One-click Recovery Since I was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1481: Do you see that these children are not s

Then he came out, "You can't manage our affairs here, don't stretch your hands so far, just take care of your own affairs."

Seeing the village head's arrogant attitude, Balang couldn't take it anymore. They wanted to save these children, so they pointed their guns at the head of the village head.

"We've been here for so long, what's going on? Take us to those people right now."

"You are not worthy at all!"

"What does this mean? I think you old guy is really tired of working, I want to show you some color."

The village chief smiled contemptuously, "First of all, you dare to take action against our people in our country, you are really brave, and you will be the one to decide our affairs."

Having said that, everyone was stunned for a moment. They really didn't realize this problem. Although this village is remote, it is not their country of Yan. It is really inappropriate for them to intervene in these matters here.

The main reason is that the influence is a bit bad, but Qin Yuan can't control that much. He walked over and forcibly invaded the village head, trying to find out the whereabouts of those people, but those people were too cautious.

I can't see any specific clues from the village chief, only some scenes of exchanging children, and some fragments of the hospital.

It's just that I can know where the hospital is, but the people behind the scenes haven't even seen the village head, he just saw the person who came to hand over.

The village chief was stunned for a long time, but he didn't realize it at all. It was like a dream just now. When he woke up, he saw Qin Yuan sitting in front of him.

Qin Yuan already knew the news that the village chief knew. Since he couldn't find the person behind the scenes, he had to wait until the next delivery. When he sent these children over, Qin Yuan also went out with him.

"The next time I need to send these children, I will send them there with you!"

"Didn't you understand just now? I said that you have no control over our affairs. This is on our territory and has nothing to do with you."

The village chief said these words almost in a snarl, Qin Yuan can't take care of that much, he took care of this business today, and Jiang Xiaoyu who was next to him also came over at this time.

"Brother Qin, I think there is something wrong with the After all, it will be promoted internationally, and there will be other bad effects at that time."

"It's okay, I'll be responsible for what happens, don't we want to see these children not to be rescued?"

"It's not that we don't want to save them. I think it's enough for us to save these children. Don't get involved in the inside. It seems too complicated."

When Balang heard what Jiang Xiaoyu said, he came over and pushed him away, thinking that Jiang Xiaoyu was greedy for life and afraid of death.

Seeing everyone's attitude, Jiang Xiaoyu didn't want to say anything, so he could only take a step at a time. Qin Yuan had actually considered this issue, but he felt that he should be able to bear it.

At least he won't leave these children alone, and this place is very close to their border. A village like this can't imagine if there are more than one other, and it doesn't know how many victims there are.

Everyone waited for another two days, but instead of a buyer, they waited for news from Gao Shiwei. Qin Yuan thought he was planning to send reinforcements, but what he didn't expect was that it was the news of the retreat.