Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 83: Path of the Sages

   Chapter 83 The Path of the Sages

   After searching for "professional" knowledge for a while, Xu Guangling calmed down his thoughts, immersed his mind, and turned to those "non-professional" knowledge, which is what Zhang Lao called "appetizers" at the beginning of the evening.

   Laozi, Zhuangzi...Fan Li, Zhang Liang...Li Bai, Su Shi...

  Xu Guangling started as a librarian. With the help of Tao Te Ching and the Internet, he directly entered the librarian's world. Of course, it was only a trivial glimpse.

  The further away we are from today, the more unrecognizable, bizarre, and mottled images become. This is a normal thing. Like the Doppler effect as many people know, the further the train gets away, the lower the pitch becomes, like a whimper.

   This is true in the purely physical world, not to mention the humanistic or spiritual world.

The book   Lao Tzu has been widely circulated. It has lasted for thousands of years in China, and even in modern times, it has been translated into the language of countless countries and circulated around the world. And its readers are also very broad, from the real head of state to the **** of the dealer.

  Some people feel pure from it, some people realize their advance and retreat, some people use it to make mysteries, and some people regard it as their practical life guidance and support, and absorb the power to penetrate the fog and detach from the mire.

   is exactly that sentence, "The benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom."

  You read it or not, the book is there. You understand or don't understand, the book is still there. You get it right or you get it wrong, the book is still there.

   Silent, speechless.

  Waiting for dust, or being cherished by you.

  Everyone will come into contact with many things in the outside world in his life. It is also a concept in physics, with similar frequencies, which resonate. Therefore, if you can't see yourself clearly, you can also look back at yourself through resonance.

   For Lao Tzu's book, there are still many resonating points, as evidenced by the fact that there are so many likes throughout the ages, whether they really like it or not. In fact, even if it is a fake like, it also shows a lot of problems. - If you're worthless, even if you're pretending, who's going to show liking?

   So sometimes fake liking can reflect something more than real liking.

   This is a book about Lao Tzu, but not much is known about Lao Tzu.

   First, it is a long time ago. Of course, this is not the main reason. Second, the main reason is that Lao Tzu does not have any "merit" at all.

   Anything is okay.

Any of your actions, in any era, can be interpreted in two ways. If someone says you are right, someone must say you are wrong. If someone praises you, someone must slander you. Not surprising, even a normal thing.

   But what if there is no action at all?

   What can you say about him?

   You can only say "do nothing" to him at most, and you can't say anything else. But even if it's "do nothing", you can't apply it to Lao Tzu, because they still have a "Tao Te Ching".

   Inaction? The influence of others is many orders of magnitude greater than yours!

  Even a generation of emperors, or even the great emperors of the ages, would not dare to say such words. If you dare to say it, you are bound to be slapped in the face. ——Being slapped in the face by many people who like Tao Te Ching, generation after generation, I don’t know how many generations it has been going on or how many generations it will continue.

  Imperial industry? No matter how great it is, the highest is no more than a hundred years.

  The Tao Te Ching has been circulated for thousands of years, and it seems that, if it has been circulated for thousands of years, it is simply a pediatrician, and there is no problem at all!

When Lao Tzu left Hangu Pass, Yin Xi was the commander of Hangu Pass. In fact, he was a gatekeeper, equivalent to a minor official of the eighth-ninth rank or even from the ninth rank to the unranked in later generations, but this minor official is amazing. "When you see the purple air coming from the east, you know that there is a sage." So he greeted him and worshipped him, and then Laozi gave him the "Tao Te Ching".

   This is the legend about the advent of the Tao Te Ching.

   From the perspective of future generations and thousands of years later, the true and false of this legend is completely indistinguishable.

Not to mention the level of Wang Qi of Yin Guanling, who has seen Zi Qi coming from the east, so that there is no such thing as "Wang Qi" in this world, let alone the existence of Yin Xi himself. Hard to say.

   As for Lao Tzu going out of Hangu Pass, the ghost knows if this is the case, and what exactly is he going to do when he leaves Hangu Pass, to go abroad for inspection and tourism?

It is also possible that the truth of the    fact is that the librarian added a book of his own to the library he manages completely quietly. - who knows?

   But it doesn't matter at all!

   The important thing is that Lao Tzu's five thousand words have indeed been passed down, and its influence is inestimable. It belongs to a deep-sea giant ship or a polar iceberg-like existence, and its potential energy is infinite. But most of the time, you're "on the water" and can't see it.

   "The great road is like an abyss, unfathomable."

   After searching for a long time, browsing for a long time, and thinking about it quietly for a long time, Xu Guangling gave such an evaluation to Lao Tzu and the book "Tao Te Ching". This is a figure with eighty-one chapters and five thousand words, who has been named in the history of China, the history of the world, and even the history of mankind.

   A thousand years from now, ten thousand years from now, if we were to select the "ten ancient and modern figures" in the history of human beings on earth, according to Xu Guangling's judgment, this one should be one of them.

   "No merit, no reputation."

   "Famous for eternity."

   "It's not like the beauty of flowers, it's not like the blueness of trees, it's not like the majesty of mountains or the majesty of the sea, but the abyss is as deep and broad as the earth itself, silent and indifferent, and it will last forever in the world."

  After contemplating for a long time, Xu Guangling suddenly thought of a sentence in the Tao Te Ching itself, "The husband does not fight, so the world cannot fight with him." - Lao Tzu himself, is that the case?


  Li Bai, famous as a poet, is known as "Poetry Fairy", and the world also classifies it as a "Romanticism" genre.

  The so-called romance means nothing to do with reality. For example, this person would never write something like "The Thatched Cottage Is Broken by the Autumn Wind". It has nothing to do with whether life is embarrassing or not.

   This one was also embarrassed and sighed that he was "difficult to travel", but why is he romantic? It was because the last moment he was "wanting to cross the Yellow River and the glaciers, and he will climb the snow-covered mountains of Taihang", and the next moment he immediately "came to fish on the Bixi, and suddenly returned to the dream of riding a boat." Difficult! It is difficult to travel! There are many roads, where are you today?" In the next moment, he immediately said, "There will be times when the wind and waves break, and the sails will be lifted straight to the sea!"

   As if no problem could really stumped him.

  Yes, then go around.

   really can't get around, then...

   Then drink.

   But if you think he's just an alcoholic, you're wrong, and terribly wrong.

   This is a person who has shown great talent since he was a child, but he is a philanthropist and a good chivalrous person, and he is an immortal. Then, as I got older, I gradually felt, "I still have some fate with this world. If the world is different, please treat me."

  The position of prime minister, wait for me, here I come!

   But at this time it was the Tang Dynasty, and it was only a hundred years since he left the country. The thing called "employment examination" invented by Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty has not been really implemented. It is said that Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty digged the Grand Canal and collapsed his own country, but the emperors and ministers of the Tang Dynasty actually knew very well that the "imperial examination" was the real main reason.

   Therefore, although I know this is a good thing, I have been experimenting and exploring on a small scale how to use this thing.

   At this time, Datang's official employment system mainly relied on recommendation.

  How to recommend?

  Who do you recommend? Who do you recommend?

   Recommend talented people, recommend talented people?

   It's been said all over the place, but if you think it's true, you'd be naive.

  Li Baitian has been sincere for a while, but he is indeed a genius, and soon, he also knows the real rules of the game. ——Then, let's play according to the rules, the "Prime Minister's Strategy Plan" is officially launched.

  Li Bai started to weave a net.

   A net that would allow him to ascend from the current position to the position of the prime minister.

  It must be emphasized again, this is genius!

   What is the mark of genius? There is talent, talent, and charm. People who are abandoned are not called geniuses, they are called mildew talents, mildew materials, and mildew dried vegetables.

   Li Bai's first move was to marry the granddaughter of the late prime minister, um, into a family. It doesn't matter if you plug it upside down, as long as the charm is high. With Li Bai's handsome (beautiful man), strong (good swordsmanship), and talent (great poet), he can settle a little girl who is also his own wife, and let her be obedient from body to heart, no problem!

Although he is a late prime minister, he is still "the prime minister's family", and as a member of the prime minister's family (hey), from now on, Li Daxia is also a person with status, and is qualified to visit some "guests" .

   Shortly after the marriage, Li Bai visited the governor of the state, and then went to the capital to visit the prime minister and a group of princes and ministers.

   But he soon discovered that his charm is limited or limited in use, that is, it does not work for men! It may even be counterproductive! People see it and want to flatter it.

   That's good!

  This road is blocked, I will go the other way.

  The then emperor Tang Xuanzong had a younger sister named Princess Yuzhen.

   So, Li Bai's next plan started, "to settle Princess Yuzhen".

  In the meantime, there have been twists and turns, and the specific twists and turns are unknown to future generations. Anyway, the result is that Princess Yuzhen was settled. How did it settle down? do not know.

  With Princess Yuzhen's nepotism, no, I recommend, Li Bai was finally able to meet Princess Yuzhen's brother.

  Xuanzong: "Little Li, I like your poems very much, I have admired it for a long time!"

  Li Bai: "Jam."

  Xuanzong: "Ah, jam? There is no jam, but here is a bowl of soup. It is said that it is called 'Nine Pin Baiyu Soup'. Come and try it." Xuanzong tried the soup with his own hands, and then handed the spoon to Li Bai.

   After the meal, we had some answers.

After answering   , Xuanzong said: "Xiao Li, you are good, I appreciate you very much, you can stay by my side in the future."

  Li Bai stayed behind and worshipped the Hanlin.

   What kind of official is this? In fact, he is a close minister by the emperor's side. He is responsible for the duties of a staff advisor and an edict. In fact, it is equivalent to a cabinet or a small cabinet in later generations. This is a position with little power, but a very prominent position.

   But Li Bai did not get what he wanted during his tenure as Hanlin.

  What is his wish? It's like "there are differences in the world, I'll come to Kuang", but Xuanzong said that my country is good, my world is good, and there is no need for Kuang. Xiao Li, your poems are very good. Today, Yuhuan and I are enjoying flowers. Let's have a song to help?

  Li Bai said, okay.

  Clouds want clothes, flowers want to look...

   This is really a piece of cake for Li Bai, and he is good at acting. If he is willing, he can write countless good poems and sentences that make women all over the world. If one is not enough, just two? wrong! If one is not enough, ten, and ten are not enough, one hundred...

   But it's really not his wish.

   He did not come to the palace to write poetry. If he only wrote poetry, where in the world could not be written?

   Uncle, no, Emperor, you have disappointed me.

   And at this time, Li Bai's own aura came into play again, and it was a negative one...

   As a result, the two rulers and ministers hated each other and drove them to Nanshan. With a wave of his sleeves, Li Bai did not take away a cloud, but took a lot of silver taels from Xuanzong and left. ——Although he is alienated from Xiao Li, Xuanzong actually really appreciates him.

   During this time, Li Bai's first wife had died, and then Li Bai married a second time.

still is……

   Yes, it's still in the family.

   The former wife is the granddaughter of the former prime minister, and this wife is the granddaughter of the former prime minister...

  Speaking of which, there is no need to weave relationships anymore. No matter how you weave, where can you crawl? It can only be said that this is an enigmatic man, or that his charm is too great, and "natural beauty is hard to give up".


  Su Shi, born in...

Well, although his father also reads, the Su family is not actually a scholarly family, because it is in the Three Character Classic, "Su Laoquan, twenty-seven, began to get angry and read books." Su Laoquan is Su Shi's father, in China In the history of literature, together with his two sons, he was dubbed the "Three Sus", but in fact, not to mention the other two Sus, this one is a bit soft.

   It can even be said that without his son, Su Laoquan would probably not have anything to do with him.

   Having a child should be like Su Shizhe!

   When Xu Guangling searched for Su Shi and learned about his origin, he soon discovered that his father was also quite interesting.

For example, in this poem, "It is the least talented to come to the door at a later age, Xiao Xiaohua shines a golden scorpion. Unbearable Prime Minister Yandong Pavilion, leisurely accompanies the old Confucianists and Qutai. The festive season has passed through sorrow for a long time, and the strong heart is drunk. I haven’t slept in the rain and cold, and I’ve written new poems a hundred times.”

Especially the third couplet, which is both ordinary and extraordinary, or rather, quite describes a person under extraordinary expectations, ordinary and old, resentment but no resentment, even drunk, not full of complaints, but "strong heart". Occasionally".

   This style, when Xu Guangling saw it, he appreciated it and liked it.

   However, because the focus of his search this time was Su Shi, he quickly skipped it, but made a memo that he might be able to learn more about it later when he was free.

  Su Laoquan was not a weapon in his early years, but Su Shi still received a good family education. In fact, this can be seen from the names of "Su Shi" and his younger brother "Su Zhe". Most people really can't come up with such a name.

  Su Shi's talent and interest are revealed in two poems when he was young:

The first piece is "Night Park Niukou", which was composed by the two brothers Su Shi when they entered Beijing from Shu to Beijing and passed through Niukou of the Three Gorges. The second half of the song is like this: "Life is nothing, and suffering is the temptation of the world. Wealth and honor are glorious. Before me, the poor and lowly alone were difficult to guard. Who knew that Shenshanzi was willing to be friends with elk. In the wilderness, the business was not poor. Now whoever is alone, run vigorously."

  In the deep mountains, there is no merit and no name, and people live happily. Like my generation, is it worth it to be rich and noble in the world?

   Su Shi was twenty-two years old when he wrote this poem.

   He was Tian Shelang in the morning, ascended to the Hall of the Son of Heaven in the evening, and became a jinshi not long ago.

The second song is "Nostalgia for Hezi You Mianchi", this one is more famous than the previous one, and it is much more famous: "Everywhere in life knows what it is like, it should be like Feihong stepping on snow mud. Re-calculate things. The old monk has died and turned into a new pagoda, and there is no reason to see the old topic when the wall is broken. Do you remember the rough times in the past?

  Life is alive, just like birds come to the snow.

  When the bird is gone, even if there are some imprints of the claws on the snow (reputation), what is the meaning to the bird itself?

   Once on the way, we stayed at a monk's temple, but after a few years we passed by again, the old monk was already dead, and the verses we wrote on the temple wall at that time had already fallen off and could not be found. Do you remember the rough road that year? The road is long and people are very sleepy, even the donkeys are tired and neighing.

   Su Shi was twenty-four years old when he wrote this poem.

   is in full bloom, and the grand plan is to be exhibited.

   After that, it was Su Shi's whole life as an official, or "the years of rivers and lakes".

Stepping into the officialdom, the officialdom of the Song Dynasty was not very calm at that time. Soon after, it was a vigorous reform initiated by the Prime Minister Wang Anshi. This reform, to a certain extent, determined the rise and fall of the Song Dynasty, and in a sense affected the The trend of the entire Chinese history.

   This reform also ran through Su Shi's life and determined the ups and downs of his life.

  In the beginning, Su Shi, in his own opinion, believed that Wang Anshi's new law was "a slogan of benefiting the people and a fact of harming the people", and he wrote a letter against it.

   Maotou boy opposes the prime minister of the dynasty, and he is the prime minister who holds the right and has the emperor's support. What will happen? Anyone who isn't stupid knows it. As a result, Su Shi was transferred from the Beijing official to the local official. Although the level is probably flat, but from the central to the local, it is easy to get out, and if you want to go back, I am afraid it is as difficult as going home via the Shu Road.

   The way of Shu is difficult, and it is difficult to ascend to the sky!

After that, it was Su Shi's days as local officials in various places. Hangzhou, Mizhou, Xuzhou, and Huzhou were probably in circles around Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Officials are famous. And Su Shi's position is not low, probably equivalent to the current SJ level of the municipal party committee. After all, they are "the disciples of the emperor" who are rooted in Miaohong!

  The next step, with a little power, is likely to be a high-ranking official or even SJ of the provincial party committee.

   But these days, Su Shi was just Su Shi, and he was not called Su Dongpo. Su Dongpo is an extraordinary talent, but Su Shi is only one of the countless literati and officials in ancient China, and he is one of the ordinary ones. - What, are you talented?

   There are many talented people!

   You look forward and you can't see the head, and you look back and you can't see the head. Picking you out, your name is Su Shi, and putting you in, you are just so-and-so in that circle, and together with many so-and-so, form a "group portrait of ancient Chinese officials".

   But what did Mencius say?

  When the heaven will assign great responsibilities to the people of this country, they must first suffer their minds and wills, work their muscles and bones, starve their bodies and skin, empty their bodies, and disturb their actions.

  Tian smiled on it, and said to Su Shi silently: "Young man, I think you can do it, I want to put more burdens on you."

   So the fate of Su Shi became wonderful.

   When bad luck comes, luck follows.

   Destiny twins have been with him since this time.

At the age of 43, Su Shi served as the SJ of the municipal party committee in ZJ Huzhou. He has already served as the SJ of the municipal party committee in several places, and his political achievements are quite good. At the same time, as a literati, his reputation is also in the world. After all, in the early years, Ouyang Xiu, the leader of the literary world, once said: "I should avoid this person and stand out." (I have to give way and let this person come forward.)

   Who is this person referring to?

   is Su Shi.

   Next, Su Shi's whereabouts are worth considering.

  At this time in the DPRK, the non-reformed New Party faction was not picking up, Ouyang Xiuxiu went to the pavilion, Sima Guang smashed the tank... No, the code words went away, the others, etc., the famous and unknown people also went to paddling in various places. If Su Shi is transferred again, it is very likely that he will be transferred back to the center.

   And with his background, qualifications, political achievements, and reputation, this time, he will probably be able to take over the non-reform stick and hold high the banner of anti-reform.

   For the new party, can this be tolerated?

   It is absolutely unbearable!

We have killed so many people, and the price is not small. It is not to clear the position so that you can stand up, gather popularity, climb up, and then also shout "Fuck!" and sweep us all in In the garbage heap.

   Is this possible?

   Furthermore, the old emperor seems to have said that this is the talent of the future prime minister, and I will keep it for the following. Prime Minister? Counting the age, it is almost the same. The prime minister will definitely not be able to do it temporarily, but he will enter the small cabinet and be a deputy prime minister...

   So, "the wise man is seen in Weimeng", a conspiracy against Secretary Su, and thus started...

   Soon after, Su Shi was imprisoned on charges of satirizing the government and slandering the emperor. This is the famous "Wutai Poetry Case" in history.

   "What's wrong with Dongpo? His name is too high." His younger brother Su Zhe said the key. What's your name? Not the title of the text, nor the title of the poem written, but "the talent of the prime minister, the hope of the government and the opposition."

   As a result, Su Shi just fell on the step before ascending the pavilion.

   After that, after experiencing a near-death experience and nearly surviving, after a period of wowotou meal, the former Secretary Su finally saw the light of day, and was demoted to the deputy envoy of Huangzhou regiment training.

  The deputy envoy of the regiment training is actually not an official.

Just like at the beginning of the founding of the Song Dynasty, Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin conquered the Southern Tang Dynasty and named Li Yu, the queen of the Southern Tang Dynasty, as the "Marquis of Disobedience". Even if it is fake, group training, no, zipper training is real.

   In the words of later generations, reform through labor is also true.

   Since it is reform through labor, there is definitely no salary, and since it is reform through labor, there is definitely no housing.


   has been provided for you, food and shelter are worry-free, what else are we talking about labor, and what are we talking about transformation?

   So Su Shi's family of more than ten came to Huangzhou and faced such a situation. No food, no shelter, no money, no source of income. ——It is embarrassing and need not be detailed, because it is too sad.

   What's more, the previous Su Shi was not an ordinary person, but Secretary Su! It is Master Su who is famous all over the world!

   The difference between the situation before and after this is so different from the world!

   Afterwards, Su Shi's old friend Ma Meng came out to ask Su Shi to obtain dozens of acres of the former army camp outside the east gate of the prefecture, and reclaim it by himself. Attention, it is outside the east gate! Not outside the west gate, not outside the south gate, nor outside the north gate!

  Why is this emphasized?

  Because of an ancient name, it will be born here.

  During the period of Gonggeng, Su Shi wrote a series of poems titled "Eight Poems on Dongpo", Dongpo, the **** outside the East Gate.


  The ruins are left unattended, and the ruins are full of basil. Who can donate muscles and strength, will not pay for the end of the year. There is only one lonely traveler, and there is nowhere to run. Pick up rubble, the old dry soil is not plastered. Among the rugged grass thorns, I want to shave an inch of hair. Suddenly relieved and sighed, when did I get taller?

   For former Secretary Su, labor was very hard.

What's more, this is not an ordinary wasteland, but a camp where the army has been stationed. The solid ground is full of rubble and thorns. You can work all day long and you can't see any results, but there is no way, "The sky is endless. escape".

   Having a piece of land for you is already very good, what more can you expect?

   However, in his bones, Secretary Su is a very proud person. Pride makes him optimistic, but also forces him to be optimistic, so that he cannot tolerate being overwhelmed by the plight of the outside world. "Don't bow your head, the crown will fall, don't cry, the **** will laugh."

   In later generations, there is a saying that says so.

  Su Shi didn't know these words, but he used his actions to interpret these words, and used his own bones to support them.


   Although the barren fields are wild, each has its own suitable heights. Xia Xi species japonica, Dongyuan jujube chestnut. There are scholars from Shu in the south of the Yangtze River, and mulberry fruit has been promised to beg. Good bamboo is not difficult to plant, but it is afraid of whiplash. There is still a need to make a good place, and regulations will be used to secure my room. The house boy burns the withered grass and reports to the dark well. Once you are full, you will not dare to wait, and you can drink it with a scoop.

   Although this wasteland is poor, it can still be properly arranged.

  In low-lying places, you can plant rice and wheat, and on high slopes, you can plant jujube and chestnut trees. There is a fellow in the south of the Yangtze River who has promised to send me some mulberry seedlings. I also want to plant some bamboo, but I am afraid that the bamboo roots will grow everywhere in the ground.

   Here we have to find a better place to build a house.

   The boy burned the grass and found that there was an old well on the ground.

  Haha, God treats me really well, I can’t tell if I’m full for the time being, but I’m no longer thirsty, and I don’t have to go to the distance to fetch water.


   There was a small spring in the past, coming from the back of the distant ridge. Passing through the city through the settlement, the flow of evil and strong Peng Ai. Go to Keshipi, Shimu Fish and Shrimp Club. The old dry springs are also exhausted, and the dry grass is sticky and broken. Last night, it was cloudy in Nanshan, and it rained outside a plow. Hyun Ran searched for the old slander, and knew my reason for the wasteland. Ni celery has perennial roots, and an inch is alone. When the snow buds move, the spring dove can move.

   Here, the creek formed by the original fountain in the distance flows by, but all kinds of weeds are fattened along the way, and the creek finally merges into a small fish pond. At this time, there is a severe drought every year, the springs are dry, and the fish ponds are also cracked.

   God has come to favor me again, knowing that I am reclaiming wasteland, so it rained specially.

   Then, what did I find?

  Tender green celery!

   It’s just a pity, at this time, only an inch can grow, how long does it take for it to grow?

Shred the small turtledove meat, mix the egg whites, add small celery segments, match with the corresponding seasoning, and add some spiciness such as cornel. It is fresh, fragrant, crisp, tender, spicy and refreshing. Wow, when will it be available? How about eating this delicious dish from your hometown?


   Planting rice before Qingming, I can count the joys. Mao Kong is dark in spring, and needles and water smell good words. Divide the seedlings and early summer, and gradually like the wind and leaves. Yueming looked at the dew, and the beads were hanging down one by one. In autumn, the frost spikes are heavy, and they support each other upside down. But when I heard the Qilong, the grasshoppers were like wind and rain. The new chong will be put into the retort, and the jade grains will shine in the basket. I have been eating Guancang, red rot and other soil for a long time. The line should know this taste, and I have promised it.

  I finally eat what I grew myself!

  The real poet does not write poetry, but turns life into poetry. So when poetry is flourishing, it is enough to shake life apart, and that is poetry.

   One two three four, and five six seven eight.

  Eight poems from Dongpo.

Day after day, walking on the reclaimed Dongpo, the former Su Shi, gradually, step by step, became Su Dongpo, that is, in the process, he reclaimed the wasteland, the wasteland reclaimed him, and A robust, abundant life force, gathering little by little, poured into his body, poured into his spirit, poured into his soul.

   So there is a series of works in between.

   With "Whoever said that life is no longer short, the water in front of the door can still be west. Hugh will sing yellow chicken with white hair."

   With "the big river goes east, the waves are washed away, and the romantic characters of the ages."

There is "Between heaven and earth, everything has its own owner, and if it is not mine, even if it is not mine, I will not take it. Only the clear wind on the river, and the bright moon in the mountains, the ear can hear it and it is sound, and the eye encounters it and it becomes color, and take it. There is no prohibition, and there is no exhaustion. It is the endless treasure of the creator, and it is suitable for me and my son."

   There are also those two songs that Xu Guangling had read in the past and never forgotten:


​​​Self-made Qing songs pass the white teeth, the wind blows, the snow flying and the sea of ​​flames become cool.

  Thousands of miles return, the fewer the years, the more you smile, the fragrance of Lingmei. How about Lingnan? But he said, this peace of mind is my hometown.


   Don't listen to the sound of the forest beating leaves, why don't you roar and walk slowly. Bamboo stick mango shoes are lighter than horses, who is afraid? A misty rain for life.

   Expect the steep spring breeze to wake up, slightly cold, but the hills are slanting to welcome you. Looking back at the place that has always been bleak, when I go back, there is no wind or rain.

   The words and cards of these two poems are the same, and they are called "Ding Fengbo".

  The storm is set, and since then, no one or any force can make him embarrassed. His bones can be broken, but his soul will always stand between heaven and earth. From this time on, his spirit entered the ranks of the "great ones", and was looked up to and admired by generations of latecomers.



  Thanks Laoqingzuo and Yemengbing for their support of the recommendation tickets.

   Actually, I plan to write about eight people, but I really don’t have enough time, and I don’t want to break this chapter into one, two, three, four or something. So, let’s do it.

   (end of this chapter)