One Piece Bounty System

v1 Chapter 75: Lieutenant

Mole stunned and looked at Tianlei with a look: "I?" He really didn't think that Tianlei would choose him. It was a bit of a jackpot.

Others are also a smile, the Warring States Road: "The strength of Tianlei is indeed worthy of your battle with the Mole. After all, he has won the record of two Qiwuhai. There is a place to try now!"

Not a moment will arrive, the place to try, this place is still very familiar with the thunder, is the place to fight against Moonlight Moria, saying that Tianlei really do not know this guy, and finally what is the Warring States to give, is it? Is it off?

Tianlei and Mole will come to the field, and Tianlei will smile at the Mole: "Lieutenant Mole, I am not welcome!"

The Mole walked with a long sword and walked over to Tianlei: "Although this is related to your power afterwards, I don't want to offend you, and the general dog. But since I have stood here, I have to do my best. This is the principle of being a navy. Other gossips are not to be said, and the following are all fighting."

The meaning of the Mole's words, Tian Lei naturally understands that his battle is solely due to the principle of a navy, not for himself. But Tian Lei is thinking that he is doing his best! After all, although I have a dark fruit, my strength has increased. However, the single theory of body and swordsmanship has dropped a lot. Tianlei now puts his own swords on the soul and regains it in his hands. After all, now he can’t be a sword, he can only make the sword again. .

When the words fell, the Mole was shaved and disappeared into the place, appearing on the side of the thunder. At the same time, with a wave of a powerful sniper, it quickly hit Tian Lei.

Tianlei itself is a six-shaved user, this trick is naturally not a sneak peek, not to mention Tian Lei is still a user who knows the color of domineering. The foot slammed on the ground, and when it was shaved, it started, and it disappeared instantly in the same place. The next moment was dozens of meters away, avoiding the screaming whistling. At the same time, it also slammed a powerful sniper and counterattacked back.

"The wind goes!" The voice of indifference came from the air behind the sniper.

Once again, the Thunder is no longer in the original place. "Fast!" Looking back, the Mole did not know when to stay in the thunder, behind the low, leaping, attacking himself. Thunder can control from his body, speed and battle as much as himself, and may even surpass himself.

The long sword in the hand crossed the border. This time, the Mole did not make a sniper in his hand. Instead, he attached the sword in his hand to domineering and hard attacked him. He planned to have a domineering and power hard.

The thunder is naturally fearless, and the sacred soul of the cloth in the hands is also domineering, and the front meets. The two black knives collided together, and the two suddenly stagnated together. The two men almost once again at the same time. As a result, each of them was strongly counterattacked and slammed back a few steps.

After that, the two men launched the attack at the same time. The long swords in the hands of the two men were also constantly striking each other. The speed of the two men was almost the same, and they scored a flat autumn. It seems that it is just a normal sword move, and the two can't tell the difference.

Tianlei sighed low: "A knife flow, a dragon flame." With the sound falling, the sky was turned into a flame dragon, and the squirrel quickly attacked the past.

The Mole's face remained the same, for a lieutenant general of the Navy's headquarters, what kind of battle did not participate. This kind of trick of Tianlei is still hard to beat him. It is also a low-sounding voice: "The rain is spurting." The sword in the hand of the Mole flicked, and a white tipped with a raindrop. Come, it’s like rain falling on the earth, hiding from hiding, overwhelming.

I saw the Mole's move, it was very powerful, and I saw the breeze of the Thunder, and once again made a move: "A knife flow, a tornado", a hurricane rose immediately, and the Mole was as thin as a raindrop. The average white awns were all rolled in, and the squirrels attacked the squirrels.

"Hey!" The speed of the Mole's speed was very fast, but the sword in the hand was slashed forward, and a sniper screamed out. The tornado that was hit by Tianlei smashed. "Hey!" The tornado exploded, and a white tip that was rolled in like a raindrop was suddenly shot.

Countless stunned shots are too sudden, and there is really no time to escape. Both of them couldn’t help but smile. This time, the two were considered to be being beaten by themselves. The two of them sighed with a low voice. "The domineering of the armed color is not a little bit, and the two bodies are almost simultaneously turned into dark colors. Both blocked this unexpected attack.

"Lame!" The Mole first launched the attack again, kicking in front of the right foot, and a sigh of anger screamed out and attacked the sky.

Tian Lei’s sword in the air glimpsed into the air: “A knife flows in the righteousness – a knife and a world!” A special sniper of rapid rotation, flying out.

"Hey!" The two snipers just stabbed in the air at The special sniper of Thunder slammed the Mole to smash it, and then continued to smash the Mole.

The Mole still, for the first time, saw such a special attack, did not expect such a strong attack, and easily broke his own lame. Immediately snorted: "Blasting force." A huge incomparable sniper, slammed into the thunder of the thunder.

"Hey!" The two snipers slammed in the air, and after making a huge sound, they disappeared together.

The Mole looked at the performance of the thunder, and could not help but sigh. This kind of domineering swordsmanship, Lieutenant General, you are really powerful! The Mole already knows that with the strength of Tianlei, the promotion of Lieutenant General is a matter of ten, nine, after all, even if he is not confident in defeating him.

At this time, the generals Huang Hao has also returned to the headquarters, and came to the small island of the test. His face was lazy and he couldn't help but reveal a hint of appreciation: "I really didn't think of it! I always said, how strong the thunder is, now I know it. This is really nothing to say, it is me and you." When the two dogs are so big, they don’t have such strong strength."

This is just a test, although it is all-powerful. Can also receive some backhand, after all, this is just a promotion than the test! It is impossible to desperate! Almost, it will be enough. He also saw that the Mole was not fully used except for some cards. However, Tian Lei is obviously not full of strength! They know that Tianlei is still a capable person! But just in the first battle, it has never been used.

: "Tian Lei, this game is over, you are already a lieutenant. How about, I want to play with General Huang Wei, so that, maybe, you are the lieutenant general. "The Warring States smiled while tempting."