Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 898: Buckwheat blossoms with white snow fragr

   Chapter 898 Buckwheat Blossoms White Snow Fragrance

   "The intersection is called 'orifice'."

   "There are hundreds of thousands of apertures in the human body, like the stars in the sky, countless."

   This is the conclusion reached by a former great master based on his personal experience.

   Even Xu Guangling's two teachers have some personal experience, and they have seen the past and the present, and they have also thought and verified for most of their lives. Earlier, they still thought that the person who opened the five orifices was called a great master.

   Palm orifice, two.

  Foot heart orifice, two.

   Top Heart Orifice, one.

   In fact, these five orifices are just "outer orifices".

   Are these five tricks important?


Very important!

   Knowing them simply by their location is very important.

The so-called standing upright, if a person's feet are spread apart, and the two arms are inclined to the sky like the two feet, then the two feet are touching the ground, the palms seem to be connected to the sky, and the top of the head, when the spine is relaxed and empty, Naturally straight up, but also towards the sky.

   In practice, this is actually a very simple but meaningful gesture.

  Because the "five hearts" in this posture, due to the instinctive operation of qi and blood, will become one body and cooperate with each other.

First, when the human body stands, all the qi and blood of the whole body are poured into the feet, and the heart orifice of the feet can be operated; secondly, when the two hands are raised, in order to ensure that the raised hands also have qi and blood, the body will use more abundant power to fill the hands with qi and blood. , the palm of the hand can work.

   Again, the hands and feet are separated, and the body forms an "X" shape. Qi and blood can flow very smoothly from the right hand to the left foot, and from the left hand to the right foot.

   Even if it is an ordinary person, standing in this posture for a cup of tea every day, all major and minor diseases caused by qi and blood can be slowly or even completely eliminated.

At last.

   If the five hearts are connected, in this posture, the body's operation of qi and blood is first the limbs, then the viscera, then the bones, and then the spine.

   Again and again...

   One qi to the Yuan, all streams return to the sect, connecting to the "Fate Aperture", one of the most core and most mysterious three fundamental orifices.

  From "Five Heart Apertures" to "Ming Aperture", this is from the outermost to the innermost.

   And in the body, from the outermost to the innermost, surrounded by the mighty qi and blood, there are endless worlds and thousands of stars.

   The body is heaven and earth.

   orifices are stars.

   One who knows one thing, one star turns.

   When a star turns, in the area where the star is located and can be affected, the circulation, operation and even creation of qi and blood will "continue to grow" and operate without hindrance.

  Thousands of stars work together.

   is a creation of one body, and there are no words to describe it.

   Strong character, called "God".

   In the beginning there was the Tao, and God was the same as the Tao.

   That is the highest realm a creature can imagine.

   is also Xu Guangling's current goal, under the guidance of Jian Tianjing.

   And currently, his progress is 1/X.

  X is infinitely large, at least quite large, and this 1 is very likely to become 2, 3, etc. until the next reincarnation, going to another world.

   Of course, this is only temporary.

   As he continues to climb higher in this world and reach the peak, perhaps, there will be another fortune at that time.

   Regarding the "orifice" of the human body, this is an existence that can only be truly understood by standing at the height of a great master.

Only when the orifice is really opened, or even the core of the life orifice is opened, and even more, only Xu Guangling has experienced reincarnation, and has the indestructible true nature under the influence of heaven and earth, and then builds the life orifice with the inextinguishable true nature. , will know what is it.

   In a word, it can be described in eight words:

   "Explore the world and breed good fortune."

Therefore, if we talk about cultivation, the cultivation system in this world ranges from human level to earth level to heaven level, from condensing qi, channeling meridians, opening orifices, absorbing qi and even the latter, etc., the world's cultivators do not know how many ordinary people are, but they do not know there are How many people know that the most important thing is precisely that "enlightened" in the human class?

   This level is not just a ladder that you can walk through.

   On the contrary, it is consistent and runs through all the levels of practice below the level of "God".

   Standing at this height and looking back on the past, Xu Guangling also realized that the "returning to the origin of the machine's fundamental method" obtained from the mirror of the sky is such a monstrous method.

   However, this method is only one of the "ninety percent methods" in the "three holy methods, ninety percent methods, and twenty-four cheap methods" in "Qinghua Baozhuan"!

It was impossible to think that the so-called "Wooden Panjing" was just written by him at will, and its level was one hundred and one hundred years away from the "Twenty-Four Cheap Methods". Eighty Streets.

   But even so, for this native cultivator of the land level, it is unattainable enough.

   Feeling the blood rushing frantically in the old man standing beside him, Xu Guangling smiled slightly.

  Everything is in the mind.

   In fact, it would be the same for him.

   No practitioner would be indifferent when suddenly receiving such a message.

   Just like a person who has long been used to working hard from 9 to 6 every day and earning thousands of dollars a month, one day, he suddenly saw an extra 10 billion in his bank card.

That feeling of    is probably what Gan Congshi feels at this time.

  Whether it is excitement, excitement, ecstasy, or doubt, puzzlement, fear, in short, it cannot be calm.

   If it was an ordinary person, with the surging level of Qi and blood in the body in the Gan Cong style, Xu Guangling was worried that he would faint, or would have a heart attack, high blood pressure, cerebral blood vessel rupture or something.

   But for an earth-level cultivator, this is trivial.

   So Xu Guangling just smiled faintly in his heart, and then stopped writing at the right time.

  The heart of Gan Congshi collapsed.

  The sky collapsed, the sky turned upside down.

   This is not an exaggeration.

   is a very realistic description of his state at the moment.

  I can't imagine how much impact his heart has suffered at this moment. There is neither a quantitative indicator nor a quantitative method. What Gan Congshi can feel is only the rush of blood and blood, and then, the whole body tense.

   It will be hot for a while.

   is hot.

   As if the whole body was steaming hot.

It was caused by the frantic surging of qi and blood, his head, his face, his ears, his neck, his hands, his feet, and even his whole body... that kind of scorching heat, willing to obey can be clearly felt.

  It will be cold for a while.

very cold.

  Gan Congshi remembered when he went to the imperial capital.

  October, heavy snow.

  Big snowflakes are falling from the sky, and in the wild, trees with fallen leaves stand alone on the ground, covered by heavy snow little by little.

   Then the snow accumulates into ice.

   The whole tree was frozen.

   When I saw that scene back then, I wasn't impressed and didn't feel anything, but at this time, Gan Congshi's mind suddenly flashed that scene at a certain time, and he himself seemed to have become such a tree.

   Solitary and tightly sealed in ice and snow.

   From the inside out, freeze through!

   How can it not be cold?

   "The human body has 100,000,000 orifices."

   These words that both made his blood boil and made him cold all over, just in his mind, rampage, and he couldn't stop for a moment.

   (end of this chapter)