Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 827: Tentative

   Chapter 827 Temptation

   Is this the content behind the book?

how could I know!

   Also, I also want to know what's behind the script, even more than you guys!

  Xu Tonghui slandered his own young master in his heart, then stretched out his hand and said to the two: "Miao Lao, Chang Lao, please!"

   is not a close friend, and the other party is coming to the door for the first time, and these are two big bosses, at least for him, so Xu Tonghui led the two to the living room.

   The host and guests are seated.

   There is no tea in this place, but guests have the habit of serving water when they come.

   There was no one else in the compound for the time being, so Xu Tonghui had to come by himself for the Sheung Shui incident, so the two old men politely got up to meet each other, and took a step or two.

  If it is a maid or something in Sheung Shui, the two guests can naturally sit down.

   So, after taking the water and sitting down again, Miao Xinghe smiled and said, "Tonghui, this yard is very big, and there should be a lot of chores. It's time to find some messengers."

   "Senior is right. Didn't this junior just settle down?" Xu Tonghui said with a smile.

   But he knew that no outsiders would enter this compound for a long time.

   The host and the guest are facing each other, and it is inevitable to greet each other for a while, but the two old men are not here for greetings, and they are not neighbors who are idle and have nothing to do.

   In fact, even if you are idle, there are plenty of places to spend time.

"Brother Tonghui, after reading your book, I am..." After saying this, Chang Zhenhe stroked his heart with his right hand, "To be honest, after living such a long life, this old man has barely seen the world. Yes, but as soon as I saw your words, my heart was beating so fast that this old man was almost blinded by gold."

   Hey, what a coincidence, me too!

  Xu Tonghui said silently in his heart, and then he couldn't help thinking of the "Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty" that the young master said earlier.

   What the heck is that?

What is the connection between    and the young master writing this script?

"Tonghui, your imagination is really rich. Seeing so many wonderful and magnificent descriptions in the book, I feel like an old man." Miao Xinghe said with a sigh, "That is, people like me, really It's old and rotten, not as good as you young people, let alone a peerless genius like you, Tonghui."

  Peerless genius?

   Hearing this, Xu Tonghui felt numb and itchy all over.

The chair    was sitting on was not a chair, but a hot soup pot.

   Genius, still peerless?


   Xu Tonghui's cheeks were sore, and he didn't know if his face was distorted.

"Haha, haha." Laughter is the best way to relieve emotions, Xu Tonghui laughed, and then said: "Senior, it's too rewarding, I don't dare to be, I don't dare to be! The junior is a little... Tongmai, how dare you be in two In front of a senior, talking about genius, if outsiders listen to it, it will be a joke."

   "Why don't you dare to do it? Tonghui, what's your attitude when you write the storybook?"

   "The world is still with dim friends, I have seen the sun rise in the mountains. The fog and clouds are unobstructed, only because I am at the highest level."

Miao Xinghe said slowly, "Tonghui, out of the twenty poems you wrote, this old man loves this one. To tell you the truth, after reading the script and seeing this poem, the old man is very fond of it. Standing in the pavilion, that is talking over and over again!"

   "Unfortunately, the old man can only use the pavilion as a mountain, 'only because he is at the highest level', hey, this kind of pattern, in addition to admiration, the old man can only admire."

   "If the old man had heard this a hundred years earlier, he must have been very proud, and he would have moved forward bravely, now..."

   Having said this, Miao Xinghe shook his head with a sad expression.

   This is sadly half-truth.

   Needless to say.

  Is it fake? Miao Xinghe wanted to take a look at Xu Tonghui.

  A senior of the Miao family recorded in the family inheritance that there are four kinds of people to watch: when they are proud, when they are disappointed, when they get along with me and others, when we are proud, and when we are disappointed.

  Through these four views, one can roughly see a person's nature.

  Miao Xinghe agreed.

   Those who are arrogant and arrogant will not be able to use them without tempering.

  Frustration gives birth to depression, and if you stay down for a long time, it is equally useless.

   If I am proud, they may be flattering, or they may agree with them, or they may be sincere but have a dangerous heart, and so on, and so on.

  If I am disappointed, he will either sympathize with him, or offer consolation, or make a false response in his mouth and hide ridicule in his eyes, or gradually ignore him.

   Those who manifest the four views are all ordinary.

   Such people can be used but not greatly used, they can be supported but not heavily supported, they can be paid but not deeply.

   If it is a family plan, it must not be the core.

   If it is for self-calculation, it should not be for the heart.

  Xu Tonghui didn't know that the old man on the opposite side was in a daze, but he had already displayed "secret observation", he just shook his head.

  Why are you shaking your head?

   It's hard to say!

  How do I know what that "only because of being at the highest level" means?

  Thinking is terrifying, thinking is terrifying!

   It’s just that I can’t tell you that.

   After shaking his head, Xu Tonghui said: "No matter how senior you are, you are still a cultivator with a level far higher than the junior. No matter how the junior is, he is just a little monk who has access to the meridians.

   The fact is that we don’t know when we will be able to “consolidate the energy” again.

   Xu Tonghui said to himself.

   "The level of the seniors still requires the juniors to climb for many years. Now only the juniors envy and respect the seniors."

   Hearing this, Miao Xinghe and Chang Zhenhe couldn't help but secretly exchanged glances.


Is    enough to climb?

   From human level to earth level, is it not difficult for you at all?


   can write such a book of words, it is estimated that in the eyes of this child, the ground level is just a "small ground level".

  Thinking of this, the two old men are really sad, very sad.

   This person is really incomparable!

  Comparing with Xu Yishan in the past made them feel extremely depressed, but now, the boy in front of him who is only a channel, makes them feel almost despair.

  Chang Zhenhe suddenly remembered a sentence.

   He is the jade in the stone.

  I am Yubianshi.


   But they didn't come this time to feel sad and uncomfortable, they had a lot of things they wanted to ask.

   About the assessment of the school.

   About the gentleman in the storybook.

   about those Taoist poems.

   also about that "babel tree".

   And that condensed gas powder!

Is    true or false?

   Also, there is Condensation Qi San, so, is there Tongmai San? Have you been enlightened? Do you have……

"Brother Tonghui," Chang Zhenhe took a sip of his saliva, and then coughed lightly, "the things you wrote in your script are amazing! This old man can't believe it's true, but he also doesn't dare to think it's fake. Just say that condensing qi, brother, is there really such a thing in this world?"

how could I know!

   If someone said there was such a thing a few months ago, I would definitely spit on his face.

   Now, I can only tell you, I don't know!

  I don't know if there is any condensing qi powder, I have never seen it, I only know one thing, if the young master said there is, then there must be!

   "It's just that the younger generation doesn't know how high the sky is, and they talk nonsense." Xu Tonghui scratched his head embarrassedly and smiled, "How could there really be such a thing? If there is, wouldn't the world be in chaos?"

   (end of this chapter)