One-click Upgrade of the Super Decomposition System

Chapter 879: The road of detachment, leading the snak

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As long as he goes on firmly, he will eventually reach immortality.

That is, the world is destroyed and I am not destroyed, the world is destroyed and I am not destroyed.

When he finally surpassed the supremacy, who would be able to fight him!

This is a clear path of detachment!

Today, he has initially walked on this avenue. Even if he stops following the law and does not become the emperor by law, his strength will continue to increase all the time!

Even now facing an emperor with the imprint of the emperor, under the blessing of hundreds of mini-cell worlds, the emperor can only end in hatred in front of him!

The reason why he is still taking the rule of law at the same time is just to help him better take the path of the transcendence of his own cell world.

At this time, as Jiang Hao realized the law of destruction, his accumulation in the Supreme Realm was further successful!

Although there are still skill points left, Jiang Hao is not ready to upgrade any magical powers!

If he wants to become an emperor, he will naturally become the most powerful emperor in ancient and modern times!

He felt that with his current accumulation, he was almost!

Moreover, as his cultivation became stronger and stronger, he could feel faintly that the law of Yangzhou Boundary Road seemed to be lacking and unsatisfactory.

It would be extremely difficult to become an emperor in Yangzhou, even if it is forced to become an emperor in the end, it can only be the weakest emperor.

And this is not what he wants!

In this way, if he said he would become an emperor, he would have to return to the Blue Star to condense the emperor's mark, and thus become an emperor!

However, now that his understanding of the law has not yet reached the mark of condensing the great emperor, let's not worry for the time being.

Speaking of this, when he first came to Yangzhou boundary this time, one of his purposes was to find out what caused Jizhou Ding to shake when he first came to Yangzhou boundary.

Now, after such a long time, the avatar he sent has not yet heard the news. It seems that he can only personally inspire Jizhou Ding and lead the snake out of the hole!

At first, because of his weak strength, he naturally dared not take out such supreme artifacts as Jizhou Ding and swaggered over the market.

Now the situation is different. He has beheaded the four veteran supremacy of the Yangzhou boundary one after another, and used his power to repress the entire Yangzhou boundary!

At this time, even if he took out the elixir, who would dare to rob?

Jiang Hao's figure flashed out of the inner world, standing proudly in the endless void, overlooking the endless mountains and earth, muttering to himself.

"Let me see, what exactly caused Jizhou Ding to shake!"

After all, he stretched out a hand, a stream of light flew out of him, and the hand that landed on it stretched out.

It was a three-legged round tripod shining with golden light.

It reveals the simplicity, the weight, the suppression of all things, and the strong atmosphere of the Quartet.

This is Jizhou Ding!

At this moment, Jiang Hao thought about it and poured in endless mana into Jizhou Ding!

Suddenly, Jizhou Ding erupted in endless light, and a terrifying monstrous prestige came to the world, pressing the world.

There was a roar that shook the earth and earth, resounded everywhere, and alarmed Jiuzhong every day!

As Jizhou Ding was inspired, various ancient fierce beasts drawn on Jizhou Ding freed from Jizhou Ding, various strong men's phantoms manifested, and endless visions turned out!

For a time, the universe was subverted, the mountains and rivers lost their colors, the sun and the moon were blind, shocked all beings in the world, and the countless creatures attracted were shocked.

At the same time, the entire Yangzhou boundary was turbulent, thousands of roads roared, heaven and earth avenues were manifested, and visions appeared.

Subsequently, a pillar of heavenly light appeared in the central position of the Yangzhou boundary, and the endless radiant light burst out, and a group of hot rays slowly rose into the sky.

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