One-click Upgrade of the Super Decomposition System

Chapter 103: Fan Jian with Intellectual Disability

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Jiang Hao looked at Fan Jian as if he were mentally retarded!

"I'm the chef of this restaurant. You don't believe it, but please leave now. My house will be closed today. I will not entertain!"

Fan Jian heard the words, suddenly angry.

"Huh, you stupid boy, do you know who I am?"

The movements here immediately shocked Xia Qin and Jiang Da Jiang Mom and others who were not far away!

They also got up one after another and got together.

At this time, Fan Jian saw Dad Jiang who was wearing an apron, and suddenly thought that Dad Jiang was the head chef, and then pointed to the table where Xia Qin had just sat.

"You made the table dishes? General Manager Tianyoulou, Fan Jian!

I tell you, you are in luck today. I need a chef in Tianfu Building now. You must pack up and go with me! "

Having said that, Fan Jian turned around directly, and the one who was very dragged was leaving!

Fan Jian is proud to report the name of Tianfu Tower!

When he wanted to come, most people heard that Tianfulou recruited people, and they would definitely run to keep up with it. After all, Tianfulou's reputation is there!

At this time, Dad Jiang heard it, and was shocked, but soon, he reacted!

"Sorry, sir, you may have made a mistake! My son made the table!"

When Jiang Dad's voice just fell, Fan Jian was about to walk out of the door and his body suddenly stiffened. He quickly turned around and looked at Jiang Hao and Jiang Dad again!

The eyes are full of doubts!

"I can tell you, I think your cooking is barely okay, so please you, don't lie to me!

If you want to impersonate your son and make a lot of money, that's not enough! "

Fan Jianzui was merciless and said seriously.

Fan Jian's words suddenly made Jiang Dad frown and frown.

At this moment, Xia Qin said.

"Mr. Fan, that table dish is indeed done by this little brother, you are looking for the wrong person!"

Fan Jianwen Yan, glanced at Xia Qin, suddenly full of stunning eyes, and then a pig face, the voice changed.

"That line, if it is really as the beautiful lady said, you first go to Tianfu Tower with me to take an assessment!

If it passes, I believe it is you. In the future, you can stay in our Tianfu Tower! "

Jiang Hao was very annoyed and looked cold as he looked at Fan Jian, which seemed to be like 25,000.

"Tianfu Building, a big name, Tianfu Building has a general manager like you, I think Tianfu Building is just like that!"

"Okay, you can go. You are not welcome here!"

Fan Jian heard the words, suddenly pointed his finger at Jiang Hao, his face angry.

"You, you little girl, I looked at this beautiful lady's face before I decided to give you a chance. You dare to scold me!"

Jiang Hao looked at Fan Jian pointing at his face, and his anger suddenly rose!

"I warn you, don't point your finger at me, you get me off!"

At this time, Fan Jian was furious.

In the past, as long as he mentioned that he was the general manager of Tianfu Building, countless people would stubbornly compliment him. Why did he ever suffer this humiliation!

"Little beast, you...!"

Fan Jian said a little animal export, and before he had finished speaking, Jiang Hao was already angry, and he reached out and grabbed Fan Jian's finger and pulled hard!


Fan Jian, who suddenly hurt, made a scream of pigs!

The father beside Jiang was surprised, and quickly pulled Jiang Hao!

"Haohao, stop, let go!"

Seeing this, Jiang Hao grabbed Fan Jian's wrist and suddenly pushed Fan Jian out!


Fan Jian, as if hit by a train, stumbled back out a few steps, squatting directly on the ground!

Dad was so anxious that he got rid of Jiang Hao and hurried forward to help Fan Jian without apologizing!

However, at this time, Fan Jian was dazed and pushed Dad Jiang to the ground!


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