One Piece Bounty System

v1 Chapter 26: Shock of the naval headquarters

When I heard the whistling of the thunder, Yuxiduo, Kebi, and Yalita thought that something had happened. They immediately flew to the captain’s room of Tianlei and found that the thunder was fine, and they could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Tianlei looked at the three people, smiled, and then looked at Yuxi: "You should have a phone bug of the Marshal of the Warring States!" It’s only now that I found myself, there is no phone bug of the cheap uncle, the dog general, so Can only be cheap Marshal of the Warring States.

Uchido immediately took out a blue phone bug: "From the beginning of this department, I will assign a phone bug that can directly contact the headquarters!"

Thunder: "Then you can help me dial the phone of the Warring States Marshal!" In fact, Tianlei was quite speechless, and then he discovered that he would not use the phone bug at all.

Yuxi did not suspect it, and immediately dialed the telephone worm of the Warring States Marshal. No one was connected, and the voice of the Warring States Marshal was heard in the phone. Tianlei looked at it and found that the phone bug and the phone of previous life are similar!

Phone bug: "Pineapple! Pineapple! Hello! I am a Warring States, which one?"

Tianlei immediately said to the phone worm: "You are a good marshal, I am a thunder!"

Warring States: "Oh! It's a thunder! It's a good time! This is the East China Sea, but you can't see the pirates! What's the matter today?"

Thunder: "There are a few things today, and you have to report something! The first one, please ask the headquarters to arrest Colonel Monka."

"Why?" The words of the Warring States were full of doubts!

Thunder: "Because yesterday, hundreds of Locke has died in my hands."

After a pause, I went on to say: "When I first entered the East China Sea, I met other members of the Black Cat Pirates, the hypnotist praised, and Buji and Sam! They are already in my hands, but they Its little Luo Luo is now in the prison of Rogge Town. I learned from their mouth that 100 Locke is still not dead. I thought they were cheating on me. But just in case, just ran one. Oh, I didn’t expect that Hundreds of Locke really hid in the West Brom Village in the East China Sea."

Tianlei compiled a reason. After all, it’s a trouble to know how to know that the hundred Locke is not dead. Fortunately, I met other members of the Black Cat Pirates group before, just take them to be the back.

The phone bug was silent for a while, and once again sent out the voice of the Warring States: "I know, I will send people down! You say there are a few things! What else, let's listen!"

"There is, I battled with Hundreds of Locke yesterday, awakened the armed color domineering, and now I can barely use it on the double fist. When I came out, I forgot to ask the uncle for a phone bug, so I can only Ask the Marshal, do you have the method of cultivation and use of the armed color domineering, and take the method of cultivation and use of the domineering domineering! I also seem to have a little eyebrow!" No trouble, in the end, Tian Lei blew a slap in the face, and the method of using the domineering cultivation and the method of application also came together.

Phone bug: "What?" Phone bug: "What?" Phone bug: "What?" ~~~~~~

Because the phone worm can only pass to one person's voice at a time, so he kept saying the same sentence with various expressions and tone. This time he was busy with it, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Tianlei looked at some funny phone bugs. It’s not a person who wants to come to the Warring States!

After the phone bugs were messed up, I was silent for a while. Once again, I said in the voice of the Warring States: "I will send people to the town of Rogge after the armed color and the method of cultivation and domineering." After that, immediately destroy it, understand? And you should not walk away on the phone bug. After a while, I will call you again."

Tianlei couldn't help laughing. It seems that this time the Warring States Period was also shocked. Think about it too. A person who has been practicing for less than a year has awakened domineering and wants to be unique among the entire navy!

Krabi and Yarita asked with a puzzled look: "What is domineering?"

But Yuxi knows! This is a symbol of the Major General. Of course, it is not that all the majors have domineering, but that they are awakened by domineering and at least have the strength of the Major General.

Yuxiduo knows that the strength of Tianlei itself has the strength of the generals. Of course, it belongs to the younger generals. Only the young masters who were born in the navy will be defeated by Tianlei. But now it is not the same, Tianlei awakened the domineering of the armed color, the attacking power immediately increased, and the iron in the six styles that Tianlei is good at, the defense power is also greatly increased. The strength is weaker from the younger generals and has become a leader among the majors.

The Warring States side also began to discuss, and the nature of discussion is also thunder. Of course, there is no one here in the Warring States. He is also a lieutenant, Lieutenant General Karp, General Huang Wei, and Lieutenant General Mole. They are just exclaimed.

The Warring States said to the four people: "You know the talent of this day, and now you have just destroyed 100 million rewards of 100 million rewards ~ and realized the domineering, but also the pirates of the East China Sea Engage in the post. The strength, qualifications, and merits are all there, but now we have to give it a military position? Let's talk about it!"

Karp said that he wants to be like this. It is useless, it is better to eat my doughnuts! So there is no reason to deal with the Warring States.

General Huang Wei is a lazy drink of coffee in his hand. Today's coffee is really good! There is quite a kind of rack to fight with coffee in the end, so like you did not hear the words of the Warring States, continue to drink him to pull coffee!

The Mole is not a fool, the **** of thunder, but the abnormal state of the red dog, if he said that the military is high, there is a feeling of holding the thigh. If you say it is low, we will definitely talk about life with ourselves and talk about ideals. He still wants to live for a few more years! So such a troublesome thing, naturally, do not participate in the good! Therefore, the Mole will very carefully wipe the sword in his hand as if to wipe it out.

The Warring States saw that it was quite speechless. Why didn't you share it with one person? In the end, I can only look at it, and there is no sound of the crane. He Zhongzhong will not have so many concerns of the Mole, but after all, he is the same generation as the Warring States and Kapp, and the generation is there! Moreover, her relationship with the Warring States and Karp is extraordinary.

Hezhong will think about it: "With the current strength of Tianlei, it is also possible to directly promote the Major General, but his qualifications in the Navy are still somewhat shallow, and the merits are only a bounty of 16 million. This kind of meritorious promotion is still lacking some of the majors! But the words of the big school are somewhat lower in terms of strength! I think the promotion will be just right! As long as he makes a few more achievements, he will be perfected, and others will not be able to tell. What is the word."