One-click Upgrade of the Super Decomposition System

Chapter 717: Leave, critical

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Liu Tong was abolished, and many Qinghuajian sent his disciples to retreat. The matter was resolved.

At the same time, the news that he is almost inquiring, he should return!

Although he would like to compete with those geniuses in this world, the reality is probably not allowed.

If it is late to go back, let those demon races in the demon domain forest discover the space channel.

At that time, the demon clan must control the space channel. Not only can they not go back in a short time, but even the Blue Star who is unaware of the situation may also suffer.

You must rush back and talk about the situation here, so that the empire is fully prepared for the invasion!

Thinking about it, Jiang Hao slightly pondered, looking at Ye Wuji, and asked.

"Brother Ye, I abolished Liu Tong's father and son, won't it implicate you?"

Ye Wuji heard the words and said quickly.

"Engong's words there, all this happened because of me, it was I who was so tired!"

"Liu Shaozhi relied on Wu Ling's pinnacle for Liu Tong to dare to act arbitrarily.

Now that Liu Tong is abolished, Liu Shaozhi and his son were arrogant and arrogant, but they offended many people. Without Liu Tong’s asylum, the Liu family was completely over! "

Jiang Hao nodded when he heard the words.

"So good!"

"Then I'm going to leave and travel around, you must be careful!"

Ye Wuji heard it, and was in a hurry, and quickly kept it.

"Eun Gong has just arrived in Qinghua City, why don't you stay for a while, so that Yemou will do all the friendship of the landlord!"

Jiang Hao waved his hand and declined.

"No, I already know Tsinghua City. I plan to travel to other places to gain some insight!"

Later, accompanied by Ye Wuji, Jiang Hao left Qinghua City.

On the occasion of parting, Jiang Hao bowed his hand.

"Brother Ye, girl Min'er take care, goodbye to you!"

Ye Wuji and Zhou Min'er were upset, but Jiang Hao had decided to leave, and they were not so hard to force, so they gave each other a smile.

"Eun Gong takes care!"

Saying goodbye to Ye Wuji and Zhou Min'er, Jiang Hao turned to the horizon, shrunk to an inch, a kilometer away.

Jiang Hao's figure was like a fairy, and disappeared to the horizon in the blink of an eye!

Ye Wuji saw this scene and Zhou Min'er was shocked.

It took a long time for Yewuji to sigh.

"Eun Gong is really a fairy!"


At this time, Jiang Hao was accustomed to all the way, and returned to the original speed.

However, as he got closer and closer to the space channel, he found more and more demon races everywhere.

This discovery instantly sank Jiang Hao's heart!

"Is the space channel already exposed?"

I am afraid there is only such an explanation!

More and more demon clan around, Jiang Hao had to shoot!

However, his shot was extremely quick. One shot was the Thunder. He did not get entangled with those demon races at all, and did not cause any trouble.

At this moment, under his huge mental glance, he found a huge breath of life ahead.

It should be a martial spirit monster!

Jiang Hao did not choose to go around the road, directly under his magical power, shrunk to the ground, and instantly came behind this monster, the magical life and death deprivation launched instantly.

In a blink of an eye, this Wuling second-order monster was still able to react in the future, and the vitality in his body was deprived, and it fell like this.

Jiang Hao didn't idle, but commanded skillfully.

"System, break down!"

As his voice just fell, the system's prompt sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully decomposing a Wuling second-order monster beast, gaining 1200 skill points and 1000 experience points!"

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