One-click Upgrade of the Super Decomposition System

Chapter 478: Nothing more than three, the evil spirit

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Xia Lan's perfunctory answer made Zhu Yifan very unhappy.

"Xia Lan, since you are not willing to say, I am not reluctant, but the last question, you have to think carefully!"

Zhu Yifan said, not giving Xia Lan a chance to think seriously.

"Your existence has seriously affected the social order, so you must leave here with us!"

Xia Lan heard that her face suddenly changed and her reaction was extremely fierce. She directly refused.

"No, I won't leave here!"

Xia Lan's fierce opposition made Zhu Yifan never think of it!

"Xia Lan, no more than three things!"

Zhu Yifan gave a direct cold warning.

"Leave me here, this is my final bottom line. If you don't even agree with this, then we have nothing to talk about!"

"If you think about it, who are you going to fight against again!"

Xia Lan's uncooperative attitude directly wiped out the final patience of Zhu Yifan and others.

Suddenly, Zhu Yifan and his team members have locked Xia Lan. As long as Xia Lan moves slightly, they will shoot!

Although Xia Lan is very strong, they are not willing to fight Xia Lan, but if Xia Lan does not agree, this battle cannot be avoided at all!

Xia Lan looked at Zhu Yifan and others, his face was uplifted, his body was red and there was no wind, and his long hair fluttered and said coldly.

"Are you threatening me?"

Although she has the intention to talk to the official people, she will never leave here because it is about her hope of rising!

She can't leave!

Zhu Yifan looked at Xia Lan's surge, but there was no fear in his eyes.

"You can understand it as a threat!"

This time, Zhu Yifan's attitude is exceptionally tough!

In fact, he found himself withdrawing three times or five times, Xia Lan did not know how to appreciate it, and thought they were afraid!

It's really good to be bullied and Ma Shan to be ridden!

As soon as this remark came out, Xia Lan stared at Zhu Yifan and others with a plain mouth.

"Since you go, then you..."

Speaking of which, she gave a slight pause, then suddenly made trouble and shouted.

"Just die for me!!!"

This loud roar contained a special spiritual shock that instantly made Zhu Yifan and other people stunned and pale.

At this moment, Xia Lan seized the opportunity and waved a few grey lights between his hands, hitting Zhu Yifan and others.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang ~"

With several successive crashes, Xia Lan's raid was successful, and the three were beaten out.

However, just here, the remaining three people eased over and were startled.

"Xia Lan, you are dead!"

Zhu Yifan shouted, and he pulled an irregular stone around his neck and held it in his hand.

At this time, his entire fist was golden and radiant, sacredly abnormal, and then he punched Xiang Xia Lan with one punch!

On the other side, a young man held a bronze sword, pressed his fingers, and rushed towards Xia Lan.

"Goblin, Hugh is rampant!"

The bronze sword in his hand turned into a lightsaber, and under his operation, he continued to cut towards Xia Lan.

There was another person who flew toward Xia Lan like a dart in his hand.

But in the blink of an eye, the two conveniences are intertwined, and there is a lot of fun!

However, most of them were abused by Xia Lan, but with the previous three people who were attacked by Xia Lan slowed down to join the battle, the two sides barely maintained their balance.

In the corner, Jiang Hao looked at the warring parties on the field and could not help whispering.

"It seems that most of Zhu Yifan and others used Taoist and Buddhist methods.

As for the gun that caused damage to Xia Lan, it should be an official unique weapon! "

Jiang Hao finally saw the official means of dealing with ghosts!

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