One Piece Bounty System

v1 Chapter 4: Practice Xiaocheng

It was not until the warning of the warship in the morning of the warship that Tianlei stopped, and carried the legs like the lead, step by step to the kitchen. The navy on the back, whether it is an ordinary navy or a naval school with a military rank, has watched the footprints of the place where the thunder has passed. Now they all admire the thunder, because they can't do this either.

Tian Lei did not pay attention to them. He only has one goal now, that is, he can quickly eat a meal in the kitchen to make up his lost physical strength. The kitchen has been used for the arrival of the thunder, after all, Tianlei has come here three times a day.

However, they soon found out that it was wrong, because Thunder is eating a little bit faster today. No, it’s not a bit more, but it’s very much. After a while, there is an empty plate in front of Tianlei. I can see that these naval chefs are stunned. They don’t understand how this day’s young master has changed so much.

Only the head of the navy chef, the major saw some, because he saw that the whole body of the thunder had been soaked in sweat, and he also saw the muscles in the arms of the thunder, twitching from time to time, he I know that this is caused by a long period of intense training, but he does not understand this day, the young master, this is what is crazy to start training, and the training is so strong.

After Thunder had finished eating, he took a bucket of water from the kitchen and returned to the naval training room. He started training again, but in the afternoon he trained kicks, his left leg was ten strokes in a row, and his right leg was ten strokes in a row. If the sandbag in front of him was kicked in a storm, a sandbag was broken and he hit the second one. The third... so repeated, after the two strokes of pumping water and hitting the water, but not using the water from the kitchen, but using the sweat from your body, after all, when fighting, it is impossible to take anytime, anywhere A bucket of water is used, and the water in the bucket is to replenish water.

In the evening, I exercised the strength of other parts of the body. Fortunately, there are many kinds of exercises in the naval training room, and the types are very complete. First, weight-bearing training, such as weight-bearing dumbbells; strength training, endurance training such as chest press, shoulder press, triceps training, leg stretching, abdominal muscle board, abdominal back training, compound chest training, hanging squats, and legs. These thunders are very familiar, and these are not much different from previous life.

If the former Tianlei is a guy who eats, drinks, and hassle, then the opposite is true. It is a cultivation madman who knows only cultivation. In the next month, in addition to the 7 hours of sleep at night, as long as the navy came to the training room, you can see the thunder in the crazy practice. Crazy to compare everyone, is the navy who claimed to be practicing magic, but also sigh!

The change of the thunder made all the navies surprised, and could not understand why he changed, but they were very happy after they were surprised. They are happy for their red dog generals, although others will not, do not dare to say something, but there is such a dissatisfied junior is still very shameful.

But no matter how much better, he only wants one thing, cultivation, cultivation, and cultivation. Although the body has been soaked in sweat, every time I want to rest, Tianlei will think about the battle of the top. Such a big scene, such a classic event, how can I not have it! But there is no strength to go, there is no difference between looking for death, but it is a big event of the monsters. Now that I am too weak, I can only continue to enhance my strength! When I think of it, the body of Tianlei is full of strength and re-training itself.

The fisherman's karate gun wave, Tangcao tile boxing, thousand pieces of tile boxing, 鲛瓦正拳, water hitting, and two thousand watts of roundabout kicks have also been learned. And it has been trained for a month, and Tian Lei also wants to see how his achievements in this month's cultivation.

Tianlei came, and before the force dynamometer, did not use any moves, an ordinary boxing hit.

"Hey!" The force dynamometer showed 50 strengths, and Tianlei could not help but nodded. Tianlei was very satisfied with this result. His formal training was only one month. To know that the worst of the CP9 in the CP9 is only 600, she has been refining since she was a child.

After the thunder, he measured the leg force "嘣!" The force dynamometer showed 80 strength, it seems that his leg strength is stronger.

Try the power of these moves again, and Thunder will make a big gesture: "Tang Caowa Zhengquan" "Hey!" This sound is much louder than the blow. The force dynamometer shows a value that makes Tianlei quite satisfactory. This is the power of the superhuman being.

Next, Thunder is looking forward to the following tricks, "Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!" After several consecutive moves, Tianlei’s call to himself Power also has a clear understanding of Thousands of tiles Zhengquan 150 strength


Two thousand watts roundabout kick 200 force

Gun wave 200 force

Hit the water 30

Tianlei is more and more happy! In particular, the two thousand watts of roundabout kicks and the power of guns have actually reached 200 powers. It is really strong. It is also a small strength. Of course, it is only among the pirates under the hundreds of millions of prizes. In the Navy, there is a certain degree of self-protection under the Major General. The two strokes of the thousand-watted boxing and the smashing of the boxing are not bad, with 150 strengths and 180 strengths.

It’s just that the water is a bit speechless. There are only 30 strengths. This is worse than a normal one. What can these 30 strengths do? I am afraid that only ordinary people can be beaten, and those who have been trained can block it. It seems that they can only use virtual tricks.

I have been practicing for a month, and I have already had some achievements. Let’s take a break today, work and rest! Thunder rushed back to his room.

However, the navy in the training room had blown up the pot, but they saw the test of the thunder, and they were stunned when they hit the 50th force from the first ordinary punch. This is the strength of this month? I thought that they had cultivated from scratch and reached 50 strengths. Which one did not take nearly a year or more.

The next data can scare them, the highest is 200 power, they are rarely arrived here, and only the school-level navy has this strength. After a while, the young master of Tianlei began to cultivate, and it was a cultivation genius. After practicing for one month, he played 200 powers. The great genius was not spread all over the warship.