One Piece Bounty System

v1 Chapter 584

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I saw the dragon scale sword on the hand of Uchiha, and smiled and said: "Oh, I didn't expect to see the dead face when I came out."

Uchiha waved his hand to caress the dragon scale sword, and calmed down the staggering y swaying dragon scale sword and looked at the thousand trees: "You are not a thousand trees, you are the consciousness of the power of the magic gun."

"Oh, just because of that kid, I have to control him. It’s not an easy task." Thousand trees continued: "But it’s just right, the kid wants to kill you, I want to kill you, just finish it together. ""

"Want to kill me? It depends on your strength. This time I decided to fix you once." Uchiha whispered openly and inserted the dragon sword in front.

Then the two men sealed at the same time, "This is?" The big elder next to him was surprised.

"What's wrong?" asked the rope tree.

"Look, the rope tree is the real raft, and I didn't expect to see this again in my lifetime." The elders were excited.

When I heard the elders, the rope tree quickly looked at it.

"The raft. The tree world is born." The two shouted at the same time.

From the ground, the trees of the black and black are slowly rising, intertwined and crushed with each other. It can be said that it is not divided.

Uchiha took the dragon scale sword and gathered the magic gun in the hands of the thousand trees. The two quickly rushed to each other, and the trees continued to grow, constantly trying to hang each other.

"Hey." Uchiha and Yushu went through the wrong way, and brought a little spark. Uchiha and the thousand trees stood on one side, facing each other.

Uchiha and Thousand Trees stood up at the same time and turned to look at each other. Thousand trees said: "Oh, interesting."

The two rushed to each other again, "Bundle." Uchiha 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇

"Bound." Thousand trees also printed with one hand, two black trees stretched out to the trees, blocking the green trees.

"Swordsmanship. Broken water." Uchiha waved a sword, and a green sword rushed to the thousand trees, and the trees along the way were cut off.

"Magic gun. Fluffy." Thousands of trees suddenly turned into thousands of figures, rushed to Uchiha, and the green swords passed through the thousands of trees, and all the trees that had been swept by the swords were scattered.

In the end, the thousand trees combined to shoot Yu Zhibo, and Uchiha smashed the dragon-scale sword to block the gun of the thousand trees. The corner of the thousand trees was awkward, and the gun in the hand was broken. Next to a wave, the hand re-condensed a gun and smashed into the gap and stabbed Yu Zhibo, and a shot stabbed Yu Zhibo's arm and passed by.

Thousand trees picked up the gun in their hands and took a sip of blood on the tip of the gun. Yīn smiled. "The next time is your heart."

Uchiha wrinkled his eyebrows and looked at the wound on his arm. Uchiha looked at Qianshu firmly and said: "There is no next time, a trick is to win the game." Uchiha 瞳 slowly condenses on the dragon scale sword Chakra.

"Oh, I am with you." Thousand trees looked at Uchiha, and then they gathered their guns on their hands.

The trees in the two green trees have not stopped growing. At this time, a thick wood blocks the sight of the two, and Uchiha and the thousand trees act together.

"Swordsmanship. Dragon God." Chakra encased Uchiha, and the whole body turned into a huge dragon claw and rushed to the thousand trees.

"Magic gun. Devil's blow." Thousand trees hands together on the chest, a huge demon gun, rushed to Uchiha.

"Dragon scale sword, let us work together, this is just the beginning, we can not lose." Uchiha 瞳 瞳 clenched the hands of the dragon scale sword in the heart of the dark road.

"Oh." When Uchiha's sword and the gun of the thousand trees collided together, a huge explosion occurred, and the two trees were suddenly blown up.

"How is the result?" A group of people outside the field looked at the two men who were still standing on the field.

Uchiha and the thousand trees stand opposite each other. After a long time, "Oh, it is the owner of the dragon scale sword. This is not finished yet. We will meet again in the future." Thousand trees look at the chest. A sword mark smirked and then slowly fell to the ground.

Uchiha licked his chest and slowly bleeds from the corner of his mouth. Then he looks at the faint dragon scale sword in his hand and says to himself: "Man, we won." Then slowly fell.

"Uchiha wave." The master ran to the side of Uchiha, and asked with care: "How, is it okay?"

"I'm fine." Uchiha shook his chest and said: "Let's go see him." Uchiha looked at the direction of the thousand trees.

"Well." The hand helped Uchiha to walk to the thousand trees.

"Cough, are you coming?" Thousand trees lay on the ground and slowly ran out of the mouth, and looked weakly at Uchiha, and they faintly said.

"How are you?" The master looked at the miserable feelings of the thousand trees and asked.

"Oh, sorry, bring you so much trouble." Thousand trees look at the hand, with an obsession in his eyes.

"You don't have to say sorry to me."

Thousands of trees shed tears and shook their heads: "You don't have to say it, I am not only sorry for you, but I am sorry for the same family. I looked at my family and looked down on my hands. My heart is like broken." ”

Uchiha and Hiroshi listened quietly to the words of Thousand Trees.

"I know that even if I am desperate to say sorry, it will not help. If there is an afterlife, I can only come back to life and do the horses to repay them. I have never said anything to you, I just want to tell you. , I... love... you." Thousand trees looked at the handwriting affectionately and died with a smile.

The outline hand silently looked at the person who has always loved himself, and has always been like a brother, and the tears began to slowly fall.

Uchiha slaps the hand of the hand and comforts: "Everyone has his own destiny, you don't have to hate him."

"Hey." The hand buried his head on the shoulder of Uchiha.

"唉 The elders walked to the side of the thousand trees with the support of the rope tree, and closed the eyes of the thousand trees.

On the volcanic rock, the blue sè clothes came to the back of Uchiha, and looked at the front of Uchiha, and smiled slightly: "How are you still here?"

"Don't forget, today is the graduation ceremony of the rope tree. If you go late, he will have to anger with you." The master walked to the side of Uchiha.

At this time, Uchiha wore a "dragon" on the back of a windbreaker. When he heard the outline of the hand, Uchiha tweeted a hand and pulled it into his arms. "What are you worried about? I am waiting for you." ”

The outline hand held Uchiha, and Yu Zhibo said: "You have reason."

"Oh," Uchiha smirked and said: "It’s still time to go." After that, I pulled the hand and jumped directly from Huoyingyan.

We walked slowly to the school. At the age of 18, I was about one meter tall. The hairstyle was based on the hairstyle of the past, and the face of Junxiu was definitely the type of "road killer". Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.