One-click Upgrade of the Super Decomposition System

Chapter 744: Soul and baptism

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After Jiang Hao ordered the recall of five avatars, he remembered the many demon races that were suppressed by him in the inner world.

"It's time to deal with those demon races!"

Jiang Hao murmured, and then his mind moved slightly, and he suddenly escaped into the inner world and disappeared in place.

At this time, there were countless demons lying on the ground in the originally small inner world.

The eyes of these demon races are full of panic and anxiety. Although they want to struggle, this space is filled with a heavy, full of coercive pressure, and the entire space is almost frozen.

This coercion easily suppressed them, so that they could not feel a little bit of resistance.

When they saw Jiang Hao's figure, their eyes suddenly filled with panic and prayed.

Jiang Hao ignored the eyes of these demon races, sat cross-legged, and his mind began to mobilize the projection of the prototype of the six reincarnation discs that were integrated into the inner world.

In an instant, a ray of light flashed in the inner heaven and earth, and immediately, a large disk phantom slowly rose from the ground.

It exudes a soft light that envelopes the entire world.

However, at this time, as the large disk phantom manifested, many demons who were suppressed on the ground suddenly throbbed.

They vaguely felt as if they were about to soar.

They just feel like their souls are going away.

At this moment, Jiang Hao suddenly opened his eyes and shouted.


In an instant, the rudimentary projection of the six-wheeled reincarnation circling in the air suddenly burst into a strong light, covering all the demons lying on the ground.

At the next moment, a powerful suction came, and in the fearful eyes of countless demon clan, a group of light groups were forcibly pulled from those demon clan.

If you look closely, you will find that there are various ghosts and ghosts in these light groups.

These phantoms roared and continually ran into the barriers of the light masses, as if they wanted to break free of those light masses.

These light groups are the souls of these monsters.

At this time, the spirits of many monsters captured by the ghost image of the six-wheel samsara all flew towards the sky, and then all merged into the six-wheel samsara projection.

As the souls of these monsters were photographed, all of them lost their vitality.

In this way, the spirits of those monsters were swallowed by the prototype projection of the six reincarnation discs.

At the next moment, Jiang Hao was shocked, and a huge, pure, non-attribute soul power instantly poured into his sea of ​​knowledge.

It was the pure soul power that was fed back to him after six channels of samsara devoured the spirits of many monsters and beasts!

Suddenly, Jiang Hao only felt like he was soaked into the fairy pond, the whole soul was sublimating, and there was a feeling of imminent feathering.

Jiang Hao hastened the whole person to empty their minds, fully absorbed these pure soul powers, and at the same time began to build their own gods with their own seeds of complete spiritual power.

So as to enter the third stage of "Freedom of Thought"-the stage of deification.

At this time, in Jiang Hao's consciousness of the sea, a spiritual power seed exuding purple light was floating suspended in his consciousness of the sea, constantly engulfing the pure soul power flowing around!

As the seed of spiritual power engulfs soul power, the light it radiates becomes more and more powerful.

At this moment, as this seed of spiritual power engulfed a large amount of pure soul power, a voice suddenly came from it.


There was a crack in this spiritual power seed, and there was a golden light in the crack.

At the same time, a stronger force of swallowing came from the broken seeds of spiritual power.

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