One-click Upgrade of the Super Decomposition System

Chapter 570: Yuanba fierce, villain's heart

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It won't take long for this alien to be completely swallowed up by death.

At the same time, Yuanba on the other side laughed loudly, staring at another alien and shouting.

"Beast, your uncle Li is here!"

Immediately, with both hands driving the sledgehammer, he stomped at a monster and rushed up.

Yuanba's gallop caused a shock on the ground.

The strange creature suddenly saw a anger when he saw that the ants that he used as food dare to provoke him.


He roared upward in the sky and rushed to Yuanba in the face of a paw!

Yuan Ba ​​laughed all over his face and smashed it with a sledgehammer in his hand.


The alien hit the Yuanba's sledgehammer and was smashed directly for a few steps. Jiang Hao was also a lame, but his territory was very stable.

With two heavy hammers, his strength is not the same!


With a loud laugh, Yuan Ba ​​looked at the alien who had retreated, and he ran out of his way. A man came to the alien and stomped under his feet.

Suddenly he jumped up and came to the top of the alien head. Then, he held the heavy hammer in his hand and smashed it directly at the alien head.

If those two hammers are crushed, and the power of Yuanba is extremely strong, the alien might die on the spot.

However, the alien was not simple. As the sonic boom came, a strong crisis made him terrified.

It was too late to dodge. This alien suddenly crossed his arms and placed it over his head, trying to block Yuan Ba’s heavy blow.


With a loud noise, Yuanba's double hammer fell down, directly knocking this alien on the ground and setting off a wave of anger.


The heterogeneous arms were broken directly, and there was a miserable wailing between his open mouths.


Yuan Ba ​​didn't give him any chance, but kicked out of this alien.

This foot, Yuan Ba ​​used his full strength at this stage, kicked the sonic boom.

Without any surprise, this alien was flicked out of Yuanba's face, breaking several trees.

Yuan Ba ​​followed, and it was a hammer.

This alien had no room for resistance, and was smashed and flew out again.

Not surprisingly, this heterogeneous ending has been finalized, and his death is just a matter of time.

It's just that compared to Jiang Hao and Yuan Ba, the others are not so relaxed.

Despite the large number of them, the gap between them and the heterogeneity is a qualitative gap, and it is simply not a quantity that can be made up.

At this time, they were being hunted by the remaining two aliens. Among them, some of them had been torn to pieces, and they were all miserable, and everyone was hiding everywhere.

For a time, wherever weeping everywhere.

At this time, only a few lucky ones were escaping from two alien pursuits, panicking.

Huang Weizhong glanced behind him, anxiously speaking to the other survivors beside him.

"It won't work like this, we all have to die if we consume it!

The other people around him heard the words, and their faces were full of fear.

"Then what should we do?"

"Yes, think of a way!"


There was a lot of discussion, but there was no way to think of it.

At this moment, one of them said worriedly.

"I don't know if the overlord Li Tang and his elder brother solved those two monsters?"

At this time, another of them heard the words, and his face was full of worry, he said.

"They won't let us lead the monsters away, have they escaped by themselves?"

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