One Piece Bounty System

v1 Chapter 514

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"Sorry, if it is not because we destroy your plan, you will not be like this." Uchiha looked at the illusion that the mood is still not stable.

"No, this does not blame you, is the person in the village of Wuji." Fantasy Ji bites his teeth.

"And then?" Uchiha said that the horror of the illusionist sè quickly shifted the topic.

"I don't know where I can go, and I don't know anyone, so I will come to Muye to find you, I hope you can take it in." Mirage looked around and looked at Uchiha.

"It’s nothing to take in, but what are your plans for the future?" Uchiha asked.

"Is it going? What else can I have for a woman?"

Although the illusionist tried to cover up, Uchiha saw something from her eyes called hatred.

Uchiha waved away his thoughts. "Hey, you will live in my house first. Don't think too much about the past. I will tell your teacher to tell him to arrange for you." Uchiha Magical Ji Road.

"Well." Fantasy nodded.

Uchiha took the illusion to his home. Because the yard left by his parents was still quite large, Uchiha soon picked up a room for the illusionist.

"You live here for the time being." Uchiha said to the illusion.

"Thank you." Fantasy looked at the room and saw the room was wide and clean.

"No, my room is next door to you. If you have anything in the future, call me." Uchiha said to the illusion.

"En" illusion nodded.

"You should rest first, I will go first." Uchiha slammed.

"Uchiha, thank you." Mirage looked at Uchiha, who was about to leave the room.

"No, I am more suitable for you to call my little brother." Uchiha sneered. Then left.

"Little brother?" Fantasy looked at Yu Zhibo's departure.

"You are not small."

Nothing in the night, on the morning of the next day, Uchiha started to get up early in accordance with the usual habits, but when Uchiha went out of the room, he suddenly stayed, "this"

"You wake up, come over and eat." Mirage took a plate from the kitchen and smiled and shouted at Uchiha.

"Is this all you do?" Uchiha looked at the hearty breakfast on the table and couldn't help but ask for a big finger.

"I looked at the refrigerator and there were a lot of ingredients to do it. I thank you for taking me in."

"Well, I don't have to thank you for this, and you still smile and look good." Uchiha snorted.

When I heard the words of Uchiha, I felt a red face on the illusion, but I saw that Uchiha didn’t pay attention to myself when I was eating breakfast. I couldn’t help but lose my face and immediately returned to normal. I looked at Uchiha and asked, “Is it delicious?”

"Well, it's so delicious." Uchiha said with a thumbs up: "I have never eaten so delicious."

"Your little girlfriend didn't do it for you?" Fantasy asked curiously.

"You mean the hand, how can she do this." Uchiha replied while eating.

"You eat slowly, since you like to eat, I will do it for you every day." Fantasy looked at the savage Uchiha.

"Well." Uchiha's mouth is filled with food and can only nod and agree.

"Well, I am also late to leave." After a while, Uchiha finally solved the breakfast and watched the time on the illusion.

"Well, let's go. There is me at home." The illusionist yelled at Uchiha.

"Then I will go first. Goodbye." Uchiha waved to the illusion, then left the house and rushed to the training ground.

"Hey, if the shallow government is still going to be better." Fantasy looked at Uchiha, and said to himself after leaving: "However, I will avenge you, the ghost lamp family." Holding a big knife and cutting the scene in the heart of the shallow government.

what? "Looking at the big snake pill, I looked at Uchiha and asked."

Then the two turned their heads and looked at the hand of a yīn霾, and Uchiha was also looking at the outline of the guilty conscience.

"Oh, Uchiha did not expect that you still have this hand." I also joked: "Do you teach me too?" Come and get closer to Uchiha.

"Going to the side." Uchiha said helplessly. Then I turned to Fei Feidao: "What do you do if you look at this?"

"Anyway, people are homeless, and she said that she is good to you, you are the master."

"Outline, do you see?" Uchiha said with a dim sum to ask the director.

When I heard Uchiha’s words, the master took a deep breath and then smiled strongly: “That’s no way, people are very poor, and the partners are dead, only she is alone, since I’m running for you. We can't refuse it."

The words of the hands let Uchiha sigh a sigh of relief, but then the master continued: "But why do you have to live in your home?"

Looking at the smiling face of the designer, Uchihao only feels like the devil. Uchiha swears and swears: "This" quickly turned his attention to the self, the big snake pill and the flying.

"I still have something, I will go first." Fei Fei avoided the gaze of Uchiha.

"Then I have to go to practice." The big snake pill is ready to leave.

"Hey, I'm fine, you continue, I look at it." He also smiled at Uchiha 瞳jiān, and the words of the people who were present were cold and sweaty. In the end, the big snake pill couldn’t stand any more. It has also been towed away.

Looking at them so ignorantly throwing themselves, Uchiha 瞳 瞳 helpless smile, it seems to use tricks. Uchiha sighed and took a deep breath and then looked at the hands of the lover. Both hands were placed on the shoulders of the hands: "The hand, don't you know what I mean to you?"

The master is also looking at Yu Zhibo with a look of infatuation: "I certainly know."

I haven't waited for Uchiha to breathe a sigh of Suddenly said: "But I must see her in this kind of thing."

The master turned his head and went straight. Uchiha could only watch the helper in the back and said to himself: "See you, anyway, I don't do anything wrong, and I don't want to knock on the door."

"But when the two women get together, I always feel that something is going to happen." Uchiha shook his head and followed the front hand.

Uchiha squatted at the table and looked helplessly at the two women in front of him. The illusion was sitting there with a smile on her face. She was very kind, but her eyes were provocative and the other side was Then he did not hide the hostility of his face and stared at the illusion.

"Enough, I can't stand it." Uchiha shouted annoyedly.

"What's wrong, Uchiha, what are you uncomfortable? Is it hungry? Why don't I give you your favorite things to eat?" Fantasy quickly hugged Uchiha and looked at the tunnel.

"Amount, this" Uchiha sneaked a secret look at the hands, and I really felt the face sè, and then said: "You really care about him." Mobile users please read and read, a better reading experience.