One Piece Bounty System

v2 Chapter 381: Festival

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At this time, Sasuke thought that this kind of owing could never be compensated. The feelings that the past life could not understand, everything that the past life did not dare to face, bravely face it in this life.

Sasuke gazed at the face of the master, saw her emotional changes, and felt her heart. At this time, Sasuke finally decided, even if the scum should become a scum with quality and responsibility.

"My aunt, I am the same. In my heart, my aunt is my most cherished person. In this life, I am really happy to meet my aunt. The figure of my aunt has been engraved in my memory, and this life is unforgettable."

Sasuke’s words are undoubtedly confession, and the feelings contained therein are unquestionable.


The tone of the hand was a little trembling. She thought that there was an auditory hallucination. Sasuke’s undisguised confession made her feel unconfident.

"Of course it is true, my aunt, I like you, I can get your favor, I am really lucky."

The vows are in the air, the raindrops fall down, and the heart is exhausted, which is undoubtedly a promise.

Very magical, the hand and body are light and light, like returning to the cardamom, she still remembers the scene at that time, the girl Huaichun, the hope of the Prince Charming is more and more clear.

"I am also, Sasuke, and when you meet with Jun, it is the fate, and the tenth round will not change."

In the fog-bearing village, in the water-shadow office, the beautiful temperament is sitting on the main position, and the elegant temperament is a bit cold at this moment.

Opposite, it is a pair of ponytailed yellow-haired women, such as jade face, white complexion, can not see the specific age.

The atmosphere was a bit silent, and the choice of Sasuke was sitting on the side without talking, and behind him was the gold of humility.

Glanced at Sasuke, and snorted in the air, and then looked at the yellow-haired woman in front of her eyes.

"Listen to Sasuke and say that you are the master, the five generations of Konoha?"

"Yes, it is."

The outline hand smiled slightly, but did not show the other because of the hostility of the beautiful.

"Water shadow, first time to meet, please take care."


Zhao Mei is somewhat unconvinced. In the past, she thought she was the most perfect woman, both in appearance and status. In the long run, far more than ordinary people's self-esteem and pride built into a tall wall in her heart, in other words, it is extreme narcissism.

Now, in the face of the master, this same woman who is also a shadow, there is a sense of frustration in the beauty, the identity and her general, looks like her. This is the case, the most incapable of letting the beauty of the United States tolerate is the giant hand chest that does not conform to the common sense.

Subconscious, according to the beauty of the contrast between their own, although it is very large and perfect, but still slightly insufficient than the outline.

Zhao Mei looked at the unconventional outline, although she admired her temperament and appearance, although there was a little frustration and unwillingness, she would never admit that she was not as good as the other.

Perhaps this is the nature of every narcissistic person. Whenever you meet someone who is equal to yourself or even more than yourself, they will definitely have a strong competitive advantage in their hearts. The method knocks down the opponent and finds confidence in one aspect.

According to Mei Ning, from the spy, I heard about the things happening in Muye Village. I was deliberately degraded and said: "Huoying-->>, the fastest update of One Piece's bounty system chapter!

It’s really fascinating to come out of the village, but it’s like a sneak peek. ”

According to the beauty and the heart, the master knows it, and sees the face of Sasuke and does not sigh with the beauty of the beauty. He said: "The water is heavy, and the escape is hard to say, as the fire shadow of Muye Village, I will I was away from the battle, but I haven't seen Sasuke and Auntie for a long time. He invited me to come to Wujiu Village as a guest. I don't think the fog-bearing village will expel me from this uninvited guest."

"Dare to dare, dare to dare, Huo Ying can appreciate the face before it is welcome. Sasuke is the ninja of our village, and as a water shadow I should naturally do the friendship of the landlord. If you don't mind, the cost of Huo Ying in the village of Wu Niu is me. Responsible, I am very happy to help Naruto."

"There is a water and shadow, then I am disrespectful."

I was disturbed for a while, and I was forced to fall down on the outline of the meditation, but the hand was still a light wind.

In fact, the good temper of the hands is also the choice of the time to judge the situation, people under the roof, have to bow. If you make an aggressive look, it is just a moment of courage, it is tantamount to a cowardly act.

During this period of Huo Ying, the masters learned a lot, and the human world and the virtual and the snakes gradually started to work. Now she is not the same as that, and she will be angry and angry for a small matter.

There is always a smile on the face of the hand, and there is no loss of stability in the peace. At this time, according to Mei Ming, I only feel that I punched out on the cotton.

According to the beauty and helplessness, I can only temporarily put down the mind that is eager to win, and then I will fall down.

The performance of Sasuke's performance is seen in the eyes. Although he is expressionless, his heart is awe-inspiring. The growth of the master is very satisfying. Now she has lost the impulse of the year when she faced the overall situation.


In the heart of the village, I was invited to visit the scenic spots in the village.

According to the invitation of Mei Ning, the master hand accepted it with pleasure. The two royal sisters Shi Shiran up, they all looked like a smile, and they seemed to appreciate each other.

Seeing the two people's atmosphere eased, Sasuke played a retreat, saying that it is necessary to meet with the members of the Eagle team, they must leave.

Sasuke suddenly left, and the beauty did not stop. Sasuke was quite free in the village of Mist, and the beauty would not interfere with Sasuke.

On the occasion of the departure Sasuke whispered a few words to the hand of the hand, and immediately left with gold.

Seeing that Sasuke’s figure disappeared, he smiled and smiled. He held the arm of the hand and said very intimately: "Sasuke really cares about you. I heard it when he was."

"Don't think about water and shadow, I am his aunt. Isn't it normal for my nephew to care about my aunt?"

"is it?"

Zhao Mei did not believe in the words of the hands, but he did not deceive, like what he remembered, deliberately said: "I also like Sasuke. Although it is my subordinate, he is indeed a good man. It’s not because of the face of the water, I might have hooked him up.”

According to the beauty of the United States, this is not a marginal point, so that the heart of the hand stunned, and then vigilantly squatting next to the beautiful, but see her extraordinary, charming and affectionate, it is like a very attractive rose.

Knowing that the beauty is very charming, the outline of the hand has a dark heart, whether she has the kind of mind for Sasuke, or Sasuke has such an attempt for her, must be smothered in the bud.