One-click Upgrade of the Super Decomposition System

Chapter 66: Go home and move, the dark tide surges

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His two younger brothers met and helped Qin Shou!

Huang Mao's eyes were ruthless, and his hands fell.

After a few sticks, Qin Shou passed away with a scream!

And Jiang Hao has turned ahead of time and walked to the window where Jiang Zixuan is located, blocking it in front!

Over there, Huang Mao went down a few sticks, and Qin Shou's leg was pulled down!

Jiang Hao glanced away, then opened the door to get on the car, and said at the same time.

"Yellow Mao, ask someone to take me home!"

Originally, after Huang Mao interrupted Qin Shou's leg, there was still some uneasiness, for fear that Jiang Hao would not let himself go!

However, I didn't expect that Jiang Hao kept his promise, and he didn't seem to hold him accountable!

Suddenly, he quickly dropped the iron rod in his hand, licked his face, and hurriedly got into the car!

"I personally sent the elder brother home, I personally sent it!"

Jiang Hao did not refuse!


The three people in the car had their own thoughts, and the atmosphere was dull!

Not far from his house, Jiang Hao let Huang Mao stop, he and Jiang Zixuan got out of the car, and at the same time, he did not forget his delicious food packaged from the Central Tianfu Building!

Before leaving, Jiang Hao looked at the respectful yellow hair and warned.

"You did everything today, but it has nothing to do with me. Remember?"

Jiang Hao's words suddenly let Huang Mao's mouth twitch!

However, looking at Jiang Hao's warning eyes, he did not dare to refute it, and even promised again and again.

"Remember, remember!"

Jiang Hao nodded!

"Okay, go back!"

Huang Mao was suddenly amnesty, thanked quickly, and drove away quickly!

Watching Huang Mao's car go away, Jiang Hao pulled Jiang Zixuan around twice before going home.

He is afraid of bringing danger to his family!

On the way home, Jiang Hao told Jiang Zixuan to say.

"Zi Xuan, you can't tell anyone today, especially parents, remember?"

Jiang Zixuan heard the words and nodded silently!

Then the two went home!



The next day was Sunday, Jiang Hao had already discussed with his parents, and he was moving into a new house today.

Especially after yesterday's incident, Jiang Hao naturally is even more reluctant to stay here!

At the strong request of Jiang Hao, Jiang Hao's family moved!

Moving into a new home, Jiang Hao began to study his own system, and he longed to become stronger.

Yesterday, he naturally knew that it must have ended in no simple way!

Next, he will face crazy revenge from the Qin family, so he must become stronger.

At the same time, on the other side, in the second hospital of Tianhe, in a separate ward, Qin Shou was lying on the hospital bed, a look of unrequited love!

Beside the hospital bed, a lady of good temperament, aged about 37 or 38 years old, stared at Qin Shou with tears in her eyes, and she was sad!

In front of the window not far away, a middle-aged man looked sullenly and looked out the window, silently!

At that moment, the lady looked at the middle-aged man who said nothing, and immediately shouted.

"Qin Ming, no matter what method you use, you must kill Jiang Hao and avenge Shou'er!"

The man turned around and glanced at Qin Shou on the hospital bed. While he was heartache, he was violently angry!

Qin Ming is just such a son, he is so crippled!

"Jiang Hao, whatever your background, I will definitely make you pay!"

A trace of vulgarity flashed on Qin Ming's face!

Immediately, he turned to Qin Shou and looked at Qin Shou, comforting.

"Shou'er, you feel at ease to recuperate. I have already invited a famous orthopedic surgeon in M. Your legs will be fine!"

"As for Jiang Hao, I will avenge you!"


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