Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 976: It's all about Liu Lang's death

   Chapter 976 It's all about Liu Lang

  The sun and the moon condense its shape, and the landscape gathers the spirit.

   Looking at the children in front of him, Xu Yishan suddenly thought of this sentence.

   And the people from Sihaimen, at this time, recalled the specific description of Ningqi San in Qingyun Road again.

   "No matter how bad the root is, no matter how bad the understanding is, no matter how lazy the practice is, as long as you take this condensing qi powder, you will be able to condense the qi within ten years, and then break into the channel."

   "And if the root is good, the understanding is good, and the practice is good, within three years, it is hoped that the veins will be opened."

  Before, they were really unimaginable.

   I just think this description is too absurd and unbelievable.

   They don't think the description in the road to Qingyun is false, but in any case, they can't connect this description with reality.

   No matter how bad the root bone is?

   No matter how poor understanding is?

   No matter how lazy the practice is?

   Doesn't it mean that no matter who you are, as long as you have good luck and get a pill like this, you won't even need to practice in the future, as long as you eat, sleep, sleep, and eat every day, you will definitely become a monk in the channeling state?

   Moreover, it must be within ten years!

   Even just a little bit less bad, this time can be brought forward!

   at most, within three years in advance?

Ha ha.

   How could there be such a thing!

   How could there be such a thing!

   If all this is possible, what is the point of practicing diligently and concentratingly?

   Therefore, in a sense, they are actually "respectful and far away" from this record of Ningqi San, and they can't believe it doesn't exist, let alone believe it exists, so they "exist and don't care".

   But at this time, looking at the ten children in the field, several people from Sihaimen fell silent in their hearts.

   Actually, verification is no longer required.

   Just looking at the current physical and mental temperament of these children, they have all unconditionally approved the records.

   There is no need to talk about the future practice.

  Only the current image, these ten children have left their former friends far behind, making it seem that the two are no longer the same kind of people!

   And, it wasn't anything unusual at all.

   is truly a world of difference!

   This one is beautiful jade.

  The other...

   At most, it is a stubborn stone! Even, the earth is rough and rotten.

  But, before today, they were the same! Or there are pros and cons, but overall it is still in the same league!

   After today, their fates should be completely different, right?

Do not!

  No should!

   is totally different!

   This point can already be determined early!

  Gu Huaimin couldn't help but feel a sadness in his heart.

It stands to reason that he is also an uncompromising son of the heavens. Whether he first stood out from the family, or later became the head of a huge cosmopolitan sect, and he was deeply convinced by the people in the sect, these are enough to prove his talent and talent. All are extraordinary.

   is a character that many other people look up to.

   But now, Gu Huaimin is standing on the stubborn rock, earth and rotten wood, and feels sad for many children.

   ended today. There were a total of fifty-two children participating in the competition.

   In addition to the ten in front of him at this time, the forty-two have been sent back by various families, and even the few from Sihaimen have all gone back and forth from where they are.

   Those children, do they know what kind of opportunity they lost?

   Of course they don't know.

   Even if they knew a little bit later, at their age, most of them thought they just didn't get a delicious preserved fruit.

   But they will grow up eventually.

   Ten years later, twenty years later, thirty years and fifty years later…

   At that time, these forty-two children recalled today...

  The sadness in Gu Huaimin's heart is actually just a touch, it's not so painful that you can't breathe, but this lightness can't be dispelled or eliminated.

   turned his head slightly, Gu Huaimin looked out of the hall.

  The weather tonight is still very good. Although the moon is half-bent, the stars are brilliant. The stars and the moonlight shine together, making the night not very dim.

   But it's night after all.

  The boundless night shrouded the whole earth.

   is very similar to the depression in Gu Huaimin's mood at the moment.

   Or, he didn't feel sorry for the other children, he just hurt and thought of himself.

   Compared with Xu Yishan's stratum, what is the difference between the stubborn stone and the beautiful jade?

  Today, in front of Xiao Ningqi San, who brought earth-shaking changes to ten children, he not only witnessed the solemnity, vastness, and inconceivability of creation, but also deeply felt his own insignificance.

   And the saddest thing is that, although you know how small you are, you can't do anything about it.

  If he could make a difference, he wouldn't be in the Earth-level Qi-entraining state until now.

   As early as eighty years ago, he was in the Qi-entraining realm!

  ——How many 80 years will there be in a person's lifetime, especially at the level of his cultivation?

   Not to mention, more than a hundred years have passed before.

In fact, the past 80 years cannot be said to be a complete waste of time. In the years of Shuimo, he still has new insights and new experiences for many bits and pieces of cultivation, and his overall cultivation has actually risen a lot. .

   But this kind of progress is, after all, bit by bit, not a big step forward at the human level.

   What this means, Gu Huaimin couldn't be more clear!

It means that when the accumulation of this bit by bit becomes less and less, the more difficult it becomes, his cultivation will gradually fall into a complete stagnation. retreat.

   Until the day when the deadline comes.

   In fact, many seniors of the family and Sihaimen have passed through this life in this way, and Gu Huaimin himself has sent many people away.

   Moreover, they can advance to the earth rank, and their lifespan is greatly extended compared with that of the human rank. Just this, I don’t know how many cultivators in the world are surpassed!

   Nothing to regret.


   is really not reconciled!

   You have to be reconciled if you are not willing, this is the reality.

   But as Xu Tonghui entered Annan, a gap was broken in this reality.

   Even this gap was opened from their Four Seas Gate!

  No need to think about it, Gu Huaimin also knows what to do, and all the old guys must have the same idea!

   Just as Gu Huaimin's mind was tossing and turning, someone on the ground spoke, and it was to him: "Huaimin, this Taoist poetry competition, will you still hold it in the future?"

   It doesn't matter if we hold it or not.

  It doesn't matter at all!

   What you want to ask is, will there be a small condensed qi in the back?

   I'm sorry to tell you, I don't know either!

   When the old man and others were organizing this Taoist poetry competition, they never even dreamed that this situation would happen today!

   Where is this small condensing qi powder, this is simply good luck powder! Children can take it, the old man and others can take it even better, maybe the effect is even greater!

  If I had known earlier...

  I knew that I couldn’t actually do anything.


   did not reach that sentiment.


   Take the head to rob?

   It's not that I'm reluctant to give up this old life, but that even if all the people from all over the world come up and down, it's just the same gift. Then, even with you, it's not enough!


  Where to steal?

   So in fact, they can't do anything.

   Whether it is before or after today, all they can do is to find out Xu Tonghui's true intentions as soon as possible!

   Then the entire Sihaimen went all out to cooperate with him unconditionally!

   This is also the only thing they can get from Sihaimen——


   Gu Huaimin didn't answer the question of the land step right away, and then he didn't need to answer because Xu Yishan spoke up: "Ye Dong, Ming Hao..."

   He named the names of these children one by one, and then said: "Now, you can start cultivating like you are at home."

   Hearing this, all the big guys, just beginning to calm down and relax a little bit, immediately tense up again.

  Many people remembered the name of the potion again.

  Small condensate air!

   (end of this chapter)