Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 843: retreat

   Chapter 843 Retreat

   Xu Tonghui retreats.

   Xu Guangling also began to meditate, which was a formal approach to the "body".

   In the previous life, the human body's biological clock was eight males and seven females, and this world has been greatly extended. According to Xu Guangling's observation, it should be twelve males and ten females.

   This also means, for men.

  From birth to twelve years old, um, you need to count the time in the mother's womb. This period is the first stage of development of the body. The body, not most of it, but all of it, all the qi and blood, is used for the development of the body.

   At this stage, as much qi and blood are used, there is no surplus and cannot be intercepted.

   In other words, one cannot practice.

  Once you practice, you stop the flow.

   Then, the development of the body will be greatly affected.

   Even if you can condense your energy in a few years, don’t expect to continue to channel your veins and open your body in the future.


   Because the pulse does not form the pulse, the orifice does not form the orifice.

   The body as the foundation and the platform has been destroyed by you, and you still expect to achieve success and glory step by step on this platform?

   Wash and sleep.

   Therefore, practicing before the age of twelve is basically equivalent to picking a small melon that has only grown for a few days.

After   , even if you soak this little melon in the nutrition jar, it will be useless.

   It's not long anymore!

   That's it!

   In other words, it has died!

   This can also be regarded as an alternative form of "growing seedlings".

  From thirteen to twenty-four years old, is the second stage of development of the body.

   In the first stage, the main developmental target of the body is the zang-fu organs, and after a whole stage, the zang-fu organs have fully developed and matured.

   is the so-called "long man".

   Long bones and tendons.

   Fully spread out the platform of the body.

   At this stage, there is a surplus of qi and blood, because the viscera has been fully developed, and one of the biggest consumptions has been removed. Not only that, the biggest consumer has turned into a strong supplier.

   For limb development, that is more than enough.

At the same time, the heaven and earth rules of yin and yang mating have not yet come into force. At this time, although people are divided into men and women, in a sense, they can still be regarded as "asexual people", neither male nor female, neither yin nor yin Positive.

   In other words, male is not male, female is not female, although male and female have been judged, yin and yang are not really divided.

   In addition, at this time, the mind and will are still relatively pure, with less contamination, it is easy to concentrate, and whatever you touch will be instinctively immersed.

  Both aspects of body and mind are the best stage.

   Therefore, this is the "golden age" of spiritual practice.

  The third stage, after the first two stages, the body, whether it is viscera or limbs, has been fully developed. Next, just grow, not develop.

  Men truly become males and move towards solidity.

  Women also really become women, and the eighteen changes of women have grown into a flower.

   Whether it is the body, the mind, or the mind, contamination appears more and more, and in terms of practice, it falls from the best "Golden Age" to the next-level "Silver Age".

  Xu Guangling Now, counting the time in the mother's womb, it is only eleven years and three months. Normally, it takes seven months to transition to the second stage.

   This time can be advanced.

   but not necessary.

   In the practice of this life, from the very beginning, Xu Guangling will not use any "extraordinary" means.

   Therefore, Xu Guangling's current retreat is more about "quietness", not "cultivation", let alone "cultivation".

   is no longer lying on a chaise longue, rocking and basking in the sun.

   During the day, Xu Guangling was also on a tree, in a log cabin.

   He was sitting on the floor in a rare double-legged posture.

  The real beauty of this posture is twofold, one is that the blood vessels of the whole body are not blocked, and the other is that the spine can be kept upright to the greatest extent, so that the whole body centered on it is in the best state of relaxation.

   Of course, it is not something ordinary people can do to fully achieve these two benefits.

   As far as the first point is concerned, when ordinary people sit in this posture, the first thing to be affected and hindered is precisely the bloodline, "no honor but shame", "before gain is lost".

   And this first point is the foundation.

The    foundation has not been reached, and the second point based on this foundation cannot be discussed.

   Therefore, for cultivators in this world, it is only the right time to use this posture after reaching the enlightened state.

   Xu Guangling was not forced.

   Whether it is the knowledge of the body's blood, qi, muscles, bones, etc., or the almost ten years of open-frame training in this world, it is enough for him to sit down in this posture at this moment.

   After just a little fine-tuning, the whole body is in the closest state to perfection.

   Then, Xu Guangling closed his eyes.


   Instead of seeing with the heart, listening with the heart, and smelling with the heart, on the contrary, the heart does not move beyond the intention, and the whole mind, gradually, naturally, reflects back into the body.

  Blood flows in the body.

  Xu Guangling is like a novice, he has completely let go of the experience of the previous life, and just uses the mind of the moment to feel the body at this moment a little bit.

   Feel the flow of blood in the body.

   head, hands, waist, feet, chest, back.

The feeling of    is still very rough, and cannot be "fine", let alone "subtle", and even the internal organs cannot be felt.

   Xu Guangling didn't care either.

   There was even a subtle little delight. - This is a real start from scratch!

   Brand new!

   This even satisfied some of his "cleanliness".

   And this feeling lasted for two or three hours.

   After two or three hours, the mind could no longer be immersed, but was automatically "kicked" out.

   "Tsk, this is the body of an ordinary person!" Xu Guangling shook his head.

   After getting down from the cabin, he also got down from the tree, and Xu Guangling quickly started to swim.

At noon, the water in the pond was warmed by the sun, even if it was still cold below, it was only slightly cooler, but the whole body was still warm, which made Xu Guangling still an ordinary person, and swimming in the pond was very difficult. Cozy.

   Retreat followed by movement.

   is not only physical movement, but also heart movement.

   This is the easiest dynamic adjustment.

   While swimming, Xu Guangling was thinking about it.

   He wanted to get some "medicine" for himself.

   The method of the great master, Xu Guangling would not use, but the method of the great master is not harmful, because it is only "knowledge", and it will be used in any world.

  The great master is above all the great masters, but it belongs to "power", and when the power is not available, it is a bit embarrassing.

   Just like Xu Guangling at this time, many of the great masters' methods, let alone not use them, just wanted to use them, but they couldn't use them.

   But as a "big master of medicine", his performance, at the low and medium levels, has almost no impact. ——Even if the world has changed.

   There may be few herbs in this world that are the same as in the previous life. Xu Guangling already knew about it a few times when he went to Dongshan.

   But as the bulk of medicine, this is actually just a change in parameters.

   Everything else is the same.

The    system is still that system.

The    frame is still the same frame.

   So, the big one is still that big one.

   In the past life, it was like this; in this life, it was like this; in the future world, as long as there was vegetation, it would still be like this.

   This is also the core meaning of “big zong”.

   (end of this chapter)