didn't know whether he had grown up, or had become taller, or the people he looked up to, with a fog-like feeling on his body. things have been removed.

  Chang Yansong suddenly felt that it was a little mysterious, no longer mysterious, some distances were suddenly shortened, some were incomprehensible, but it seemed that he could understand.

   This book.

  This script...

   "Ugh..." Chang Yansong briefly looked away from the script and let out a long breath.

   seems to want to spit out all the excitement and inexplicable throbbing in my heart.

   But at the same time, his heart seemed to be at peace.

   Very strange feeling.

   It was like it was raining around him, it was raining heavily, and it was very noisy, and he was sitting in the pavilion, or in the room.

   did not immediately read the script.

  Chang Yansong was sitting, sitting leisurely, holding the script in his hand, leaning slightly on the pavilion pillar with his back.

   This is a very irregular sitting posture.

   But at this moment, Chang Yansong inexplicably felt that this was a gesture that could not be more "righteous", and even in the past twenty years, he had never been so "righteous".

   Because the whole body, from head to toe, from the inside to the outside, is so relaxed and comfortable.

   There is no incongruity.

   He just sat there, breathing slowed involuntarily.

  Long exhale, long inhale, slightly exhale, slightly inhale, just like this, the Qi Condensation Technique naturally starts to work with his breathing.

   (end of this chapter)