One Piece Bounty System

v1 Chapter 10: Warship

Although there was little change in the body after using the iron block, there was still a little change. The presence of the Navy Six is ​​very familiar. This change can be seen at a glance.

The Mole, the Ghost Spider, the Fire Mountain, the Tea Dolphin, and the Peach Rabbit were all shocked, and the green and yellow cockroaches did not stop drinking tea, although they had heard Sakarski boasting there more than once. However, they really can't believe it. After all, they knew it before the thunder, but they knew it was totally different.

They know that the savvy Sakarski has a slap in the face, eating and drinking. And such a person, suddenly began to cultivate, is still a qualified guy, no matter who will doubt, if Sakarski vowed, they will never believe.

But what do they see now? A six-style genius that applies iron to the local, and only the Karp to do this! Oh! No, there are also a few six-genius geniuses in the CP9 that I heard that the new recruits, and one of them can do it, but there are only two! This is the entire navy!

The Warring States and Hezhong will look at each other. It seems that this child should be well protected. This is definitely the pillar of the future navy. The worst is also a lieutenant general. The general is also promising.

Karp also stopped the activity of eating donuts, his eyes are coming out quickly: "You kid, enough! The old man was also able to do the iron for three years, and you only used three Months, not bad, you qualify for my iron fist."

When Tian Lei listened to Karp, he said that he loved the iron fist and thought of the string of meat bags on the head of Luffy and Fire Box! Immediately, the whole body was cold, and once again, Kapu was no longer in the seat, and immediately there was a bad feeling.

Thunder use the iron fist's fist to subconsciously block the top of the head, the next moment "Hey!" A metal intersecting sound, ringing at the top of Tianlei. Then there was a force that could not resist, and the thunder of Tian Lei’s fist was crushed, and the beggar hit the head of Tianlei.

"Ah!" Tianlei immediately raised his head with both hands, and made a scream, watching Karp, who had returned to his position, Tianlei wants to cry and tears, thought, Lu Fei, Aisi brothers, I finally I understand your pain. If I have such a grandfather, I have to be a pirate! Because this can live a long time, or else it may be the head of this metamorphosis grandfather to knock.

Tianlei has not said anything, the Warring States is angry: "Kapp, you pay attention to me, you will not say you when you eat the donuts, and there is a little elder in front of the younger generation."

It is a pity that the roar of the Warring States is useless to Karp, and still fights with his favorite donuts.

The Warring States did not have a way to take him. He could only ignore him: "Tian Lei, listen to Sakaski saying that you want to go to the East China Sea, yes!"

Thunder: "Yes, I want to go out and experience it!"

The Warring States bowed their heads and thought about it, then! Give your lieutenant colonel the title of the lieutenant colonel to the town of Rogge in the East China Sea. It is the only way to go to the great waterway in the East China Sea. I think there will be many pirates who will give you experience.

When Tian Lei listened to the town of Rogge, he was happy. This Rogge town is just a holy place to brush the treasure chest in the game! But isn't this the site of the smoker Smog? I have a moment in my heart, and it’s still a long time since I was sent out of Smog!

When the Warring States watched the sky and thunder, they asked: "Why, don't you want to go?"

Tianlei quickly said: "No! No! Too much willing to go, there is no place in the East China Sea that is better than Rogge Town."

"That's good! I will break it again, give you a class warship, and send you a major voyager and 500 Navy headquarters."

When Tian Lei heard it, it was actually a military emblem, and a major voyager. In order to collect his own heart, it was really bloody. No, this major voyager is estimated to have the meaning of monitoring himself, but it doesn't matter if he has no plans to be a pirate.

that's great! Tianlei thanked the marshal! Then when can I leave?

Looking at the way the thunder can't wait, all the people present will smile and want to be the same when they have their first warship. Warring States: "Also!"

"Really? Then I will leave now, I am not in a hurry!" Tian Lei said eagerly.

Warring States: "You are too anxious!"

Can you be in a hurry? Brother, I am still anxious to brush the treasure chest draw! Brother has a goal, then the domineering color domineering, armed color domineering, the awakening factor of the domineering color and the method of cultivation, of course, there is a powerful devil fruit!

Of course, these can't be said. I can only say: "Experiencing nature is going to be as soon as possible. Only in this way can I return to the great waterway as soon as possible. When I get there, I can receive more powerful partners to complete my better and faster. dream."

In this case, I will write an order for you, pick your warship! Other people, I will immediately let them go there to find you Tianlei one finger whispered: "This swordsman, can I take it away! This is my first partner!" ”

Warring States: "Go together!"

Tianleihehe smiled, thanked the marshal, and several of the big men who were present lost a ceremony and came to Sakaski: "Uncle! I will definitely spread justice to where I have been. ""

The Warring States did not say a word, but waved his hand coldly, but Tian Lei could see the corner of his mouth slightly raised from his face. He can still see that he is very happy. After all, this expression is already Sakkas. The base is the limit of this big face.

After the thunder took the face swordsman out of the door, the Warring States could not help but say to Sakarski: "I said red dogs, you can say two words of encouragement!" Just finished watching Sakarski Zhang dead face, speechless! Other people can't help laughing.

Tianlei came to the port and gave the instructions given by the Warring States to the Rear Admiral of the port. After the command of the Major General to the Warring States, he was first. After a deep look at the thunder, he also looked at it here, but for the first time saw the Warring States Marshal special case for a lieutenant colonel with a class warship!

The Major General soon brought Thunder to a place full of new warships. The warships here were dazzled by the thunder, but one boat did not satisfy the thunder. In the world of pirates, warships are half of the Navy, and most of the time will be spent on warships. Tianlei does not want a shovel, it is too boring.

Tianlei could not help but ask the Major General: "The Lord General, there is no special warship?"

Major General: "You can call me the source, and there are special ones, but those who are not new warships, nor are they orthodox warships, are some captured pirates."