One Piece Bounty System

v2 Chapter 357: Festival

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In fact, according to the beauty of the body is also very proud of their body capital, always like others to look at themselves with a kind of admiration, which gives her a deep sense of pride. Even when you are alone, you will see your body in front of the mirror and enjoy your body.

For these things, it’s not too tired to be beautiful. Under the entertainment, there is a great narcissism for the appearance, and no one in the world thinks that she can match her.

"It’s really a high place, how many women can you compare with me?"

According to the beauty of the light, the look is full of narcissism. "I heard that the current fire shadow of Muye Village is also a woman. I have time to see how she is, but I am afraid it is not as good as me... ..."

According to the beauty and narcissism of the narcissistic for a while, then stepped into the bathtub, after all, a pool of water shaded the seductive color.


The clock squats, the hour and minute hands overlap at two points. At this time, the beauty of the light-colored pajamas has gone to sleep. Under the quiet sleep, it is another style. There is no daytime. A kind of arrogant color, at this time she is like a delicate girl next door girl character, quiet and cute.

At this time, the beautiful corner of the mouth in the dream is slightly tilted, and the eyebrow stretches, obviously what is a good dream.

In fact, according to the beauty of those so-called dreams are nothing more than, for example, she became the only queen in the world, all the people around the world are turning around, enjoying the pleasure of one person alone.

In addition, she is finally married, the man in the dream is handsome and powerful, a little bit, can tolerate her temper, and treat her as the only one, whenever she is regarded as the first place, holding in The hand is afraid of falling, and it is afraid of being in the mouth. It is best to always regard her as a pride in my life, which will make her happy.

Or, under the leadership of her, Wurong Village became the most powerful Ninja Village in the world of forbearance. The name of the country of water is like a servant for him. The shadows and names of the various villages are surrendered to her, and the mouth calls for water. Shadow adults, Queens and the like.

Although the dream is ridiculous, it is understandable. Everyone has a crazy bunny in his heart, doing some dreamland dreams that can't be realized. Who can guarantee that it won't jump out in a deep night, and make a big noise in your dreams?

This is not, according to the beauty and dreaming, at this time, she dreams of getting married, the other party can not see the face, but still can feel the tall and handsome, in the eyes of the crowd, she and the man kissed together.

After that, life is very happy and very happy. The man loves her very much. She almost puts her at the highest place. This kind of man is the type that Meimei likes most. Sometimes it will be small, sometimes very s, graceful. He is also very popular, very fond of her love, always find ways to make her happy.

However, this is the dream of Mary Su is not lasting for a long time. Everything is as quiet as a mirror, and it falls into hell. It is like a beautiful sun, and finally plunges into a terrible night.

Bloody night, killing night.

In the dream, Zhaomei was seen in the darkest period, and saw the moment when the four generations of the water shadows were in power.

Dark blood way, endless desperation, Yakura ordered the slaughter of all the bloodstained families in the village of fog, the dark night of the blood, the innocent life passed away, and the hope of disillusionment was finally turned out -->> , the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

Fly ash.

In the dream, according to Mei Ming, I saw the hour of myself. As a ninja, I was sent to the battlefield of Ninja to participate in the most inhumane battle. The sword in hand was whistling, the detonation was banging, the ninja explosion, the ground trembled, like the end of the world, constantly Someone fell and there was constant sacrifice.

The last scene is the scene of the humiliation and signing of the country of water on the defeated treaty. The people clenched their fists, lowered their heads, and the despair of the heart obscured everything.

"Don't...stop me..."

In the house, I am struggling with the beauty of the world. I really want to get out of those scenes. Just like personal experience, the scene of defeat in a few decades ago flashed out again, the decline of the country of water, the decline of the village of fog, this is like a mirror. Flashed.


After the beauty screamed, after all, I woke up from my dreams and found that I had a lot of sweat in front of my forehead, and the rapid breathing was particularly sudden in the dark night.

"what is the problem."

Under the slightest pressure, the corner of the jade rabbit jumped out of the pajamas, but it was a little pink.

"What are those in the dream that presage what?"

Zhaomei is somewhat overwhelmed. The last thing she wants to see in her life is that the people in Wujiu Village suffer disasters. As a shadow, she has already realized her consciousness. Even if she wants to sacrifice herself, she must absolutely preserve the village.

The four generations of water and shadows reappeared as the scene of the evil fog and the village. This is something that Zhaomei absolutely does not want to recall. At that time, she personally brought people to launch various rebellions and rushed the four generations of water shadows from the high position. Later, she can clearly remember the scene of the scene when she was in the water.

At that time, she took over the water and shadow fight, and promised on the high platform, she will do her best to protect the fog-forbearing village, protect the fog-forbearing village, and let the fog-bearing village regain its former glory.

In the old days, when I was a child, I never thought that I would become a water shadow in the future. At that time, there was only one expectation in her heart to experience the World War. It is to protect everyone around me and end as soon as possible. Fight, never see any events that are **** and sacrificed.

According to the beauty of the United States enough Once someone dares to beat the village's idea, she will stop it if she is desperate.

According to the United States, the attempt to change everything with its own power, change the situation that has been formed for a long time, and establish the village of Wujiu as the mind thinks.

For decades, Zhaomei has been working hard for it, seeing other women's happiness being embraced by her boyfriend, both stepping into the wedding hall, although her heart is very envious, but she has to endure, she knows herself Now is not the time to think about those things.

According to the beauty of the moment, before you change the village of the water and the country without changing the water, you must not hinder the progress of your advancement because of your children's personal feelings. You must not let the gentleness of your moments confuse your eyes.

Just the night before on the water, I was insomnia, and she still thought that if she could not be a duty to be a water shadow after she took office, what should I do if I could not change the life of the people in the village.

However, when Zhaomei stood on the oath, she was sure that she could be a good person in this water and could lead the people in the village of Wuji to embark on glory. She has made up her mind that she will not be able to build her ideal hometown. Before, there must be no confusion, even if it is not married for a lifetime, then why not!