One-click Upgrade of the Super Decomposition System

Chapter 102: Anorexia, non-existent

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Soon, a piece of egg came down, and Xiner's eyes suddenly showed a ray of light, and he quickly added another tomato, and put it in his mouth.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao was delighted for a while, and it turned out that the dishes with attributes he made were different!

Xia Qin on the side was very happy and wept with joy.

"My Xin'er finally started eating!"

Xin'er put chopsticks into the plate one after another, and soon, most of the side dishes disappeared.

At this time, Xia Qin wiped tears from the corners of his eyes and quickly got up and bowed deeply to Jiang Hao, thanking him.

"Thank you, thank you very much Mr. Jiang!"

Seeing this, Jiang Hao had to sigh.

"Poor parents' hearts!"

"Okay, don't thank me, just raise your hand. Besides, Xin'er is so cute and lovely, anyone who comes across will help her!"

"Xin'er just had an appetite, so she shouldn't eat too many greasy things. The ingredients of Jinlian in this fire are appetizing vegetables.

Wait, I'm going to get Xiner porridge, warm my stomach first! "

At this meeting, Xia Qin was very respectful to Jiang Hao, and then he spoke.

"Everything listens to Mr. Jiang!"

Jiang Hao nodded.

Soon, Dad Jiang came!

Jiang Hao quickly took the ingredients from Jiang Dad's hands and walked into the back kitchen again to get busy!

Soon, a scent of dense fog came from the kitchen!

After a while, with the help of Jiang Da Jiang and Ma, a plate of exquisite, shiny dishes will be served!

Jiang Hao first glanced at Xiner's porridge. Xiner seemed to have a big appetite and ate with a bowl of gobbling.

Seeing this scene, Jiang and Jiang's moms were very happy!

Xia Qin looked at the table, whether it was color, fragrance, or taste, far more than any meal in any high-end restaurant she had eaten.

Even the anorexia patient like her daughter was irresistible, for a moment, she was shocked!

In front of Jiang Hao's gourmet food with additional attributes, Xin'er seemed completely free of illness.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao and others were relieved.

Later, when Jiang Hao was about to call Jiang Zixuan to eat here, suddenly a young man in a suit and leather walked in from outside!

Seeing this, Jiang Hao quickly said.

"Sorry, sir, the shop is closed today!"

However, this person did not look at Jiang Hao, but his eyes fell on the shining, scented dish on the table where Xia Qin was located!

There was a trace of shock and rejoicing in the eyes, and then, this man was arrogant, and he looked like a superior!

"Child, what about your chef? Go and tell him, Fan Jian, general manager of Tianfu Building, please, let him come out quickly, I am going to send him a character!"

This person's arrogance suddenly made Jiang Hao frown, very unhappy.

"Sorry, this gentleman, we are closed.

Also, about the chefs here, it’s just the next!

As for the character you said, I don't want to know! "

Fan Jian heard the words, and was shocked, and then set his sights on Jiang Hao!

However, when he saw Jiang Hao's immature face, Na Mo turned to sneer.

"Child, just you? Don't make fun! Go and ask your chef to go, and say that Fan Jian, general manager of Tianfu Building, is waiting for him, and he won't be outdated!"

Fan Jian didn't believe it at all, how could it be such a beautiful and fragrant treasure that could be a kid with no hair!


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