One Piece: Luffy Anchor

Chapter 149: trap

Luffy stood up, went to the balcony and looked down.

His villa is not very big, the front yard gate is only about fifty meters away from the villa, there is no big tree to block it, there are two large symmetrical flower beds.

"Asuka? How did she find it."

"Nutou, go and invite people in."

The tauren opened the portal and sent it to the door, bowed to salute, and the incomparable gentleman invited Asuka in.

Asuka: "I'm here to send you tickets for delivery."

Item name: World coordinates ticket-recorded coordinates (3 times).

Item precious degree: A.

The degree of danger of the item: ——

Introduction: After using it, you can open a portal to the designated world.

Producer: ▇▇


"With this thing, you can enter your world?"

Asuka nodded: "Yes, this is two-way. It can also be used now. After entering, using it again will send you back."

Luffy's eyes lit up.

This is a good thing.

"Well, since you trust me, I won't refuse."

Luffy put the coordinate tickets in the storage area.

Asuka asked, "Then are you going to visit Minecraft during the holiday or wait for the end of the holiday?"

Luffy touched his chin, "This...Are you in a hurry?"

Asuka shook her head: "No hurry, this world is different from our world's time flow. Some people even say that the time here is independent. No matter how long you leave during the holidays, you will come back or leave that moment."

Luffy didn't quite understand.

"What do you mean? I have left one hundred thousand years now, and I will return to one hundred thousand years ago when I come back?"

Rixiang nodded, "That’s what it means, but you are not the one you were one hundred thousand years later, but the one hundred thousand years later. At the same time, the changes you made to a certain world during your absence will change to the one hundred thousand years later. World, but its time is 100,000 years ago."

Lu Fei blinked, how come he fainted as he talked about it?

The world after one hundred thousand years, but the time is one hundred thousand years ago?

"Meaning, the time is not synchronized?"

Asuka: "I didn't understand before, Xiao Ai said, time may not exist for higher beings at all, it is just a measurement unit of lower life's perception of the world's development."

"In our eyes, time is an irreversible straight line, and the date and time are the coordinates on this straight line. Anything can be found on this straight line as long as you name the age."

"But in fact, there are some things that clearly exist, but they are not found at all."

Lu Fei rolled his eyes, "Stop it, let's talk about this topic."

"In short, if I leave with the teleportation roll you gave me, no matter how long I leave and come back, the time here is still the time when I left?"

Asuka nodded, "Yes."

Luffy nodded: "Just know this, don't worry about other things that can't be understood."

"In that case, as long as we are on holiday, we can leave anytime."

Asuka: "Yes, Xiao Ai said, if you can't understand it, it will be regarded as returning to the past and changing the future from the present, and then returning to the present."

"This is now, but the changed world is no longer the now you know."

Luffy understood this time.

He suddenly felt that if he understood the time issue of this island, he seemed to be able to know the truth of this world.

There is a feeling that there is a layer of window paper in front of you, as long as you pierce it, you can know the truth.

But when I think about it, I can't think of anything.

It's... very tangled...

Luffy thoughtfully, "Forget it, I don't want to think about things that I don't understand. This is my greatest strength."

"I'm going to visit all parts of the island. Do you want to go together? Or make an appointment to go to your world another day?"

Asuka thought for a while, "I have nothing to do, let's go together."


at the same time.

In a multi-person hotel on the island.

Ace, who had fought with Luffy, stared at a column on the personal information panel with a gloomy face.

Lifespan: 2230.

Before, his life span was 35.

Because he was killed in the death note world, he was deducted 5 years of life.

Click to open the guild mall.

Search: props that increase lifespan.

No eligible products were found.

Click to open the platform mall.

Search: props that increase lifespan.

No eligible products were found.


Ace smashed the bed under him with a punch.

A warning window pops up: Deliberately sabotage the hotel's financial announcement, fined 10,000 yuan, please pay the fee immediately. If the fee is out of date, a more severe punishment will be imposed.

Ace gritted his teeth to suppress the anger in his heart, and paid the fee.

Is Luffy to blame?

He knew in his heart that he couldn't blame others for this.

It is he himself who is weak. If he is strong enough to kill the opponent, it is not him but the opponent who is deducted from his life.

He still has this kind of consciousness.

But my heart is still unhappy.

Half of this unhappiness is to Luffy, and half to himself.


The doorbell rang.

Ace sorted her mood, sorted herself in the mirror, got up and opened the door.

"Did you change the bed?"

The girl at the door handed out a letter with both hands, "Sir, someone asked me to turn this letter to you."

Ace took the letter.

The girl leaned slightly and left.

Ace took the letter back to the room and opened it.

The letter floated up, folded into a mouth, and made a non-male or female voice, "I have collected all of your information. The five-year life span is deducted, which is a big blow to you who are not long-lived. Right? I have what you want here, on condition that you do one thing for me."

"What's the matter?" Ace stared at the letter before him cautiously.

"It's very simple. Put the coordinates of your world into the relic box and give it to me. The relic box is a box that can only be opened after the owner's death, and then Luffy will be brought into your world."

World coordinates...

Ace directly vetoed: "Impossible."

The letter continued, "Do you still worry about what will happen to the world after you die? I will sign a contract and promise not to harm you by any means. What you have to do is to bring Luffy into your world and use you in your life. All the power reserves in the world can solve Luffy. If you can’t be killed by the opponent, then it’s my business. If you agree, I can extend your life for a hundred years, so you don’t have to worry about it all day."

a hundred years……

Ace's hand squeezed.

If he has such a long time, he will definitely find the pure gold that fans say can delay aging!

When that happens, he won't have to worry about lifespan anymore!

"Luffy is a smart man. I give him the coordinates of my world. He will definitely doubt that I am going to ambush him. After all, our relationship is not very good."

The folded mouth of the letter opened and closed: "You can use the world coordinates to start a gambling war against him. As far as I know, he has the elixir of life extension for a hundred years. You can use the world coordinates to bet against him and win. It's been more than a hundred years since you lost. It just happened to lure him to the bait. You have the best of both worlds. You just have to be more free and easy, and behave like inviting friends to be a guest at home. A little guy like him who has no experience will not be able to catch him?"


Ace closed his eyes, "Let me think about it."

The folded mouth of the letter continued to urge: "What else to think about? When he killed you, he didn't think about the price you would pay. You and him are not even friends, but strangers. "

Ace asked: "Then who are you? How can I believe you without showing up?"

The folded mouth of the letter opened and closed: "If you agree, just grab the envelope with your hand, it will bring you to see me, and then we can sign in person."

"Please rest assured, no one dares to fight privately on this island. Your safety is 100% guaranteed."

Eisley hesitated and reached out and grabbed the envelope.

The space twisted around the envelope, disappearing with Ace.


Villa area.

Luffy and Asuka chatted while enjoying the scenery on the island.

The island feels no different.

Blue sky, blue sea, golden beach.

Ordinary tropical foliage trees are planted on the beach.

In the bright sunshine, a beautiful female anchor in a swimsuit is playing beach volleyball happily.

There were many male anchors around, cheering.

There are also people carrying surfboards, waiting for the arrival of the waves, can't wait or even start to study their own making.

An anchor even bought a typhoon scroll of the magic **** level to scare people around to activate the scroll.

Luffy took Asuka and fled.

He didn't want to be slapped to death on the beach by what these fools had made.

"You seem to be afraid of water?"

"I can see it all? I am really afraid that the devil fruit will turn me into a land duck. It is said that I have to wait for the completion of the world mission to change this setting.

"Then wait for you to help me complete the world mission, how can I help you?"

"Okay, a warm welcome."

The sea suddenly became dark, and that fool should have triggered the magic scroll.

Luffy took Asuka and hid in the nearby store.

Asuka smiled and looked at the hand held by Luffy.

Luffy felt a little embarrassed and quickly let go, changing the subject, "Are you a traverser?"

Asuka looked out the window and shook her head: "No, I was born in that world."

Not a traverser?

Lu Fei suddenly felt sorry for the girl next to him.

Unlike Shinji, the mother of Asuka in the development of the EVA world went crazy because of participating in the connection experiment of the second machine. Not only did she deny her daughter, she almost choked Asuka to death, and finally hanged herself.

"Then your mother..."

Asuka smiled and said, "You have seen her, and she likes you quite a bit."

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