One Piece Bounty System

v1 Chapter 241

"You are really good at the hand." I was excited to hold the head of the hand and kissed the forehead of the hand, and then, regardless of the face of the hand that had been red on the side of the face, I took the dragon scale sword back. Going to the long-lost home, I carefully looked at the sword that I was chasing.

This is a Chinese-style sword. The handle of the sword is pure yellow. It is also engraved with two Chinese dragons. The blade is a bright, like a glimpse of autumn. It is the sharpness of this sword. What attracts me most is The sword is portrayed with a lifelike green dragon, but the green dragon closes his eyes.

"What is special about this sword?" I thought through the ice-cold dragon scale sword over and over again.

"Try it with a little blood first." I held a sword in my right hand and suddenly made a hole in my left hand. The fresh blood was falling down the dragon scale sword along the palm of my hand. I saw that the blood falling on the sword was strange. Disappeared, suddenly the dragon scale sword green manuscript, my hair holding the sword without wind automatically, I am sighing this scene, suddenly a message passed into my mind through the sword body, after a while dragon The scales sword turned back to the original gorgeous, ordinary look.

"It turned out to be like this." After a while, I opened my eyes and looked at the sword in front of me.

I know from the information given by the sword, the origin of the dragon scale sword, it turned out that this sword was once the sword of the Qinglong god, lost in a war in ancient times, and then was sneaked in a chance The leader got it and finally fell into my hands.

Speaking of it, the role of the dragon scale sword is not generally large. The power of the dragon scale sword is definitely not the same as that used by the thief leader. The main reason is two. First, the dragon scale sword is incomplete. There is a groove at the junction of the handle and the blade, which was originally inlaid with dragon scales of the dragon god, but unfortunately the dragon scales disappeared after so many years of loss, so the power of the sword is reduced. This is an incomplete dragon scale sword; there is a second reason. The thief's head does not have a scorpion, which means that there is no hibiscus attribute. The energy attribute of the dragon **** is the wood attribute. It may be related to Chakra in me, but I will not study it now.

In short, this sword is used by a person with a wooden property Chakra, the effect is absolutely different.

But even if this is the case, the sword is still hard to raise the leader of the mountain thief with only the strength of the endurance to the point of tolerance, so that the power of this sword can be seen.

Of course, in addition to the above effects, now this dragon scale sword has three characteristics, one is that it can break all the ninjutsu, this is a bit like the second generation of Huo Ying with the sword Lei Shenjian.

The second is that its energy source owner provides Chakra, which is more sharp, a bit like the sneaky picking muscle, but this sword is more powerful is to provide any property of Chakra, of course, the owner has of.

The third is that this sword can directly attack the soul. Of course, it is aimed at those who are unstable in the soul, just like those who are born from the earth later. They can use this sword to stab, which is equivalent to the ten-sword sword that can be sealed. The effect, of course, is not only the effect. If you can retrieve the dragon scale on the dragon scale sword, this sword can have the effect of extracting the soul and transferring the soul. Of course, this requires a powerful chakra, which is more than the original artifact. To be stronger than one level, not that these are not what I can think of now, but with other attributes, this sword is already an artifact.

So, after I learned about the situation of this sword, I immediately picked it up happily. It is really an artifact of TM.

I didn't expect my dog ​​to be so good, I could get the artifact of this cow B when I was a B-level task.

I can only sigh "This is the character." However, after the excitement, I realized that there is a problem, I will not be a sword, which makes me depressed. Just as you find yourself in the middle of five million, and then eager to change the money, the ticket seller tells you that the ticket is expired, which is not depressing? So I started thinking about how to solve this problem.

"Yes, that's it." I thought about my chin.

Konoha Ninja School Training Ground. At this time, two people were standing opposite each other, and there was a man with a black sword on his side standing on the side.

"Yu Mao, today is my 888th challenge to you, I must defeat you today." One of the two men on the field was dressed in green, the hairstyle was watermelon-shaped, and there was a pair of very thick eyebrows.

"Do not talk nonsense, do it quickly, don't let it go." The other is of course the flag of the wood leaf white teeth in the future.

"It's a lifelong opponent of my Ajia." Ajia showed his gleaming tooth and looked proud.

"..." Yan Mao looked at the teammate silently, and then said to the black man next to him: "Night, this time you are still a referee."

"No problem." The black man faintly said: "Get started." The atmosphere of the scene cooled down Even the somewhat eccentric Ajia began to show a serious, dignified expression.

"Wait." Suddenly, Miao Mao interrupted, and was ready to rush to the Ajia. "Since it is here, what to hide, come out." One side of the Ajia and the night-time person, and others ?

But then I began to be vigilant, looking back and forth, the strength of the people must be above themselves. At this time, the idea of ​​Ajia and night.

After a while, just when Ajia and the night thought that Yan Mao had made a mistake, a voice sounded. "Long time no see, Yan Mao, I didn't expect your alertness to be so strong." Ajia and the night quickly turned around. Look at the direction of the person who is coming.

I saw a black windbreaker, a wooden leaf guard, a strange sword in his hand, a faint smile on his handsome face, everything looked so unreal. This person is of course me.

"I, you are still not the same, you haven't seen it for so long, your strength should be a new level?" Yan Mao looked at me slowly, my heart was shocked, this is not seen for a year, my strength Has it grown to this point? Even myself was discovered out of danger.

"How come so free to see me today?" Yan Mao is faint.

"I am looking for you today." I replied not far from Yanmao: "Do you mind walking together?" I told Xiaomao.

"Is there anything that can't be said here?" The Ajia next to it finally opened up, and it was really bad to be ignored.

"Oh, you are..." I looked at the classic dress in front of me and actually knew the identity of the other person. I watched this person who was actually the same as Akai who saw it. He is the next one. One of the blue beasts is the father of Akai.

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