Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 942: Two loves never promise who is the first

   Chapter 942 The two loves never promise who will be the first

   Xu Guangling's joy did not affect Xu Tonghui's anxiety.

   He could neither break the jar, nor believe that he had suddenly become a "medicine master". Even such a complex medicine could not even be tested, and he succeeded directly!

   So throughout the whole process of refining the medicine, his nerves were tense.

   Fortunately, this medicine was not made in one day, and there was still time for him to rest at night.

   So every night rest became Xu Tonghui's redemption. If not, I can't stand it down at all, and I have already died of exhaustion!

  Finally, after four days of incomparable hardships, the process of refining medicine entered the final step.

   These four days, Xu Tonghui feels longer than four years!

   Fortunately, what belongs to him is finally over!

   Combined the last two medicinal liquids, nothing happened, the color was a normal dark green, and the smell, Xu Tonghui smelled it like a conditioned reflex, and then even sniffed hard.

   didn't smell anything.

   Is this a success or a failure?

   Xu Tonghui doesn't know, but he has already made this step anyway, success or failure is none of his business!

  If the young master is not satisfied, he will take off his head and use it for no other purpose.

   Well, it doesn't seem to fit.

   I can't even fit my head out.

   Not to mention, Xu Tonghui now has a feeling that his head is empty.

   After four days of devotion, even if every night is supplemented by deep rest, Xu Tonghui still feels that with the completion of this last step, all his energy has been completely exhausted.

   Don't say another four days, even if it's just another day, he probably won't be able to support it any longer!

   Following Xu Tonghui's actions, Xu Yishan also sniffed unconsciously.

   He didn't even smell anything.

   This is a miracle!

  Xu Yishan was secretly shocked in his heart. He didn't know what Xu Tonghui was thinking. At this moment, looking at this medicinal liquid that seemed to be unremarkable in shape, Xu Yishan just thought that Xu Tonghui should have made a rather remarkable medicine.

   So many plants and trees, after extraction, synthesis, and the final juice formed, he, a master of the earth, could not smell the slightest taste.


   It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s incredible, right?

   Not to mention more than 300 kinds, just any one, it has a taste!

   And in the process, so many fragrant, stinky, pungent, and many indescribable, in the end, became such a tasteless.

  Xu Yishan felt a shock inexplicably.

   He instinctively felt that there was an unknowable thriller hidden in it.

   "Tonghui, is this all right?" Xu Yishan asked when he saw Xu Tonghui staring blankly at the only one left of the medicinal liquid.

   "Oh, no, no, no, there is one last step!" Xu Tonghui woke up like a dream, he immediately looked certain, and said to Xu Yishan solemnly: "Senior brother, there is one last step, and this step requires you to do it."

   "How?" Xu Yishan was so excited that he almost rolled up the sleeves of his arms.

   It is said that he has never eaten pork and has always seen a pig run. Xu Yishan has never been involved in herbal medicine, but he knows a "medicine king", and he knows a little bit about the preparation of medicines.

   But he had never heard of Xu Tonghui this time.

   And the medicinal liquid that was finally synthesized is really strange.

  Xu Yishan is very curious, what kind of medicine is this, and what does he need to do?

   The answer will soon be revealed.

   "Senior brother, please pour spiritual energy into this medicinal liquid." Xu Tonghui said.

   Infuse spiritual energy into the liquid?

  Xu Yishan was taken aback.

   Knowing each other for a hundred years, he has never heard of such an operation in Gan Congshi! Even, I have never heard of such a thing even from the master.

   "How much?" Xu Yishan asked after being stunned for a while.

I do not know either!

   Xu Tonghui almost blurted out these words.

Fortunately, when the words came to his mouth, his spirit, which was a little dazed because of the great consumption, came back, and he covered his words from his throat. Instead, he said, "I don't know the specifics. Senior Brother, you just need to infuse as much as you like, the more the better, until you can no longer infuse."

   It is said to be medicinal liquid, but it is actually similar to water.

   Infuse spiritual energy into the water, has Xu Yishan done this?

   did it!

   After he advanced to the ground level and came to the Qi-entraining realm.

  The first realm of the three levels of the earth, the Qi-entraining realm, can have two meanings in simple terms.

   First, after passing through the opening state, the body can directly exchange with the outside world's spiritual energy through the opened orifices. From then on, practitioners can experience "reiki baptism", or "reiki filling body".

   This is to draw the spiritual energy into the body, so it is called "drawing the air".

   also has another meaning, that is, after entering the Qi-entraining state, the practitioner can directly control the direction of the aura through consciousness. This kind of traction is called "Qi-entraining".

   Anyway, no matter what it means, entraining qi refers to pulling the aura.

   As for whether to draw this spiritual energy into the body, or to draw this spiritual energy to other places, it is the same.

  Xu Yishan not only poured spiritual energy into water, but also poured it into wood, stone, etc. Anyway, after entering the Qi-entraining environment, he used aura to infuse many things around him.

   That was a long, long time ago.

   At this moment, Xu Yishan smiled slightly, and with a flick of his fingers, the spiritual energy around him began to spin slightly.

   Rotate around the medicinal liquid in the tub.

   With the rotation, a large amount of aura begins to gather in the center, and it also gathers in the medicinal liquid.

  In the beginning, it was invisible.

   It's not just that Xu Tonghui can't see anything.

  Xu Yishan can't see anything unless he activates his spiritual vision.

   But because of this kind of thing, the vision is turned on, unless he is crazy. ——Of course, just today, right after, he will regret why he didn't turn on his spiritual vision.

  Xu Yishan originally thought that it would continue to be invisible and invisible until the invisible spiritual energy filled the medicinal liquid, overflowed, and reached a certain concentration, and could no longer be poured into it.

   But soon, the medicinal liquid in the basin followed the direction of the aura rotation and performed a synchronous rotation.

  Xu Yishan was taken aback.


   This is something that has never happened before!

   He has poured spiritual energy into the water more than once, in cups, bowls, jars, and even ponds!

   Of course, Xu Yishan did not have the heart to pour water into big rivers, but he had poured everything from cups to large ponds, but he never noticed that there was any movement in the water infused with spiritual energy.

   was motionless from beginning to end.

   But at this time, he hadn't poured much spiritual energy yet, and the medicinal liquid actually spun along with it!

   was stunned, but it did not hinder Xu Yishan's operation.

   Even, he began to increase the magnitude.

   Aren't you turning? Then give me a harder spin.


  Turn it up!

  I see how far you can go!

   (end of this chapter)