One Piece Bounty System

v1 Chapter 233

"Isn't it still early? Or wait and go." I also watched me carefully. "It's still early, you have been practicing for five days, and let me stay with the sin. I haven't said that you are still grievances?" I yelled and screamed, and I was able to calm down. It’s not easy to show this expression, because I can see my depression. "Okay, okay, isn't it a practice of drifting on the water? Can't I go there? Is it like this?" The self-independent way doesn't matter, as if the person to practice is not his appearance. "Oh, someone came, it seems to be a master." Surprisingly, I suddenly looked at me behind me. "Less come, a trick has long been used." I did not believe it, but apparently did not lie, and soon I heard the voice of the master. "I, let me go with me, we have a mission." “Is the task not every day, what is so strange?” It’s also a boring road. "Is there any difference in this mission?" I asked, next to me, to recover from the wind and the rain, and I was surprised to see my faint face. I admire that this is not the actor. However, I am a bit unnaturally ignoring the ignorance of a face of worship. "This task is B-level, so Mr. Fei Fei asked me to remind you to gather at the entrance to the village tomorrow. The specific content of the teacher did not say anything." The master did not notice the atmosphere on the field and continued to explain. "What, class B mission? Great, finally waiting for this day, the great self is also finally..........." Said, but I did not intend to let him finish, directly interrupted. "Well, since we know that we will start tomorrow, then we will go back and clean up the things." I am facing the outline: "As for the self, you can practice the previous exercises, and check again tomorrow. If you can't Pass, I will let you leave the teacher, let us leave, and let us go first." I looked at the look of the future is also faint. Then, with the outline hand left, the master also looked at the face with a funny face and then walked away. "Ah, why are you always hurting me!" There was only a mourning from the scene. "You are not afraid of self-satisfaction." The master asked me in front of me after leaving the distance. "No, in fact, the qualification is still good, but he can't just calm down. He has been looking forward to the B-level task, so it is good for him to give some pressure." I am faint. "Is it? Maybe." The master looked at her face with confidence and thought to herself.

In the morning, the morning sun is slowly rising, the dew on the leaves has not evaporated, and the air is mixed with the smell of land and flowers. The people in the wooden leaves began to get up and plan for a new day. The people on the streets walked around in twos and threes, revealing a peaceful atmosphere. At this time, at the gate of the wooden leaf, the hand and the self are also looking at the big eyes, obviously it is a difference, in fact, this is also very normal, as long as there is a place where the master and the self are also in the same place. There are very few who don’t quarrel, one says she pokes and the other calls him a wolf. Quarrels and quarrels are just a few words, as if they were born with rushing, but they still cooperate very well on formal occasions. On the other side, the big snake pill is watching the dew on the leaves, as if thinking deeply, and I am standing on one side and holding my arms and closing my eyes. If it is not his finger, he really thinks that he is asleep. Obviously four people have four gestures but the only thing that is the same is that they are waiting for someone. Originally from the time after receiving the b-level task, the very excited group of four came to the agreed place early in the morning, but it seems that the most important person Fei Fei did not appear, so the scene just appeared. "Everyone is so early." At this moment, it sounded like a sound to me. They flew from a distance and looked at me. When the four people came back. "Yu Fei teacher, you are finally here, fast, let's go." At this time, I also woke up from the "blinking game" and looked excited at the flying road. "What anxious, there are still some things to explain here." Fei Fei said with a smile. "What?" Asked anxiously, it seems that if you don't hurry, you will be canceled. "This mission is a mission to annihilate the thief. At this time, the information of the thief" sent a message to no one, saying: "The action is your responsibility. Of course, be careful not to cause casualties this time." Of course, as your teacher, I will not let you have an accident. I will follow you secretly, unless you are in a dangerous situation, or I will not show Do you understand?" "I have their voices in unison." "Then see you again." After the completion of the flight, it disappeared directly in front of everyone. "Let's go, too." I said to the big snake. Then they took the lead to run outside the village, and the big snake pill also kept up and left the village. "This is the place that has been ravaged by thieves." At this time, I came to the town closest to the old thief's nest, walking on the street and watching the crowds, the strange way. "According to the information provided by Mr. Fei Fei, it is right here, but it is a bit strange here." The analysis of the hand said, "It is usually necessary to first understand the local situation in a strange place. This kind of thing is of course given to the profession. People." The big snake pill on the side looked at the road. "It is true to say this, but if you know what I am doing," I am a little embarrassed. "Okay, don't pretend, we still don't know you, I'm ready, this is for you." I lost a wallet. "Oh, you still understand me, no problem, the information is handed over to me, you first find a hotel, waiting for my good news." The face is also excited, then turned and left. Looking back at the self-departing back disappeared into the corner. "Is there really no problem, I always feel a little unreliable," he asked. "I believe that it is also true, although he usually doesn't look very reliable, but he still can't be joking in the middle of the matter." Da Snao pill explained: "Don't look at the strength of the house is not good among us, but he The ability to collect intelligence and concealment is not comparable to us." "Well, since he told him to go, he should believe him. Let's find a hotel first." I was faint. At night, in an unknown hotel, I was listening to the situation of the thief who was just coming back.

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