One Piece Bounty System

v1 Chapter 561

The sand bears the collar and the wooden sand stands on the ground, and the cāo controls the **** and looks at the opposite side.

At this time, Miao Mao was kneeling on the branch on one side, her eyes fixed on the wooden sand.

Finally, after a confrontation, the wood sand that could not be forcibly started to move, cāo controlled two dolls with a knife quickly approached Yan Mao, and the last one stood at Musha and did not rush out.

Yan Mao jumped from the branch to the ground, then a little under the foot, rushing to the two.

When approaching the first person, the doll extended his right hand and opened countless steel needles to the 朔茂. Yan Mao turned around and escaped the steel needle in the middle. At this time, he was already close to the doll, and Yan Mao raised the short knife. A knife cut into the arm of the doll, directly cut off the arm that was too late to recover, and then jumped away from the first person in mid-air. At this time, the second person also felt good, and a knife slashed to the ground. Yan Mao, Yan Mao had no choice but to go to the head, just against the doll's knife, then turned around and put the knife on the waist and turned to form a circular knife ring, Musha to withdraw the last few dolls to withdraw the first Two dolls.

Seeing that the doll retreated, Yan Mao rushed to catch up, Musha felt that his defense had loopholes, and the speed was withdrawn to the first person, while the second person was also slightly adjusted and turned to Yan Mao as a cāo controller. It is also very fast to wave your hands and your fingers are constantly shaking.

However, at this time, Yan Mao had already prepared, and quickly hacked a knife to the doll, and cut off the head of the doll. On the spot, the body of the doll lost support and fell to the ground, leaving only A head rushed to Yan Mao, and slowly the mouth of the doll opened and extended a bit, piercing the chest of Yan Mao.

At this moment of crisis, a horse bridge in Mengmao escaped a fatal blow. The head of the doll's head was out of control. On the head of the first doll, Yan Mao directly rushed to the wooden sand.

“It’s really difficult.” Yan Mao looked at the third person who was rushing to himself: “That would be solved once.”

Yan Mao began to make the starting method of the flag-knife method, "flag wood knife method. Broken sky." Yan Maoru like a beast-like full of speed and strength rushed to the third doll.

After a flash of white light, the doll was cut directly into two halves. Then I went back to the wood sand without losing momentum.

"Go to hell." Yan Mao stretched out his knife and cut it to the wooden sand.

Just when Yan Mao was about to cut the wood sand, Musha slightly moved his finger, and the first person just felt that he was blocking the front of the wooden sand, and Yan Mao cut it on the head of the doll.

"Almost finished playing, it seems that there can be no more stay here, this task is a failure." Musha looked at the close-knit Yan Maotou braved the cold sweat in the heart.

Then I moved my finger again, and then the person jumped back, and the doll opened his mouth and slowly sprayed purple smoke outside.

At this time, Yan Mao just took back the short knife, saw the strange smoke, and immediately jumped back, squatting at the side and watching the smoke slowly drifting toward himself.

"This is poisonous fog, the flag wooden knife method. Knife wind." Yan Mao cut a knife from top to bottom, cut a knife, cut the smoke into two halves, and then blow away the smoke.

However, when the poisonous mist was blown away, the people in Musha were gone. "Damn." Yan Mao spit the channel, then reluctantly recovered the short knife and left here.

At this time, Uchiha 瞳 their battles were all over, and the moon shadow slowly pulled out his knife from a sand and the body, and the sand fell to the ground.

"How? Is it over?" Yan Mao walked back to see the body of the land.

"Except for Uchiha, there is a end." True feathers put together their tired eyes and wandered.

Moon Shadow and Mirage also returned here to meet everyone.

"Are you all finished?" At this time Uchiha slowly walked out from the woods next to him and saw the crowd.

"Uchiha wave." The illusion quickly ran to the side of Uchiha, and looked at Uchiha: "Are you okay?"

"Oh." The moon shadow that is one step late can only scream at a distance.

Yan Mao looked at the real feathers, and the two looked at each other and then made an eye, then turned to the other side.

"Amount." Uchiha looked helplessly at the two women around him. "I am fine."

"What about the ghost lampman?" The illusionist heard Yu Zhibo said after nothing, and asked with a sigh of relief.

"It should be dead." Uchiha replied.

"Did you die?" The illusionary singer fell into discourse and couldn't help but think of the shallow government.

"You're fine." Uchiha asked and looked at the look of the illusion.

Upon hearing Uchiha’s words, Mirage returned to Shinto: “I’m fine.”

"Let's go." Uchiha smiled.

"Well." The illusionist nodded, and then, along with Uchiha, they approached them.

"How?" Uchiha asked, opening.

"All solved." Zhen Yu gave Uchiha a sigh.

"The head of the sand bear ran away." Yan Mao was faint.

"Running and ran, anyway, our task is just to destroy the collusion of sand and fog." Uchiha 瞳 comforted.

"Well." Yan Mao nodded.

"That, there is nothing wrong with the moon shadow." Uchiha slammed to the moonshadow.

"What can I do?" The moon shadow is faint.

"This little sister can be awesome. Uchiha does not introduce it to me?" At this time, the illusionist went to Uchiha, and next to Uchiha’s arm, he smiled at the moon shadow.

"Amount." Uchiha pointed to the moon shadow: "This is my companion, moonlight moon shadow."

Then Uchiha 瞳 pointed to the illusion of Ji Ji: "This is ....."

"Oh, it turned out to be Uchiha’s teammate, ah, hello, I am Uchiha’s sister, Himeji.” The illusionist grabbed the words and then extended his right hand toward the moon shadow.

Moonlight faintly glanced at the illusion and Uchiha: "It turned out to be Uchiha's Hello, my name is Moonlight Moonshake." Then I reached out and held the hand of the illusion.

"We still live together." Mirage looked at the moon shadow provocatively.

"What?" At this time, even Yan Mao and Zhen Yu looked at Uchiha, and looked at Uchiha, and then they made a "we know" eye.

"You...." Although there is a mask blocking the face that can't see the moon shadow, but when I hear the sound of the moon shadow, she knows that she is angry.

"Miao Ji is temporarily living in my home." Uchiha said quickly.

"It turned out to be like this." The moon shadow "suddenly realized" to the illusion of Jixiang, this is true, but the tone is a bit unclear.

Then the illusion and the moon shadow looked at each other dissatisfied.

Helpless looking at the two beautiful women around, Uchiha wave only felt a headache, the two women are really troublesome.

Then, towards the movie, Yan Mao and Zhen Yu made an eye, pretending that the weight behind them fell to the ground.