One-click Upgrade of the Super Decomposition System

Chapter 745: Baptism, reversion congenital

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It turned out that Jiang Hao spent a lot of endless pure soul power to conserve the spiritual power seed, even cracks appeared, and even those cracks revealed a golden light.

At the same time, the engulfing power from this broken spiritual power seed suddenly increased, and in a moment, a large amount of soul power was engulfed.


In Jiang Hao's knowledge of the sea, a large amount of pure soul power was swallowed by the seeds of spiritual power entrenched in the center of the knowledge sea.

Suddenly, there was a clicking sound from the seed of mental power.

There are also more and more cracks on it!


Just then, a roar came.

In Jiang Hao's knowledge of the sea, the seed that consumed Jiang Hao's unknown amount of pure soul power and consummated spiritual power exploded.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of golden lights erupted, seemingly earth-shaking.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao only felt clear for a while, and everything seemed to be different.

At this time, Jiang Hao's golden light in the sea gradually disappeared, and a golden villain appeared at the position of the original spiritual seed.

The face of this golden villain is very similar to Jiang Hao, and it is simply a reduced version of Jiang Hao.

However, this reduced version of Jiang Hao exudes endless divinity, making it impossible for people to look directly at it!

Quite powerful like a prison, and the grace of the sea is like a sea!

And this micro-shaped Jiang Hao is the third level mentioned in "Freedom Ideas", a new **** soul transformed from the seeds of spiritual energy that he spent countless pure soul power to consummate the perfect spiritual power!

At this moment, the system prompt sound follows.

"Ding, congratulations to the host Shinto for breaking through Wuwang Realm!"

At this moment, as Jiang Hao Shinto broke through the level of metamorphosis, his soul was transformed into a cocoon and became a butterfly, which was completely transformed and succeeded, condensing out a divine body and possessing divine power.

And the essence of his soul was completely reversed from the day after tomorrow, and he became an innate soul.

At this moment, only his transformed inborn soul swallowed, and in an instant, the pure soul power remaining in his sea of ​​knowledge suddenly gathered together.

And Jiang Hao's innate gods and souls after the transformation are the visitors who refused. Like the cow drinking water, they swallowed and refined all the unowned soul forces to enhance their own heritage!

In this way, for a long time, Jiang Hao's innate soul finally refined all the soulless power from the six-channel reincarnation.

And his innate gods and spirits are naturally a breakthrough to the second-order martial king.

At this time, Jiang Hao was very happy, but also very curious that he knew the soul of the sea from the acquired back to the innate.

Jiang Hao suddenly had a new understanding of the third level in "Freedom of Thought"-Huashen!

"Hua Shen, Hua Shen! Do you mean to turn a cocoon into a butterfly?"

Jiang Hao then looked at the reduced version of himself in the sea, his expression slightly strange.

"This is the inborn spirit that I transformed?"

But when he saw the reduced version of himself covered with majesty, like a living god, Jiang Hao had to say.

"It's really a congenital spirit!"

However, Jiang Hao still had a question in his heart.

"I don't know what means this innate **** soul?"

Just then, suddenly, a burst of Mingwu came to his mind.

In an instant, Jiang Hao was familiar with the means possessed by his own inborn spirit.

In an instant, Jiang Hao was pleasantly surprised!

It turned out that his transformed innate spirit had two extremely powerful means.

The first kind of divinity is like prison, and his divine soul is transformed from congenital to congenital, so that his every move brings his own coercion.

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