One-click Upgrade of the Super Decomposition System

Chapter 571: Increased degree of completion, the key

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This person's words suddenly disturbed everyone, and for a time everyone began to speculate wildly.

"No way?"

"Damn, I should have thought about it!"

"With their strength, they can run singles against singles, but escape is definitely possible!"


At this point, Huang Weizhong heard that his face was so ugly that he spoke.

"Let's separate our lives to escape. Whether we can survive or not depends on our lives!"

Others heard that there was no objection.

In fact, many of them already wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but the speed of the two monsters was too horrible.

Only when everyone is together can we resist a little or two.

It's just that the situation has reached this point, and if they don't escape separately, there is really no chance.

As for who can survive, they can only look at destiny!

As these people scattered away, the two trailing monsters caught up.

They sniffed the smell in the air with their noses, knowing that the prey had separated.

When they were about to pick a direction to catch up, suddenly two figures appeared in front of them without warning.

At the moment they hadn't responded, one of the figures flashed a sword light in their hands, directly hitting one of the monsters.

The other figure held a pair of sledgehammers and rushed towards another monster.

Between the electric light and the flint, they clashed together. In a short time, the place flew sand and rocks, the waves burst, and the sound burst.

After a while, the movement gradually calmed down here, revealing the fighting center, and it looked messy around.

At the scene, only those two stood, but the two monsters were miserable.

One of them was wrapped in a thick evil mist.

The other was covered with blood, and a head was smashed in half, completely losing his voice.

At this time, the system prompt sounded again in Jiang Hao's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for hunting the jackals, the completion of the exploration of the secret area is 2%!"

Jiang Hao was stunned.


At this time, he really knew the name of this monster.

However, when he saw that the completion of the exploration of the secret area had only increased by one percent, his brows could not help but wrinkled deeply, full of doubts.

"How is the completion degree of this exploration of secrets calculated?"

"I hunted those two dinosaurs before, and the degree of completion was only 1%. This time I hunted four jackals, but the degree of completion of the secret has only increased by 1%!"

"What exactly is going on?"

His heart moved, and he called up the task here.

Task: Explore the secret realm

Content: You overheard a secret and finally found the first secret realm, please host to explore this secret realm as soon as possible.

Time: within three days

Reward: unknown

Completion: 2%

Looking at only two percent completion, Jiang Hao looked puzzled.

In the end, he couldn't hold back and started to communicate with the system and asked tentatively.

"System, can you tell me how this task completion is specified?"

However, what he did not expect was that the system responded.

"Host, the completion of the mission to explore the secret area is related to energy!"

Jiang Hao was taken aback for the prompt.


At this time, the system then explained.

"Host, the organism in this mysterious environment has a special kind of energy.

As long as the host can collect a hundred units of special energy for this mission! "

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