One-click Upgrade of the Super Decomposition System

Chapter 642: Shadow avatar

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He struggled to climb back, trying to open the distance between them!

But, now, he is exhausted, where can he climb!

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and said quickly.

"You can't kill me, I am, I am the second son of the Zhao family of the hidden world, and my father is the owner of the Zhao family!"

"You can kill me!!"

At this moment, he seemed to have caught the last life-saving straw!

However, Zhao Yuan's words did not cause any ripples in Jiang Hao's heart.

Jiang Hao looked at Zhao Yuan with a plain face.

"Hidden Zhao Family? Zhao Family Head?"

"so what!"

"I want to kill you, nobody can save you!"

Having said that, he waved his hands and instantly deprived him of life and death, and began to deprive Zhao Yuan of his vitality!

At this moment, Xiaoyuan was as if pinched by his neck and flushed!

His eyes widened and Jiang Hao was incredibly old.

"you you……"

Before he finished speaking, he tilted his head and stared to death!

He didn't die, he never thought that he moved out the final hole card, and failed to save his life!

Seeing this, Jiang Hao closed his hands, looked at Zhao Yuan's body and muttered to himself.

"Hidden Zhao family? Hope that the Zhao family can get some fun!"

Immediately, he suppressed these messy thoughts and began to deal with Zhao Yuan's body.

He reached out to Zhao Yuan's body, communicated with his mind, and ordered.

"System, break down!"

"Yes, host!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for decomposing a martial arts corpse, gaining skill shadow avatar, gaining 80 skill points and 70 experience points!"

Shadow Doppelk Level 1 (010): Launch this technique to create a physical doppelganger.

The avatar condensed by the technique of shadow avatar has independent consciousness, partial ontological memory, and 70% strength of the host!

The avatar relies on the power of the body, and the memory and experience of the body will return to the body after the normal release.

"This time the decomposition is completed, is it extracted?"

With the advance sound of the system, Jiang Hao was shocked.

"The art of shadow avatar?"

hiss! He actually obtained the technique of shadow avatar!

After repeated confirmation, Jiang Hao was ecstatic.

Shadow Doppelganger!

He just wanted to deal with the corpse, he would get the shadow avatar!

This, it really surprised him!

At this time, he remembered the description of Uncle Hai, Zhao Yuan seemed to be a side door to consolidate his avatar!

The one who went to catch Waner before was this condensed avatar of this guy!

However, the doppelganger who Zhao Yuan sacrificed seemed to rely on the existence of a paper man, and it seemed to be different from the doppelganger split by the technique of shadow doppelganger!

Thinking of this, Jiang Hao flashed a doubt in his mind!

Could it be that the system is optimized in the secret method of Zhao Yuan’s ritual avatar?

However, now is not the time to speculate on those. Jiang Hao quickly suppressed these distractions and quickly ordered the system to say.

"System, extraction and fusion!"

As Jiang Hao's words just fell, an instant stream of information flowed into his mind.

He suddenly fell into an epiphany!

For a long time, Jiang Hao received systematic empowerment and initially mastered the technique of shadow avatar.

At this moment, his face was full of excitement, and even continued to praise.

"Wonderful! Wonderful!"

At this moment, he couldn't hide the surprise in his heart and decided to give it a try!

I saw him pinch his hands and shouted, "Shadow avatar!"

In an instant, the golden light flashed all over him, and then an extra figure appeared just in front of him.

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