Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 888: Thousands of mountains and moonlight han

   chapter 888

   Earthshaking changes!

   Instant change!

   In the extreme excitement, Gan Congshi's heart became even more astonished.

   Just one set of open-frame training is so powerful. What should those low-level, medium-, and high-level methods look like?

  Can't think.

  I can't imagine it!

   The days in the Valley of the King of Medicine are like this, peaceful and quiet, day by day.

   is very simple for Xu Guangling. At present, his contact with the outside world is only Xu Tonghui and Tian Hao. Without the two of them, he could have spent ten or eight years in this small valley before going out.

As far as Gan Congshi is concerned, it is also very simple. Of course he is the head of the Medicine Master Hall, but there are not many things that require him to make decisions personally, and as for other contacts and the like... Earth-level cultivators go to retreat. A few months, a year or two, isn't it normal?

   Therefore, the old and the young have completely cut off contact with the outside world since the day they stepped into the Medicine King Valley.

   Clouds and birds come and go, people and things are not heard.

  From one a day, to two a day, to five a day, to ten a day.

  Xu Guangling studied the herbs of this world under the guidance of Gan Cong style.

   is not to learn the things taught by the willingness to follow, those are actually just an introduction to a great master of medicine.

   The main difference between this life and the previous life is that the index of aura is different, especially at the foot of the Lingshan Mountain, in the Valley of the King of Medicine.

   Trees that have been growing for thousands of years, and medicinal herbs that have been iterating for thousands of years are everywhere. And these herbs that have been reproduced in the high Reiki index for generations are slightly different from the previous life.

   Xu Guangling can grasp its overall context.

   But after carefully combing and understanding them one by one, you can always find a lot of novelties.

   What could be more surprising to a person who is devoted to research?

   Therefore, Xu Guangling is really immersed in the study of these medicinal herbs under the condition that his practice goes with the flow.

  In addition to teaching herbal knowledge earnestly, Gan Cong Shi also found his own "idiot".

He has already learned all the forty-eight forms of open-frame physical boxing, so when the old tree sprouts, he will practice it early in the morning, and practice it at night. During the day, whenever he is free to teach Xu Guangling, he still thinks about it. .

  Gan Cong-style boxing practice is well-behaved, and he doesn't dare to take half a step over the thunderous pool.

   Xu Guangling's explanations were regarded as a guideline by him, and he did not dare to make the slightest mistake.

   In fact, there is no such thing as the slightest mistake, because if any part is wrong, the qi and blood in the body will not respond correctly.

  This is a method tailored for the people of the Gancong style, and its requirements are extremely difficult.

  If Xu Tonghui was replaced, no matter how smart he was, even if he had undergone several "change blood", he would still not be able to put on this air. ——As long as he hasn't advanced to the ground level.

  Xu Guangling was in the process of studying medicine, and slowly, Gan Congshi was dumbfounded.

   The reason for his jaw-dropping was naturally not that Xu Guangling learned quickly. Regarding this point, Gan Congshi reluctantly accepted his fate and no longer put himself and this little monster on the same measuring platform.

  It is normal for little monsters to behave.

   But "normal" should not be expressed in the combination of herbs!

   "Xiaolingzi, this dew grass and this purple head vegetable can't be used together, right?"

When making dinner that day, Gan Congshi saw Xu Guangling put a white fish in the pot, then put in the dew grass, put in several other herbs, and finally put in the purple head vegetable, and he couldn't help being suspicious. asked.

   From the point of view of Gan Cong style, there is a big problem with this match!

   The problem is not only that dew grass and purple head vegetables cannot be paired, but only dew grass should not be paired with white fish.

  The white fish is cold and slippery, and the dew grass is as cold and slippery. The two share the same, and the result is that after eating, it is bound to have diarrhea!

  Although adding a few other herbs may dilute this property, at the root, this combination should not appear! It needs to be avoided as much as possible!

  If he changed to another elementary school apprentice, Gan Congshi would have long ago reprimanded him for making a fool of himself, even if that apprentice was about to "leave his apprenticeship", it would be no exception.

   But in the face of Xu Guangling, in the face of this "little monster" that Gan Congshi didn't know how to evaluate, Gan Congshi just asked suspiciously.

   "Senior, this combination is delicious!" This was Xu Guangling's answer.


good to eat!

Really delicious!

   After a while, as the water in the stone pot became hot, the aroma of the fish rose.

   A very peculiar fragrance, the fragrance of fish and the fragrance of medicine are mixed together, and the result is that Gan Congshi can't help but get greedy!

   This is really a little monster.

   This has happened so many times.

The situation this time is not bad. After all, it is a combination that Gan Congshi feels very "weird". In the past, it was only three or two combinations that were normal and not unusual at all. Boil in water.

   As a result, everything cooked is delicious!

   "Xiaolingzi, why is this soup so delicious?" Gan Congshi asked this more than once.

   "Senior, you can see what I did!" Xu Guangling spread his hands and said innocently, "I just threw those things into the water and boiled them."

  Yes, Gan Congshi saw it.

  I watched it from beginning to end.

   After repeated many times, under Xu Guangling's innocent expression and under Gan Congshi's own suggestion, Gan Congshi tacitly acknowledged the fact that his cooking is very bad and has little skill.

   Although he made it himself before, it was also "delicious", but it was completely because there was no comparison!

   Well, Gan Congshi tacitly accepted this result.

   He doesn't acquiesce and doesn't.

  Because the food made by the little guy is better than his cooking!

   And it's not ordinary, it's more than a lot!

   As for why there is no delicious food outside, Gan Congshi can explain it himself. ——Because the ingredients outside are grown in ordinary places, how can it be compared to the Valley of the King of Medicine?

   So, soon, two meals a day, morning and evening, except for the preparation of ingredients, which requires a Gan Cong style, the affairs of the "chef" were completely handed over to Xu Guangling.

   Today's "unreasonable" collocation is just the beginning.

   Slowly, with more and more collocations, Gan Congshi couldn't understand it.

   He started to ask why it was so well matched, Xu Guangling either replied that he could try it, anyway, it wouldn’t kill us, or he could answer that it might be delicious…

   and so on.

   Slowly, habit becomes natural.

   The combination of Xu Guangling's more and more ingenious, Gan Cong style has gradually become accustomed.

  It was during this process that Xu Guangling started to discuss with Gan Congshi-

  Which herbs can be used during the Qi condensation period? Where can the medicine be prepared?

  Tongmai period?

   Revelation period?

   But there is always an answer to any question. Gan Congshi responded to all Xu Guangling's questions with all his heart and soul. Then, under the sun, the stars, and the lights, the old and the young discussed with each other.

   From the beginning, Xu Guangling just asked Gan Cong style to answer as much as possible. Slowly, the balance of question and answer shifted little by little without knowing it.

   From questioning to answering to discussing each other.

   From mutual discussion to Xu Guangling's proposal of a possibility, Gan Congshi used his own cognition to infer that possibility.

   Gradually and unconsciously, Xu Guangling has quietly taken over the master control from Gan Congshi in terms of herbal medicine.

   "This is a peerless genius in herbal medicine, ten times, one hundred times, ten thousand times stronger than this old man!"

   Gan Cong Shiji gradually got such a cognition.

   (end of this chapter)