Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 923: The unicorn is the breast and the dragon

   Chapter 923 The unicorn makes the dragon as the scorpion

The content of   The Road to Qingyun is not long.

   It should be said that it is very short even for these high-level strata of Sihaimen.

   is so short that even if you read it once and don’t remember it completely, when you read it a second time, you can also ensure that every word is memorized in your mind, and it is automatic, so you don’t need to memorize it deliberately at all.

   What's more, the short road to Qingyun, these high-level executives just read it once or twice?

   More than ten times and twenty times!

   Take Chang Yansong’s grandfather, Chang Zhenhe, for example, this day and night, I don’t know how many days and nights have been rolling this script in my mind.

   Well, let’s call it a storybook.

  I love my grandson, and my cultivation has grown by leaps and bounds because of this.

  Although no matter how much you advance by leaps and bounds, it is only a matter of condensing air, which is insignificant to the ground level, but the rapid advancement of your cultivation base is inconceivable, no matter which level it happens to!

   At least, Chang Zhenhe has never seen anything in his life.

   Smell it.

   is in the storybook.

There are many scriptures in the Huaben Pavilion, and there are main characters who have made great progress in their cultivation because they were accepted as disciples by saints and heavenly rank, and who have broken through to the heavenly rank after taking spiritual medicine. Countless.

  The Road to Qingyun is indeed a storybook.

   But this storybook has not written about the practice of the protagonist Leng Qingyun, so there is no such thing as a great improvement in cultivation.

   But outside the storybook, his grandson who read this storybook has made great progress!

  Chang Zhenhe was already extremely shocked that night, but these days, not only did the shock not subside, but the more he thought about it, the more shocked he became.

   It wasn't just him, the old guys were just as shocked as he was.

   Chang Zhenhe couldn't be more clear about this.

   So he can also conclude that about this road to the blue sky, those old guys must have been tumbling in their minds as many times as he did.

   Don't roll over every word, every word has to be taken apart!

  What is said in this Road to Qingyun?

   talked about the ethnographic assessment.

  Wen, numbers, Taoist poetry.

   And these days, the matter of "ethnicity assessment" has been discussed by several major families in the sect.

   It is not about whether it is useful or not, nor about whether to implement it or not, but about how to implement it in your own family! Do you want to divide it into three categories: text, math, and Taoism, or add something else.

   But this matter is important, but it is only important to the family.

  A family is a family, and an individual is an individual. For Chang Zhenhe and others, family interests must be maintained and managed, but when it comes to self-cultivation, oneself must be the first.

   Not to mention anything else, just say that if the county town suddenly came to the sky, and then proposed to accept one of them as a disciple.

   But the price is to leave the family, leave Annan County, and even leave the country and never come back for life. The honor and disgrace of the family is no longer related to them.

   Ask them if they want to think about it?

   Consider a hammer!

   Hurry up, hug your thighs, kneel down, and beg to accept it!

   Of course, having said that, this kind of thing is definitely impossible to happen. Even if Tianjie comes, even if Tianjie wants to accept disciples, it is impossible to accept them.

   Not to mention a lot of beards, just "not accepting already cultivated" is the iron rule for almost all practitioners in the spiritual world.

  Practice means that he has already started to practice, even if he is only ten years old.

  Why not accept repairs?

Because who knows which dharma door you are cultivating, in case it belongs to the opponent or even the enemy side, then you cultivate it through hard work, and in the end you cultivate the person on the opposite side. opposite.

   Do you have the feeling of wanting to kill this disciple and then commit suicide?

   This is actually only one of the reasons, and it is only an external cause.

   The bigger internal cause is that people who have already started to practice, even if they have only practiced for a day, have already laid the foundation!

   No matter how good or bad the foundation is, it will seriously affect the subsequent practice!

  Which cultivator accepts a disciple and wants to accept such a half of the goods?

   Therefore, if there is a day-level who wants to accept a disciple, it is most likely to be accepted when the disciple is three or four years old. Five or six years old is already too late, and no matter how late, it should not be more than eleven or twelve years old.

  Unless the situation is very special, or there is any reason to accept it.

   As for the age of fifty or sixty...

   Are you kidding me?

   And Chang Zhenhe and the others, they are not too big, they are only about 150 or 60 years old.

   So they want to make another breakthrough in their practice, what should they do?

   What are the ways?

   First, he was accepted as a disciple by the great monk.

   This has been directly excluded and is not used for any consideration.

   This road does exist, but they cannot go.

   It's not just that they can't walk, they are all over the world, and they are all over the entire world of practice, and if you count them all from ancient times to the present, there may not be a few people who can walk, they can be counted on one hand!

   If you can’t get it right, you just don’t need to count.

   Because there is none at all!

  Second, as some books say, get the inheritance of the senior monks.

  This, Chang Zhenhe doesn't think his face can be this big.

   Including his old buddies.

   Really have such a big face, it is estimated that they were spotted by some great monk passing by when they were young, can they wait until today?

   What about bullshit?

  About this, there is a little story in it.

   Take Chang Zhenhe as an example. When he was very young, his ancestors told him that he should be very serious and serious when training his body, because even if his ancestors were not watching, there might be other people watching.

  Xiao Zhenhe asked, "Who is it?"

   Then the old ancestor told him that there is a great cultivator who travels around the world, which child might be attracted to because of the serious training, and then it is amazing.

   This "story" Chang Zhenhe also passed on to Chang Yansong, and it is estimated that Chang Yansong will also pass it on to his son, grandson and great-grandson in the future.

   And basically every family, it is estimated that there is such a "story".

   I have to say that this kind of thing is still very useful for motivating children.

But when the child grows up a little bit, and grows up to what Chang Zhenhe is today, he does not know how many children are grandfathers. Naturally, he knows that there are not so many great monks who patrol the world, and they are still in Annan County. No, in a hundred years, can a great monk pass by?

   Third, relying on the sky and the earth is not as good as relying on yourself.

  There are no saints, no heavenly ranks, and no senior monks.

Nothing at all!

The inheritance of the family is also there, not to mention that the Qi-enhancing state is not up, the inheritance of the Qi-enhancing state itself is also quite imperfect, at least compared with the third level of human rank, it is basically like two types thing.

   Relying on that kind of simple inheritance to break through the qi by himself, Chang Zhenhe also didn't feel that his face was so big.

   Is he a genius?


  Everyone who can cultivate to the ground level is a genius!

  Chang Zhenhe never doubted this, even if he boasted about himself in this way, he was bragging.

   But genius also has a "limit" and a "degree".

   Genius definitely does not mean omnipotent.

   Regarding his genius, what Chang Zhenhe can think about is that if he is as lucky as Xu Yishan and accepted as a disciple by Tianjie, then he may be like Xu Yishan now, and he is infinitely close to Tianjie.

   Instead of being an earth rank, he is infinitely close to a human rank.

   He and Xu Yishan, they are both on the ground, but they are on the ground, one up and one down, one day at a time.

   is incomparable.

  Chang Zhenhe never compared himself with their current county governor.

   In fact, what if it was comparable?

   There is a teacher of Tianjie behind the house!

   As long as you think of this, there is no need to compare at all.

   But this does not mean that Chang Zhenhe is not motivated.

He has!

   Not only him, but his old buddies too!

   Every cultivator who can cultivate to the ground level is a genius.

   Every genius has a heart.

   That spirit was probably thinking in childhood that he would definitely become a great saint in the future.

   When I was young, I felt that it was not easy to practice, so I thought about how to become a heavenly rank.

   You don’t have to be a saint, just heaven.

   The young man is middle-aged, and finally realizes the various fetters and blockades from reality, so that ideal becomes very realistic - the ground! Become a tier!

   became a tier, and then he couldn't break through it anymore. As he got older, he thought again, at least cultivate a tier for the family. Even if my generation cannot break through, what about the next generation, the next generation?

  There is always hope as long as the family level is constant!

   No matter how old you are, you have gradually felt that threshold, and the mind of self-cultivation is also a little light.

   At least, the idea of ​​a big breakthrough is gone.

   But what about the heart?

   Any more?


still there?


   Even if that heart qi is suppressed by reality again and again, it becomes smaller and smaller, and then it can't even be seen, and it is suppressed to the ground, and it is pressed to the depths of the ground, it still exists as a seed!

   And even that kind has been sleeping.

   When the opportunity arises.

   When the opportunity arises.

   It's about to pop up!

  ——Fight to the death!

   Otherwise, what's the point of being a seed?


   What a heart!

   (end of this chapter)