Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 833: subversion

   Chapter 833 Subversion

  Xu Yishan did not turn a blind eye to Xu Tonghui like Miao Xinghe, Chang Zhenhe and other cosmopolitan bigwigs thought, let alone see him again after a few years or decades.

   They are too ignorant of a monk with a high level of success.

  Cultivation, practice and practice all the way, improves not only the cultivation, but also the consciousness.

   And a cultivator who is only one step away from the heaven level, his mind, heart, and consciousness are completely beyond the understanding of Miao Xinghe and others who are also on the ground level.

  Xu Yishan gave them the impression that, in addition to his high cultivation, he acted impartially and without leakage.

   This latter, they consider means and thoughtfulness.

   But in fact, for Xu Yishan, it is just nature.

  ——What he thinks should be done, he does it, just like drinking water when he is thirsty, and eating when he is hungry.

   Earth Rank Dacheng is only Earth Rank Dacheng, after all, it is not Heaven Rank.

   Even Tianjie would not dare to say that what he is walking is the "Tao".

   But there is no doubt that the higher the level, the closer it is to the "Tao", and the higher the degree of fit with the "Tao", and many times, what is presented is that ordinary people cannot understand.

   Compared with Xu Yishan, the so-called Miao Xinghe, Chang Zhenhe, etc., or other similar people, are just "ordinary people".

   Moreover, even if Miao Xinghe and the others didn't talk about the consciousness of the top rank, it was impossible for them to understand how happy and valued Xu Yishan was to the "variables" that appeared around him.

  Xu Yishan can grasp everything about Annan, but he can't be promoted to the heavenly rank.

   Promotion needs to come from variables.

   And Xu Tonghui is a variable.

   "Xiao Xu, come here, sit down." Although Xu Yishan didn't stand up to greet him, he politely extended his hand to invite him. For a little cultivator who only had access to the veins, this was definitely an excessive courtesy.

   "Thank you, senior!" Xu Tonghui clasped his fists and saluted.

   This time, the meeting place is not the last place, but a small garden.

   There is no one else here, but Xu Yishan alone.

   Even after Xue Shou brought it with him, he retreated, leaving only Xu Yishan and Xu Tonghui across from the stone table.

   This scene was very grand, so grand that Xu Tonghui was absolutely flattered.

   Fortunately, he is the current Xu Tonghui, if the time is advanced one day.

   Just one day!

  If he came here at this time yesterday, and encountered such a scene, Xu Tonghui would probably be trembling and not even able to speak.

It's not just fear or something, but the low-level monks face the high-level monks directly, and there is no one else waiting to buffer them, then there will be some kind of "intention" or some kind of "potential" between each other. directly connected.

   Then, as an absolute subordinate, Xu Yishan does not need to do anything deliberately, Xu Tonghui will be directly impacted like an ordinary person standing under a big waterfall.

   Fortunately, Xu Tonghui is different today than yesterday.

   Therefore, although he was restrained, he still could not let go, but Xu Tonghui was not distracted, his thoughts were not scattered, and his breath was not floating, and what he showed was the calmness in his eyes.

   On the way here just now, Xue Shou and Xu Tonghui were shocked beyond belief.

   And as soon as they met, Xu Yishan actually narrowed his eyes slightly.

   To make a monk who has achieved great success and has been in charge of the entire Annan County for more than a hundred years have such a reaction, it definitely shows the surprise in his heart.

   At this time, the two were facing each other, with a distance of only three or five steps apart. Seeing Xu Tonghui's performance at the moment, Xu Yishan's heart was far from being astonished, but extremely shocked and inexplicable!

  Xu Yishan is not Xue Shouyi.

   Although Xue Shouyi is much higher than the current Xu Tonghui in terms of cultivation, there are not many things he can see.

   Even bluntly, he basically couldn't see anything.

   But Xu Yishan is different.

   There is not only an absolute rank between him and Xu Tonghui, but also a full five levels!

   In a sense, it can even be said that Xu Yishan knows more about Xu Tonghui than Xu Tonghui himself.

   And a lot more!

   Because of this, he couldn't help but be shocked.

   The higher Xu Yishan's cultivation level is, the more he knows many keys and aspects of cultivation.

   And precisely because he knew, at this moment, he was restless.

   is like an apple tree. When the apples are ripe, they don’t fall from the branches to the ground, but instead, they float to the sky.

   When the children see it, they will be amazed, and they will shout: "Dad, come and see, these apples are so strange!"

   That's how he yelled.

   Maybe he forgot about it before dinner. ——This kind of trivial matter is not worth remembering for a long time.

   But the father of this child is different!

   At that time, he should first determine if he is dazzled, if he is dreaming, and then see if there is a strong wind, and then look up to see if there are flying saucers in the sky.

   Or, see if there is any thread tangled in the apple? Even if his eyes can't see, he may reach out and scratch the top of the apple a few times.

  If none of these, none of these…

  The next moment, he will begin to doubt life.

  Xu Yishan is a little suspicious of life now.

   This is unreasonable!

   This makes no sense!

   is too unreasonable! It makes no sense!

   The huge change that happened to Xu Tonghui did not exceed, but completely overturned his cognition!

   In just a few days, can a person's change be so great?

   Is this a few days, or tens or hundreds of years?

  Yes, that's it, from Xu Tonghui, who met for the first time, to Xu Tonghui, who met for the second time, in Xu Yishan's opinion, there should be at least a few decades between them!

  ——Only add these time, and this Xu Tonghui is also a genius, and he has been making great strides in the past few decades.

  ——On this basis, this Xu Tonghui at the moment is reasonable!

In just a few short breaths, Xu Yishan overturned many thoughts in his heart, and then, when he turned it into words, he seemed very calm, "Tong Hui, these few days have passed by. how?"

   He changed his name without a trace.

   changed from "Xiao Xu" to "Tonghui".

  Although there is still a long way to go in terms of cultivation, Xu Tonghui's current performance is worthy of his name.

   This is an endorsement!

   Xu Tonghui didn't notice this.

   In fact, his mind was still a little tight.

   At this time, he was a little surprised that the question from the county governor was similar to that of Senior Xue just now?

   So he gave almost the same answer as before, and told the truth:

"Senior, because there is no longer a need for a stall, and because there are silver taels from the county governor's office, the junior no longer needs to worry about such chores. In the past few days, the junior is practicing in the morning and evening, and then spends most of the day during the day. idle."

   "Or tidy up the yard, or sit around, or go out for a walk."

   This is indeed what Xu Tonghui has been up to these days!

   Xu Yishan is actually very clear about these situations!

   And that's what he couldn't understand.

   Could it be that the courtyard he gave to Xu Tonghui was a spiritual place?

   But not to mention the spiritual land, even in the spiritual realm, it is impossible for Xu Tonghui to undergo such a big change!

  In the low-level monks, either they have never heard of the spiritual realm, or they regard the spiritual realm as a kind of legendary existence, but in the eyes of people of Xu Yishan's level, the so-called spiritual realm is actually just that.

   Rare or rare, but not magical.

   And he himself lived in a spiritual realm for ten years.

   Spirit Realm, at most, only makes a monk’s cultivation level rise faster.

   This is also the most important role of the spiritual realm.

   But the biggest change in Xu Tonghui was not his cultivation, but...

   That is also the most important thing for a monk!

   Could it be that there is still a saint living in my county town?

   Suddenly, Xu Yishan had such a ridiculous thought in his heart.

  ——Because according to his knowledge, there seems to be no other reason that can explain what happened to Xu Tonghui.

   (end of this chapter)