One-click Upgrade of the Super Decomposition System

Chapter 643: Surprise

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With the manifestation of this avatar, Jiang Hao suddenly felt that the true element store in his body was instantly removed by one-tenth!

With Jiang Hao's incomparable accumulation of true yuan, even if it is only one-tenth, I am afraid it is comparable to the accumulation of ordinary martial artists.

Moreover, this avatar is able to explode the equivalent of 70% of his fighting power!

This is simply a weakened version of Jiang Hao!

As a result, it is terrible!

With his shadow avatar, his combat power soared again!

At the moment, the avatar Jiang Hao smiled and said.

"Have seen the deity!"

Jiang Hao looked at this familiar face and felt a little weird in his heart!

Slightly depressed, Jiang Hao suddenly had a bold guess!

I wonder if the avatar can practice?

Thinking of this, Jiang Hao asked with a look of expectation.

"Can you practice?"

Doppelganger Hao heard the words, smiled slightly, and said.

"Don't worry, I can practice on my own!"

Hearing the answer of Doppelganger, Jiang Hao was ecstatic.

Nowadays, with the improvement of skill level, there are too many skill points needed to upgrade skills!

So that his cultivation speed has decreased.

But now, his avatar can be practiced!

This is another plug-in specially made for him!

In this way, if he splits countless avatars, only by virtue of the countless avatars will he practice, as if his cultivation speed will definitely increase by a thousand miles!

However, it is a pity that the skill of the first-level shadow avatar is limited to such a avatar!

However, as his shadow avatar skill level increases, he can naturally condense more avatars!

As it happens, he also accumulated some skill points during this time, which can just increase the level of Shadow Doppelganger.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hao thought slightly and replaced the system panel.

Host: Jiang Hao

System level: 5 (20000100000)

Title: Lord of the Land

Warrior Level: Third Grade

Devotion Level: Three Grades

Gongfa: "Freedom to View Ideas"

Constitution: Chaos Overlord

Lifetime: 600

Task: Improve six reincarnations (unfinished)

Weapon: Heaven Asking Nine Swords, Ladies' Picture, Six Roulette Projections


Shadow Avatar Skill Level 1 (010)

God Chef Level 3 (01000)

Poison Doctor Twin Level 5 (010000)

Confucianism and Taoism 4th level (010000)

Heavenly Dragon Sacred Dragon Level 5 (0100000)

Supernatural powers:

Insect Control Level 3 (0100)

Fatianxiang Earth Level 3 (01000)

Field Level 3 (010000)

Rune 4th level (010000)

Illusion Creation Level 4 (010000)

Life and Death Deprivation Level 4 (0100000)

Hazard perception level 5 (010000)

Skill points: 3100

Personal space: open

Looking at the system panel, Jiang Hao muttered to himself.

"With 3100 skill points, I can fully upgrade the shadow avatar to level 4!"

Just think about it and do it.

Jiang Hao hurriedly told the mind-to-heart communication system.

"System, I will upgrade the art of shadow avatar to level 4!"

Jiang Hao's voice just fell, and the system reminded me.

"Yes, host!"

"Ding, consume ten skill points, and the art of shadow avatar has been upgraded to level two!"

"Ding, consume one hundred skill points, and the art of shadow avatar has been upgraded to level three!"

"Ding, consume a thousand skill points, and the art of shadow avatar is upgraded to level 4!"


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