Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 821: Jingtao

   Chapter 821 Jingtao

  Chang Zhenhe set off a storm in his heart.

   Even, as said in the book, at this moment, he felt that the world was spinning, and he wondered if he was in a dream.

   However, this is not a dream.

  Whether he was a powerhouse on the ground, or the deputy sect master of the Four Seas Sect, he gave him a little bit of ability to wake up and tell himself—this is not a dream!

   But no matter whether it is a strong person on the ground, or the deputy sect master of Sihaimen, he can only do this.

   and could not calm him down.

   is more than restless?

   is a shattering!

His heart was torn apart by the shock, his consciousness was torn apart by the shock, and even his body was about to be torn apart by the shock, so that his hand holding the script was no longer stiff at this moment. The problem of whitening is no longer a slight trembling.

   is shaking violently!

   along with his body.

Precisely because he is a middle-class person, and precisely because he is the deputy head of the Sihaimen, the former gave him a high vision, the latter gave him a broad vision, and then the two are combined, at this moment, It gave him a huge shock that he couldn't bear at all!

   He fully understood why the grandson, who had always been calm and even a little too calm, was yelling like crazy just now.

  Yes, he totally understands!

   But no matter what, Yansong is just a cultivator of condensing Qi, and he doesn't even know what the book says!

  The storybook?

  Yes, the storybook!

  Chang Zhenhe was taken aback for a moment, and then he imagined that his grandson had just shouted:

"This is impossible!"

  Yes, it is impossible!

   How could this be a storybook? ! ! !

   The heavens and the earth were torn apart in his heart, like a catastrophe, but Chang Zhenhe's consciousness was still awake. He finally took his eyes away from the script, and then turned to look around.

   A few old folks.

   Some of the younger generation also have junior characters.

   The current scene made him force himself to wake up, and in an instant, many thoughts passed through Chang Zhenhe's mind.

   scolded Yansong for a while, saying that he could read something crazy and worthless!

   ruined this book.

   Pretend to be nothing.


   Thousands of thoughts went back and forth in his mind, but after going back and forth, Chang Zhenhe found that he was really not suitable for thinking at this moment, and his mind could not settle down at all!

   And at the next moment, he just waved his hand, called a few names, and said to those children and juniors: "It's okay, let's go!"

   His age and identity are there.

   This time, the people who were disturbed just now, from all over the Juxing Building, came to the vicinity of this place, all of a sudden out of ten.

   "Old Lei, Bo Ming..." Chang Zhenhe looked at the rest of the people around him, noted the names one by one, and said, "Let's go to Lanyuetang."

   Then he stretched out his foot and kicked Chang Yansong gently, kicking him out of his daze, almost flipping over the pavilion, "You too!"

   Lanyuetang, a building or landscape in Juxing Building.

   As the name suggests, this is a place to watch the moon and admire the moon, and if you want to "grasp" the moon, you must have water.

  Therefore, in the center of this place is a large pavilion. Outside the pavilion, there is a large pond called Lanyue Pond. On the four sides of the pond are some houses, flowers and trees.

  The pavilion has four aisles extending from east, west, north and south to four sides, but it is not connected to the shore.

   When he came to the edge of the pool, Chang Zhenhe dragged Chang Yansong and jumped onto the aisle and entered the pavilion.

   The same goes for the old men he called over.

There are lights in the    pavilion, light up.

  Chang Zhenhe looked at a few old guys, then handed the notebook in his hand to one of them, and said, "Look, everyone, and then we'll talk."

   "Why, what's the monster?" The old man chuckled, took the script, and looked down.

   Almost instantly, his expression froze.

   What made his expression freeze was the sentence at the beginning of the book, "The journey of the road is like the sun and the moon."

   However, this is just the beginning.

   A very trivial start!

  The old man's solemn expression slowly turned into contemplation, and the contemplation soon turned into wide-eyed eyes on his face, blue veins on his arms, and his whole body was shaking.

   Then, all of a sudden, he stared at Chang Zhenhe and yelled at Chang Zhenhe, "The back, what about the back?"

   Chang Zhenhe is not surprised.

   After reading this script, he wouldn't take offense for any kind of rude behavior.

   Another old man grabbed the script and looked down.


  Chang Zhenhe, Dijie, one of the deputy sect masters of Sihaimen.

  Liang Boming, Dijie, one of the deputy sect masters of Sihaimen.

  Lei Mingyue, Dijie, the head of the Sihaimen Law Enforcement Hall.

   Although the three of them are only at the first level on the ground level, and Liang Boming and Lei Mingyue are actually only able to cross that threshold, they are considered to be out of the enlightenment level, but they cannot be regarded as standing on the ground level.

   But in the end, all three of them crossed that threshold.

   They are already standing on the level of the earth.

   And the rest of the others, except for the only junior Chang Yansong, are all enlightened, the third human level, and the last human level.

   These are the people present.

The    storybooks were circulated one by one from Liang Boming.

  The content of the script is not too much, but almost everyone reads it slowly.

   No, not almost!

   means that everyone is watching slowly, and it is getting slower and slower, and at the same time, everyone has watched a paragraph and then went back and watched it again.

   That's it, by the time everyone present has finished reading it, most of the long night has passed.

   They are all people with rank and status. After reading the storybook, these old people present didn't roar as loudly as Chang Yansong did before.

   Even if he actually wanted to roar, he was controlled by their reason.

   Yet their reason can only do so much.

   It was like the torrential rain for many days, the levee of the river swelled, the water level has risen to the level of the levee, and from time to time, there are small leaks.

   looked calm.

  Actually, it could collapse completely at any time.

   This is also the atmosphere in this Moonlight Pavilion at the moment, it looks very condensed and quiet, but there is a fire hidden in everyone's heart, no, it is hidden lava.

   And that magma was tumbling furiously.

   "Song'er, what about the rest of the script?" When the script was back in his hands, Chang Zhenhe asked Chang Yansong in a deep voice.

   After half a day, Chang Yansong gradually calmed down.

   In fact, he was the least shocked. To be honest, his violent roar was just because he didn't believe that someone could condense his energy in ten or even three years.

   At this moment, under the questioning of his grandfather, Chang Yansong slowly shook his head, "Grandpa, there is no more behind. What you have in your hand is all of this scripture."

   "Little bastard, make it clearer, how did these words come from?" Liang Boming almost shook Chang Yansong's collar.

  Chang Zhenhe looked at his grandson and was also waiting for his explanation.

   (end of this chapter)