One Piece Bounty System

v1 Chapter 25: Big harvest

After the night thunder returned to his captain's room, the bounty system began a lottery!

[The bounty system suggests that the host now has twenty-three primary draw chances, an intermediate lottery opportunity, and begins reading data. 】

【Ding! The host kills three Superman demon fruit abilities, has three extraction opportunities, primary body learning probability of 20%, primary sword extraction rate of 20%, primary shooting extraction rate of 20%, primary weapon extraction rate of 20%, Superman devil fruit The probability of extraction is 20% (the probability of extracting the ability to defeat the superhuman devil fruit is increased). Start to extract, get a fine iron knife, Superman is a devil fruit, a nameless primary Jiu Jitsu set (move: winding, soft body, soft boxing). 】

【Ding! The host has the ability to kill five animal devil fruit, with five extraction opportunities, 20% chance of primary body extraction, 20% chance of primary sword extraction, 20% primary shooting probability, 20% primary weapon extraction rate, animal demon The probability of fruit extraction is 20% (the probability of extracting the ability to defeat the devil fruit of the animal is increased). At the beginning of the extraction, two pistols were obtained, and the fine iron knife was used. The animal devil fruit was two, and there was no name for a sword (sports, fleas, flying dragonflies, blasts). 】

After pumping here, the saliva of Tianlei will flow down. Superman is a demon fruit and two animal devil fruits. Although Tianlei also knows the classification of this demon fruit, like the crystal fruit of Kebi, there are many obvious shortcomings, so it is primary. And Yuxi's animal department - cat cat fruit - Bobcat form and Cp9 Lob Luqi's animal line - cat fruit - leopard form, the Bobcats and leopards need not say more! That is to say, the weaker animal in the same category is the primary.

Although I will not use it, but it is better for the younger brother. It is good to know the qualifications of the two younger brothers who have received the face. It is even better with this demon fruit.

【Ding! The host killed 15 ordinary bounty pirates, with 15 extraction opportunities, 22% chance of primary physical examination, 22% of primary sword extraction, 22% of primary shooting, 22% of primary weapon extraction, Superman devil fruit The extraction probability is 6%, and the animal devil fruit extraction rate is 6%. At the beginning of the extraction, I got six long guns, four pistols, two sets of unnamed primary boxing, two sets of unnamed primary guns, and one animal devil fruit.

"Scratch! It is also an animal demon fruit, it seems a little bit! It can't be used! Tianlei can't help but smile. It is estimated that he is the only one in the world of the One Piece, and it is a headache for the devil fruit." There are also two sets of unnamed elementary boxing and unnamed primary guns, plus a set of unnamed primary Jiu Jitsu, a nameless sword. You also practiced the fisherman karate, the nameless sword, can be on your own boat. Engage in a practice and practice! It is good to cultivate for those who cannot practice the Sixth style."

This time the harvest is a bit big! No matter how much your own people are running out, it’s not bad to pay more for your cheap uncle or the Warring States.

【Ding! The host kills an ordinary bounty pirate, has a chance to extract, the intermediate body extraction probability is 15%, the intermediate sword extraction rate is 15%, the intermediate shooting extraction rate is 15%, the intermediate weapon extraction rate is 15%, and the superhuman devil fruit extraction probability is 10 %, the animal demon fruit extraction rate is 10%, the armed color domineering factor extraction rate is 10%, and the smell color domineering factor extraction probability is 10%. At the beginning of the extraction, I got the sword of the intermediate swordsman Dasqi (move: 斩时雨) by the armed color domineering to strengthen the attacking power of the samurai sword, and make the lightning strikes against the opponent.)

Thunder began to drool again, you must know how to use the awakened armed color domineering, how to use it! Although Dasqi’s intermediate swordsmanship has only one stroke, it’s okay, but this is also the way to use the armed color domineering to strengthen the samurai sword! With this move, with the armed color domineering, you can turn the knife into a black knife with armed color domineering, just like Roroya Sauron.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host officially stepping into the top ten million, the middle level below the billion level, rewarding a novice gift package. Is it open? 】

The doubts of the sky and the face, the novice gift package is not given at the beginning? How do you give it now? It’s hard to believe that it’s a novice to enter the middle level, and not a middle-level newcomer. turn on!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host to open a novice gift package, get a mid-level specific draw, armed color domineering factor, see the color domineering factor, intermediate superhuman devil fruit, intermediate animal devil fruit. Whether to extract! 】

Tianlei is now completely crazy, compared with the previous one, this reward is the key! And the harvest before this is a cloud! Pumping! Why don't you pump it!

【Ding! The host novice gift package, the armed color domineering factor extraction rate is 25%, the smell color domineering factor extraction rate is 25%, the intermediate superman devil fruit extraction rate is 25%, the intermediate animal devil fruit extraction rate is 25%, the extraction is started, the armed color is obtained. Domineering factor, is it used? 】

The armed color domineering factor is actually an armed color domineering factor, but in these few cases, Tianlei wants the most. Once you have armed color domineering your own attacks and defenses will increase dramatically. use!

Tian Lei’s brain just flashed the word, and the domineering awakening factor immediately had a headache and a feeling of splitting. At the same time, there was a feeling that the head was swollen and swollen, and then it fainted. When Ray woke up that day, there was already a sun shining into the room.

The first thing that Tianlei woke up was to look at the changes in his body and after a while. Tianlei has extended his fists. At this time, the double fists have turned black. It’s not bad. Tianlei has already mastered the armed color domineering, but unfortunately can only barely protect the double fists, and can only be attached to the double boxing. on.

It seems that it is necessary to go to the uncle's red dog general to do the domineering practice, or else to explore the cultivation is too slow! But I don't know if this domineering factor can be used by others!

【Ding! The bounty system suggests that everything in the bounty system can be used by others. The domineering awakening factor, as long as the host touches the body of another person, can enter other people's bodies without being noticed by others. 】

Thunder stunned, this is going against the sky! Think about your own crew, partners are all domineering users, even armed colors, see the color of domineering, what is the scene? Think of this day, the thunder can not help but shout!