One Piece Bounty System

v2 Chapter 434: Festival

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The voice fell, but the spot was wiped off the mask. A wrinkled old face appeared in Sasuke's eyes. The white hair was long and the eyes were deep. The most amazing thing was the reincarnation with six patterns. The old and dead are amazing!

"Sure enough, it looks a lot like it, but compared to my younger brother, your strength is stronger. Rest assured, junior, my Uchiha wave will not hurt you."

"Uchi wave spot!"

Sasuke deliberately surprised and said: "How can you still be alive!"

"These are secrets... I will tell you later." The old-fashioned reincarnation eyes micro-microwave moved and said: "You are doing a good job in the wood leaves, Uchiha can not let the mortal bully, For cockroaches, only use strong power to make them yield."

After a pause, the spot said: "I have another thing besides wanting to see you this time."

"Sasuke, you don't belong to this world..."

At the heart of the lake, the gaze gaze at Sasuke, who was made in the air.

"Your strength is not what should happen in this era, Sasuke, who are you?"

Wen Yan, Sasuke has no expression, after a while he said: "Yes, you are right, I am not a person of this era, spot, you believe in reincarnation."


"It is the reincarnation. Actually, I came from twenty-six years later. I can reach this place under the power of reincarnation."

The spotted eyes look awkward and sink into the air: "The power of reincarnation really exists... I really didn't understand the true meaning of it..."

"Sasuke, you said that you came from twenty-six years, then, can you tell me what the world is like after twenty-six years? Will the future people remember the name of my Uchiha!"

"The world of the future." Sasuke said: "I didn't expect you to be interested in this. Your name is naturally talked about by people. Spots, your existence is like a milestone, because of the mighty power and being feared. Oh, but this is just one of you."

After a pause, Sasuke said: "Because of your departure, Uchiha has gradually declined. In my world, the Uchiha family will be completely destroyed by Kono in a few years. And I am the genocide. The survivor of the incident, I lived for revenge, and I came to this world for revenge;

. Uchiha wave spot, now Uchiha has changed, I am changing its fate. I want to prove to the world that even Uchibo, who does not have Uchiha's plaques, is also the first in the world, and it is absolutely impossible to trample on it! ”

"It’s a terrible ambition."

The old face of the spot suddenly showed a strange smile, but he heard him say: "What is your current look and the image of me, the desire for power, the desire for power, the desire for everything in the world... Haha, maybe, this is young, have endless energy to achieve wild vision, get what you want!"

Saying, Uchiha plaque is close to Sasuke and carefully examines the latter. The old reincarnation has crossed a slap in the eye. "I also want this young body...."

Hearing the singer’s words, Sasuke’s heart, the immortality is the most tempting thing. The older the old, the greater the desire for life and youth. Spot, you are no exception, the fear of death makes you unable to adapt, long years of loneliness makes you want to have everything you have.

Sasuke suddenly said: "You can't wait to see you, you can't wait, spot."

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"Sasuke, what do you mean by this?"

"What do you mean."

Sasuke’s mouth was light and said: “Have you forgotten that I have been from twenty-six years later? Spotted, some of your secrets I already knew.”

Speaking of it, there is a curious color. "I want to hear the details, Sasuke, I am more and more interested in you."


Sasuke only said this word, the face of the spot changed, and I saw that the old wrinkles gradually tightened, and there was a hint of killing in the six reincarnations.

"You really know something." The spotted coldly said, "I believe you from the news twenty-six years later. The power of reincarnation is really mysterious. When you come to this world, you should take good care of it. You must know, not Everyone has the opportunity to travel in time and space."

"That is nature." Sasuke said: "I came for Uchiha. We have been waiting for Uchiha for a long time. It is time to recover the glory of the past. You should be happy to see the brilliance of writing the eyes. Take a photo of the whole world."

"Your goal is really not just the wood leaf village..."

Uchiha's gaze is slightly condensed, saying: "So, I am old, I will not participate in Uchiha, and it will be handled by you."

After a pause, Uchiha said: "The purpose of my visit is to have a more important thing besides seeing you."

"Is it about the world of tolerance?"

"No." The spot shook his head and looked at Sasuke. "You know the big-tube night."

"Of course, the mother of the six, is what you said about her?"

"Yes." The first point of the plaque: "This matter involves a great secret. Big gonghui is one of the main characters in this matter."

The spot said: "Sasuke, have you heard of the rumor of undead medicine?"

"Undead medicine?"

Sasuke is surprising, and asked: "What is not a dead medicine? Is it a lifelong undead medicine;

! ”

Think of the things about undead medicine, the spotted eyes flashed a glimmer of light, it is endless greed ~ ~ is the immortal medicine! It is rumored that if you eat the immortal medicine, you can gain the power of immortality, truly become the world's master, all the causes and effects can not be added, and any bad luck is resolved. As long as you eat undead medicine, you can see through the fog and understand the true meaning of the world! ”

Wen Yan, Sasuke’s heart was shocked, how can there be undead medicine in the world of fire, this kind of thing, even in the heavens is an extremely rare treasure, how can there be a world of fire! How can it involve the big tube wood night!

Seeing the doubts of Sasuke, Xuan Xu said: "This is also absolutely telling me. Dazhumu Hui night was lucky enough to get the undead medicine, but she did not come and take it, and fell into reincarnation because of the curse of the **** tree In the cause and effect. Later, Dazhumuhui was sealed and the undead medicine was lost. However, I can clearly see that in one part of the world, the undead medicine is there!"

"Sasuke, I came here just for this matter. Don't you want to get the undead medicine? Just think about it, you can live without death, you can get rid of all fate, the disaster is not possessed, the inextricable body, the real power. Really eternal!"

The temptation is extremely tempting. It is like a wolf who seduce Little Red Riding Hood. When it comes to undead medicine, the spot does not hide the desire.