One Piece Bounty System

v1 Chapter 586

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In short, the wedding of Uchiha and Yushou is eye-catching.

After all kinds of etiquette, "Uchihachi, today is the rì son who married you and the master. I am very pleased to see you together." 猿 拍 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇 宇

"Thank you teacher." Uchiha replied to the ceremony.

"Go, go with the team, if I borrow you for too long, she will definitely come to me again." Fei Fei joked.

"Yes." Uchiha replied, then left to find the master.

"Congratulations, Uchiha, but I didn't bring any decent gifts, so I came to you with you." Maybe my little research on the big snake pill is not much disgusting, and I often refer to his research, so our relationship is not bad.

Uchiha 瞳 looked at the more and more yīn's big snake pill, and he secretly worried, but on the surface, he smiled and looked at the big snake pill: "Welcome welcome, but how do you learn to come from?"

"No way, get along with him for a long time." The big snake pricked and shrugged.

After that, Uchiha went to his own cave room after a few moments with a few friends.

At this time, in the cave room, Uchiha sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the opposite side of the hand can not help but have some dreamy feelings. Unexpectedly, I came back to the world of Naruto, and I also smashed the hand, and I was a little bit mad at the moment.

"What do you see?" The hand was embarrassed to bow his head and whisper.

Uchiha grabbed the hand of the hand and put it in his hand, gently said: "Is this all true? I finally found you."

"Stupid." The outline of the hand, Yu Zhibo stunned, and then he wanted to take back his hand.

"I am a fool. In the future, my fool will protect you forever. I will never let you hurt." Uchiha took the hand of the hand.

"Which would someone say this in the cave?" Although the master said so, she was still warm.

"Outline, I..." Uchiha said with hesitation: "Can you turn off the lights?"

"Well." The face of the hand is redder, and the head is lower.

Next, Uchiha smashed out the lights in the room, and since then, there has been a woman in the world who has lost a virgin.

Just when Uchiha was in the cave, the cockroaches and the elders of a dry wood leaf were gathering in another room to discuss the big event. "Is this coming back from time to time?" Asked in the dark part of the eyes.

"Yes." The dark side nodded.

"Huai Ying adults, what is it?" The elders below looked at the dark part and left, and asked the flying to the main position.

Fei Fei slowly stood up and walked to the door, opened the door, and said faintly: "The end of the world war."

"Mr. Fei Fei, what's the matter? If there is nothing important, I have to go home to eat." Uchiha sat down and watched as he was dealing with the affairs.

When I heard the words of Uchiha, the three generations disregarded Uchihabo’s complaint: “Men should not use all the power of the man’s body, and they have been married for so long.

"You can talk to the master yourself, but today the master said that I want to develop a new dish for me. If I have nothing, I have to go home to eat." Uchiha squinted and looked forward to the tunnel.

"Cough, when I haven't said it." Fei Fei thought of the scene when the hand was awkward.

Originally from the marriage of Uchiha and Yu, I stayed at home after nothing, but this is not to say that Uchiha has nothing to do. After the marriage, my heart is cool, and the efficiency of doing the task is high. Ninja.

"Wait, this time has a very important task, let's take a look at it." Fei Fei said that the information on his hand was handed over to Uchiha, and he said seriously: "This mission, you can choose teammates, wood leaves. Pick it up with you."

Uchiha took up two pages of information and frowned. "You have to hand over the eastern front to me? Go to fight with the fog, and there may be a big shadow like water shadow?"

It’s not awkward to be unreasonable. This is a real war. If you are not careful, you may be killed. But only I am the most suitable. Uchiha is secretly in my heart.

"Oh, I am also forced to do it." Fei Fei stood up and walked to the side of Uchiha, saying: "Now the country of fire and the country of water and the country of the land are fighting, and the rally on the border can be mobilized, now It is the shortage of troops on the border of the country of water. The situation is not optimistic. I don’t trust anyone, so I need you to go to the town, not to win, as long as you remain undefeated, I will leave as soon as possible. The place has been handed over to the past."

"Well, I don't have to say it. I picked it up." Uchiha faintly said, and then thought about it: "I don't need too many people, but also the big snake pill and the hand we have four." Plus the team of Yan Mao will do."

The three generations thought for a while and said: "Well, they all satisfy you." After saying that he did not wait for Fei Fei to say, Uchiha said that he would say "goodbye" and he would not be trained, Uchiha Dark in my heart.

"Really, I also satisfied my teacher's satisfaction with the disciples' training." Fei Fei couldn't help but laugh.

"Come on." Then Fei Fei called the dark department to inform other people.

Uchiha walked back to his house and shouted at the opposite side: "I am back."

"Come back, just the new dish is done, Uchiha squats down and try it." The master wore an apron and walked out to look at Uchiha.

Since she got married, she likes to cook, and she also went to find someone to study.

Uchiha went to the side of the hand and hugged the hand, then pulled the hand and said: "Sorry, come back late, let's go, eat together."

"Well." The outline of the hand is ashamed. Let Yu Zhibo hold it and sit next to the dinner Come back from here? Uchiha asked.

"Yeah, what happened?" asked the puzzler in confusion.

Uchiha sighed and explained: "We have a mission again, not just the team we have."

"Oh, what mission? Actually, I have to call the people of their team?" The designer put the dish in the Uchibo bowl and asked.

"Mr. Fei Fei appointed me as the commander of the Eastern Front Force to lead the Renjun Army to deal with the fog." Uchiha said that the dish was put in his mouth.

"Can we do it? It is a real war." The master looked suspiciously.

When I heard the outline hand, Uchiha waved a smile from the channel: "If you can't do it, you have to believe in your husband, you can do it."

"Hey, shameless." The hand heard Uchiha 瞳 瞳 侃 侃 侃 侃 侃 侃 侃 侃 侃 侃 侃 侃 侃 侃 侃 侃 侃 侃 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.