One Piece: Luffy Anchor

Chapter 118: Dragon King out of scp-124


The magic puppet returned to Luffy's shoulder, and hiccuped his belly.

The tauren raised his hand and touched his neck, feeling as if he had been bitten by a mosquito, but he was not sure, in a trance.

Luffy smiled a little embarrassedly, planning to leave pretendingly.

"Captain, something abnormal happened on the ship just now..."

"Ah, it's all right. It was just an accident just now. How is Jaste's progress recently? You need to have time to rest, but don't have too much time. You should hurry up."


Lu Fei left, and the tauren looked at Lu Fei's leaving back, and suddenly felt that the captain in front of him had become unfathomable.

"Mr. Luffy, it's great to see you, something very strange happened on the boat just now."


Lu Fei nodded, "I already know that I accidentally used a magic item just now, and it's all right now."

Brooke breathed a sigh of relief, "Great, it's okay...what! Magic! Mr. Luffy can magic? What kind of magic is that? Can I perform it again? I'm so curious."

Luffy hesitated...

"You want to know?"

Brook nodded repeatedly.

At this time, Frankie also ran over, and like the previous ones, he was also for the matter just now.

After learning that it was magic, he was even more surprised than Brooke, screaming to let Luffy perform.

"Well, I only perform once, you go and call everyone else."

"Magic! Is there really magic in this world!" Knowing the truth, Kurokas stared at Luffy in surprise.

"What does magic look like in battle?" Guina was eager to try holding the sword.

"Captain Luffy, let's do it!" Just can't wait.

"I really want to witness it again." Tauren looked forward to it.

Luffy lowered his throat: "Ahem, since you want to see it, let you watch it again. I can't control this magic. You must find an exit magic to get rid of it. Do you want to see it too?"

Everyone nodded again and again.

Luffy took out the magic card-the magic card THEMAZE.

"They want to admire your power again, so please fulfill their wish. They are all my lovely crew members." Luffy murmured and said silently: "THEMAZE."

With Luffy as the center, a magic storm swept across the four directions, and the Wanli Sunshine had once again changed its appearance.

The female voice whispered: "I also like someone to play with me, I will go all out."

"Thank you."

The laughter resounded in my ears like a silver bell, and disappeared lightly.

Everyone was shocked to see the ship's appearance.

"Wow! It really changed! This is really magic! The captain is amazing!"

At this time, the outside scene could not be seen on the deck. The ship was dark all around, surrounded by stars, as if entering the night.

"Yohouhouhouhou, I suddenly want to go to the toilet, Mr. Niutou, please help me open the door to the toilet."

The tauren thought of his own experience, and looked at Luffy to the side, "Let the captain take you there. My ability here will only bring disaster."

Brook looked at Luffy, Luffy was a little embarrassed, "Sorry, I can't control this magic yet, you...need to find the toilet by yourself."

Brooke: "..."

Luffy said, "Or find a bottle to solve it."

Frankie laughed after hearing it, "Hahahaha, just don't pee on the boat."

"I'm coming to the magic maze! I want to be the first to get out of the maze!"

Brook Frank ran into the hatch.

"Perona is going to start too, see you later, the captain."

"Well, see you later."

"I'll go take a look too." Guina became curious about the maze and followed in.

Then Kurokas and Tauren also walked in.

Only Luffy and Neil were left on the deck.

Luffy opened the barrage of the live broadcast room.

"Well, they play theirs, let's continue to inspect the goods."

"Next test..."

The advanced ones that haven’t been inspected are...

SSS·scp-124 fertile land.

SSS·Phoenix Egg.

SSS·Cain's blood.

SS·The Thirteen Sacred Vampires·Blood Cup.

S. Demon Sword Village Masaru.

"How about let's take a look at scp-124?"

[Yes, put the phoenix eggs in and hatch them. ]

Luffy thought.

A crystal box containing pure black soil in the fish tank structure appeared in front of him.

The length and width of the fish tank is 3X3, 9 square meters, and the volume is 14 cubic meters.

A huge crystal box appeared on the deck, and the deck began to stretch like a living creature, and became spacious again.

Luffy knew that this was mostly the handwriting of the maze wizard.

Thanks: "Thank you."

Ruoyouruowu's laughter echoed a few times in his ears and disappeared.

Luffy came to the top of the crystal box.

An operation page appeared in front of us.

Prompt: Whether to open the cover.


The upper cover disappeared, not opened, but scattered from the middle as if it had melted.

It's a bit like the nanomechanical recombination technology that mechanical eyeballs have shown.

"Now, what do you plant?"

[SSS·Phoenix Egg! ]

"This is too dangerous, why don't you try A grade dragon eggs."

People's land is planted with plants, and it is also rare that scp-124 can grow living creatures.

When Luffy thought, the egg of the Norwegian Ridgeback appeared in his hand.

Item name: Norwegian Ridgeback Dragon King Egg (male).

Item precious degree: A.

The degree of danger of the item: ——

Introduction: Norwegian Spinosaurus, one of the fire dragons, is characterized by fast growth, teeth with venomous glands, and aggressive.

Provider: Voldemort.

Evaluation: I suggest that you incubate it in SCP-124, which can break through to S, but the character will be a bit tyrannical, and you can only subdue it if you defeat it.

This time Luffy decided to listen to the boss once.

If he can't solve it, isn't there a magic puppet beside him? Just take the opportunity to see the magic puppet's strength.

Luffy bought a crystal shovel in the mall, dug a hole in the soil, and buried the ridgeback egg in it.

From beginning to end, Luffy did not touch scp-124.

"I don't know how long it will take to hatch."


Brief introduction: SCP-124 possesses the ability to grow any biological material to its maximum potential in a very short period of time.

Luffy stared at the dirt.

"Crack, snap!"

The egg shell burst open.

The mud arched up, and a pure black Norwegian Ridgeback came out with a different color from the previous Norwegian Ridgeback.

His body grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, from the size of a palm to the size of a tire.

The crystal walls around scp-124 began to expand, filling the deck again.

Then the deck suddenly became wider and boundless.

The crystal wall continued to expand until it expanded to the size of a football field.

The Norwegian Ridgeback inside, with its eyes closed, grew rapidly in a deep sleep.

It grows to ten meters long in the blink of an eye.

This Norwegian Ridgeback is also different from the ordinary Norwegian Ridgeback.

That is, it has independent forelimbs.

The common Norwegian Ridgeback had no claws on the front end, but had three hooks on its wings.

The growth continues, 15 meters.

The Norwegian Ridgeback began to grow scales, then fell off, and eventually grew to 20 meters.

The closed eyes brushed open.

Raising his head and neighing, a mouthful of dragon flame sprayed out.

The pillar of fire is more than ten meters long and the temperature soars rapidly.

The Norwegian Ridgeback lowered his head and looked at Luffy, before hesitating, a mouthful of dragon flame sprayed down.

Luffy is alert, second gear!

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