One Piece: Luffy Anchor

Chapter 347: Red dog died

After Luffy refused to **** the aunt.

Hancock, Moria, and Doflamingo refused the **** mission because they were not yet an official navy.

Due to the rules, the Warring States Period could not directly promote the three of them to admiral of the admiral.

So in the end, only Moria was threatened for privately expropriating Charlotte Bray, and had to accept the task and team up with the red dog to **** Charlotte Lingling.

Twenty days later, Lu Fei arrived at Chambord Island to join Huang Yuan’s Science Department.

On the same day, Lu Fei received news of Charlotte's escape from the newspaper.

-"The Navy's Major Mistakes! After the leader of the revolutionary army, Long escaped from prison, the four emperors BigMom escaped again! 》

-"Kaido will push the city down! All the prisoners in the custody are missing! 》

-"The navy has made repeated mistakes. Now in this world, what can we trust? 》

-"The three navy generals, Aka Inu, died on duty. Let us mourn for them. 》

"How did it happen?"

"Isn't Moria with them, why is it so miserable?"

There is no report about Moriah in the newspaper.

Luffy believes that the Warring States Period will definitely use Charlotte Brin to the extreme.

With Charlotte Brin here, once Kaido arrives at Push City, the Warring States Period will definitely take someone through the mirror to support!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you have lost your life."

With a slightly ridiculous tone, he knew it was Huang Yuan.

Luffy spread his hands, "I admit, I really don't want to face Kaido, at least I don't want to encounter it in the near future."

"But, I absolutely did not gloat for the death of Akagu."

Huang Yuan laughed instead.

"You are miserable, I am quite happy."

"But that guy is not dead yet. He is soaking in the jar now, waiting for me to take someone back to help."

Aka Inu is not dead?

Luffy picked up the newspaper.

In the newspaper report on the death of Akagi, there is a frontal photo of Akagi, half of his body below the right shoulder was crushed, and the belly was chopped in half.

The intestines hung on the broken wall, and the blood almost stained the entire wall red.

"It's all like this, not dead yet?"

Luffy was really shocked this time.

He admired the vitality of Akagi Xiaoqiang.

Visually, the red dog's right lung was smashed.

Among other things, it is almost impossible for a person to survive bleeding alone.

"Actually, it's not an exaggeration to say that I'm dead."

"Someone sutured his brain, lungs, and heart together to maintain a short supply of functions."


Can the three things of brain, lung, and heart be sewn together?

"What you said is true?"

Begapunk packed his bags and hurried to report.

Luffy looked at Begapunk and Yellow Ape.

"Really, it is said that people's consciousness is still sober, or they would not call me back."

"The new naval base will be handed to you first."

"The guy from the red dog yelled to Begapunk to do his body modification. I have to go back."

Human body modification... so that's it.

Lu Fei suddenly realized that he understood what Huang Yuan's sentence meant to go back to help.


"You can rest assured, leave it to me here."

Huang Yuan nodded.

Watching two people walk towards the dock.

Huang Yuan suddenly turned around and said to Lu Fei: "By the way, when I heard that Charlotte Lingling was released from prison, he started looking for you. The red dog told him about your whereabouts. You should be careful these days, maybe Charlotte Lingling Will visit suddenly."


Luffy's head suddenly buzzed.

Can't hide this?

Last time it was a trick, but I didn't have any confidence when I did it again.

If Auntie and Kaido come together...

I can't even think about it.

Huang Yuan waved his hand and turned and walked away.

Luffy shouted loudly: "Then you can't go. It's so close to the Holy Land Mary Gioia. If Kaido suddenly wants to go there for a walk, I can't organize it alone."

Huang Yuan turned his back on his back and shook his hand.

Without saying anything, people have gone further.

Luffy had to call the phone worm to the Warring States period and ask about the details.

One-way inquiry.

Lu Fei has some insights into what happened in Propulsion City.

Learn about Charlotte Bree's suicide.

Charlotte Bree commits suicide, Kaido arrives at Push City, and the Navy Headquarters has caught up with the rescue.

In addition, the person who stitched the red dogs together was Hogback.

Hogback is Moria’s ship doctor.

The two were advancing the city to converge, just in time for Kaido to land.

Think about it, this world can be so crazy that only the freak dares to do so by stitching up people's brains, lungs, and hearts to maintain life.

"People are dead, and your navy won't let it go. Isn't it too cruel?"

The voice of the Warring States Period came from the phone worm: "I also feel cruel, but Akinu doubts this. I can only respect his choice."

Persevering so...

In other words, the red dog asked Hogback to sew himself?

It's crazy.

"My heart is very sad when the red dog is killed."

"Next, let's talk about the construction of the headquarters."

"I think it is necessary to stop work here."

"I heard Huang Yuan say that Aka Dog told Kaido about my whereabouts."

"I think I need to avoid it first."

"After all, behind me is the Holy Land Mariejoa. If I brought Kaido here and put the Holy Land Mariejoa in danger, I would be too sorry."

The phone worm looked at Lu Fei with contempt.

"Are you scared?"

Luffy banged his chest: "Afraid? Really kind of."

"The red dogs are dismembered, can't I be afraid."

"Of course, I'm not afraid, or else I couldn't go to the cake shop and rob people."

"It's just... you see... the emperor is in the dark, I am blaming, this is not good for performance."

"First shift the strategy, give me three years, and promise to get the place back."

The phone worm's expression has improved.

"This is a bit like a word."

"But our navy is going to stand in the light and crush all the dark sides."

"This is our duty, and it is incumbent."

"Besides, you also said that behind you is Maria Joa, you should stick to it till the end."

Luffy's mouth twitched.

Fortunately, the call worm changed the front, "But you don't have to worry too much. Your grandpa has already set off for you. When Huang Yuan sends Begapunk back, he will also go back to support you."

Luffy heard that the old man was coming.


But then I was puzzled.

"By the way, why don't you send Aka Inu?"

"Isn't it more convenient to have an operation like that?"

The phone worm was stunned.

"You wait for me to ask."

I heard that the Warring States dialed another phone worm and said Luffy's question.

The phone worm has a changeable expression.

"Surgery can only be performed here, right?"

"Is it because the instrument doesn't allow it?"

"Well, that's it."

The phone worm over there hangs up.

"This matter should be handed over to the Ministry of Science and the Department of Medical Care. We didn't understand it, so we were fooled."


Chatted with the Warring States for a while.

Lu Fei hangs up the phone worm and dials L's call.

Except for Frankie, everyone else returned to the City of Water through the ability to mirror fruits.

Charlotte Lingling and Kaido, although they know where he is.

But it does not rule out the possibility of making trouble in the city of water.

So Luffy must prepare early.

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